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Safe Gun Legalization New

New Mexico gun stores/offices
Congress of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Dear local gun stores of Albuquerque,

Guns are a main topic for major issues in this state. Every year there are many acts of
crime that result in injury or death due to an individual owning a gun that should not t be.
According to many resources it is very easy to make a purchase on a gun, which can lead to
putting that gun in the wrong persons hands.
Safe Gun Legalization New Mexico (SGLNM) is a non-profit organization to demand
safer streets, as well as promote an individual to be able to carry a fire arm for self-protection.
Owning guns has changed by people misusing them, and it is time to reinforce higher demands
out of purchases. Our organization is asking you to give the chance of making the streets safer.
The first step to a safer state is to take a strong look at our proposal. We simply ask that
you sell permits that include safer gun laws at your local stores. The laws we are asking to add to
the current laws can only benefit the state. Also, stores will go up in sales due to more
responsible people wanting to purchase a gun for their self-protection, as well as the price of a
permit. Our organization will do all of the advertisement to get the word out about these safer
laws, which can only promote gun stores. This is a win, win situation!
SGLNM as well as many others are thankful for your time to take a strong look at this
simple way to minimize the criminal activity in New Mexico.

Terance Barela
President of SGLNM
2121 Cobalt St SE

Albuquerque, NM 87119
Safe Gun Laws New Mexico is a small organization that wants nothing more than to
reduce the gun violence in New Mexico, as well as encourage individuals who will use fire arms
for the right reasons to purchase them. The levels of gun violence are high, and this is due to the
fact that some individuals own guns even when not qualified to do so. SGLNM encouraging
people who meet the requirements to make a gun purchase for self-protection can reduce their
chance of many other crimes also, such as sexual assault, and kidnapping for many reasons.
Also, denying an individual who does not meet the requirements of making a gun purchase can
also reduce the action of crimes in New Mexico.
SGLNM is very small right now, but hope to grow starting with the support of local
individuals. Families have been destroyed by someone who had a gun that shouldnt have, as
well as people who were scared to make a gun purchase that never did and were put in a situation
that could have been different if they had a firearm on hand.
Local gun stores will benefit from this movement as well, by adding this permit, profits
will go to the store. Gun stores will not go out of business, but instead attract more business with
our advertisements of self-protection gun purchases of our supporters as well as our
advertisement. All profits will go to the stores.
After our out of pocket advertisement we hope to start this movement as quickly as
possible. Mothers, fathers, and other relatives of someone who has been affected by this issue
will likely volunteer to help promote this act, as well as purchase a gun and a permit who have
not before for their own protection.
According to the New Mexico department of public safety there are gun laws that are
somewhat effective, but SGLNM wants to push these laws to a stricter level because there is still
gun violence that can simply be reduced by supporting this organization.

New Mexico Gun Violence

Gun Violence
Gun owners

Current Situation
Current gun laws in New Mexico are mediocre at best when it comes to putting the gun
in the right persons hands due to the amount of poor gun activity. Currently, an individual is not

required to get a permit while they are making a gun purchase. Many instances could have
previously been changed by these new permits.
One example is recently a licensed private party gun salesman sold a gun to an individual
without having to give a background check, and the buyer later after that purchase ended up
being the cause of four deaths.
Another instance is one individual who met all of the requirements to purchase a gun
went to a local gun store and purchased multiple guns at once. After doing so, this gun owner lost
track of one of his hand guns. After he realized it was missing, he did the right thing by reporting
it but it was too late. Law enforcement had found the gun lying next to three dead bodies. This
may have been stopped the laws were simply that he cant purchase these multiple firearms at
one time.
The gun laws in New Mexico are not currently horrendous, the gun violence could
potentially go down if SGLNM gets our point across. There are many other instances that could
have been different if there were stricter laws than the current ones.
In a study done by New Mexico Gun Violence Facts, New Mexicans are more likely to
die from gun violence than soldiers at war. Statistics show there is an average of 330 deaths per
year due to firearms since 1990, and is continuously increasing annually, this does not include
the injuries from firearms that could have ended in a death. Also, 1 out of every 5 individuals are
intimidated of going to a gun store and making a purchase. The request given in the proposal has
high hopes, and confidence for that number to gradually decrease, and self-defense increase.

Project Plan
Safe Gun Laws New Mexico hopes to simply add to the current laws in New Mexico prior to
a gun purchase. After our organization did its research, according to the law center to prevent
gun violence these are the laws that are not demanded in New Mexico.

Require a background check prior to the transfer of a firearm between private parties.

Prohibit the transfer or possession of assault weapons, 50 caliber rifles or large capacity
ammunition magazines.

License or significantly regulate firearms dealers.

Limit the number of firearms that may be purchased at one time.

License firearm owners.

Require the registration of firearms.

Prohibit individuals convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic

violence protective or restraining orders from purchasing or possessing firearms.

Impose a waiting period on firearm purchases.

Regulate unsafe handguns.

Our organization is willing to do whatever it takes for local stores to have these laws reinforced.

Step 1: Gather family members and friends to help slowly get the word out about the dangers of
a misused gun, and how if the state stands to these new laws we can help reduce these dangers.
Every organization has to start somewhere, usually small and hopes to grow, which is
what SGLNM is going to do. We plan on passing out flyers, mailing letters to local houses, and
getting the word out with the internet. After this we hope to have reached out to a couple of
people and improve our advertisement with billboards, commercials, and newspaper adds. We
can achieve this with out of pocket funds, and with the help of our supporters.
Step 2: After the word is out about our organization and how we plan to make New Mexico
safer. We hope these laws will be added to the current New Mexico laws.
Once the congress of New Mexico agrees with our proposal, and we will not stop until
they do because this is a serious issue. We strongly believe they will, with our local supporters
with us, and the potential results in a positive impact for the citizens of New Mexico this will
cause. If the constitution keeps denying these new gun laws, we will keep pushing our movement
every day.
Step 3: Once the new gun laws have enforced, we dont plan on stopping there.
The streets can be very dangerous even if with stricter gun laws. Many people already
own a gun that should not. We plan to ask for donations from people who supported our

movement and got these laws passed on our website, as well as out of pocket funds from family
and close friends to continue with advertisement. This advertisement is to encourage individuals
who qualify and meet all of the new gun laws to get one of our permits as well as purchase a gun
for the right reasons only.
Safe Gun Laws New Mexico will not get their request granted without the proper
qualifications. Even if their points are valid, the congress of New Mexico may not grant our
requests without experience, and education.
Many volunteers may donate their time and help support our organization, however,
Branden Barela (my brother), Warren McKinney (a close friend), and myself are the ones who
run the organization and we meet requirements that hopefully the congress will respect. Each of
us have a strong educational background, which includes a degree in law, and all are a 3.8 and
above grade point averages. Each of us have solid experience of how dangerous these streets can
be. All three of us were part of the Albuquerque Police Department, and have seen many times
poor usage of firearms that could have been prevented.
Like the people we have as volunteers to support us, we each have been affected by
something our protest could have possibly been prevented, which is another reason why we
demand these permits/laws. If we illustrate to the congress our real life instances, and they see
our education and police work, we have a better chance.
SGLNM is a part time job with poor pay, but for a good cause with the only income
being donations. Therefore in order to run the organization, one must have a full time job that
maintains a good income.
SGLNM hopes to one day grow past just New Mexico. If it does, our organization would
need people in other states to be reliable with education and experience to make their state a
safer place. Even though the income may be low for potentially working many hours, people
with high skills would want to help operate the organization because they like Branden, Warren,
and myself dont want an incident to occur that may not have if our proposal was accepted. Also,
a plus would be that many people have or know someone who has been affected by a misuse of a
gun, therefore, the donations may be a descent income.

SGLNM will receive barely any income at all. The only costs that we will need will to
get our advertisements out. Branden, Warren, and I have a solid income for a solid paying job
currently which helps us get our advertisement started.
The costs will vary depending on the kind of advertisement, we will start off cheap and
get more expensive with the more supporters we have as well as donations.

To start SGLNM plans to use methods that are cheap, which include fliers, approximately
5000 total which will total an out of pocket price from all three of us at $35. Letters in the mail
would be another source at approximately 300 houses for a total of $70. Also, we will use the
internet, which will include social media, creating a SGLNM page, and any way we can get our
proposal out with the internet for a price of $0. The beginning steps of our advertisement is a
total cost of $105 and $35 each. This will hopefully attract a few supporters.
Once our proposal is slightly out, we encourage supporters to donate to help get it out
even more. Advertisements more expensive such as renting a four billboards for a month at
$1200. Another big advertisement move would be putting a commercial on T.V. for 30 seconds
for a total of $9000. A final way would be an ad in the newspaper stating our proposal costing
$150. We are hoping to get some help from the supporters for this one. Totaling $10,350 and
$3450 each, (if first advertisement ideas does not work).
Advertisement such as these is the only way to get our proposal passed with a strong
support system, as well as the only cost.
Total advertisement cost = $10,200 and $3,400 each. Assuming we get approximately
%30 of this total from supporters we would raise a total of $3,060 from supporters. Our total out
of pocket costs would be $7,140 and $2,380 each.
Also, once the laws are enforced and hoping everything is at a 100% success, we will
advertise with commercials why someone who meets these laws should purchase a gun for their
self-protection for a year. The total for this is $20,000 over a year.
Total cost will vary depending on success rate, and how much time it will take to get
SGLNM approved.
Getting ahold of a gun can be easy, even if an individual meets all of the current
requirements to purchase, that seller may be putting that gun in the wrong persons hands.
SGLNM gives the state of New Mexico to take that gun away from someone with bad intentions,
and give it to someone with good ones.
Getting the congress to pass these new laws will lead to safer streets, less gun crimes, and
less deaths in New Mexico. SGLNM also will encourage people who are intimidated to purchase
to do so, which can make them feel safer, or save their life.
Local gun stores, as well as licensed private party gun sellers will make more profit for
their store because SGLNM does not ask for any profit from the permit, and we possibly will
bring in new customers.
Yes, this can possibly take money out of our pocket rather put money in, but we are more
concerned with this movement, rather than the money. SGLNM has only good intentions for the
state, and hopes to keep the people and the state safer.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We would be greatly appreciative to have
help keep New Mexico a safer state, and possibly save someones life!

Works Cited

"CHC FAQs | New Mexico Department of Public Safety." New Mexico Department of Public
Safety RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

"Gun." New Mexico Laws -. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

"Guns in New Mexico - Firearms, Gun Law and Gun Control." Guns in New Mexico - Firearms,
gun Law and Gun Control. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

"New Mexico Gun Violence Facts You Wont Believe." PROGRESSNOW NM. N.p., 14 Jan.
2014. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

"New Mexico State Law Summary." Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence RSS. N.p., n.d. Web.
10 Apr. 2016.


1616 Sobra Ct SE

Objective: Looking for a long term full time job where I can apply my extensive
skills and knowledge to the position for which I am hired.

Work Experience

Water Delivery, Coffee TimeAlbuquerque, New Mexico


Cashier, SmithsAlbuquerque, New Mexico


Baseball Instructor, Albuquerque Baseball Academy

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Sales Representative, Best BuyAlbuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque Police Department, Albuquerque New Mexico

Educational Background

Bachelors of law, University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, New



Associates of Arts, New Mexico Junior CollegeHobbs, New




Military, University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, New Mexico

Marine Corps

Objective: Looking for a long term full time job where I can apply my extensive skills and
knowledge to the position for which I am hired.
Work Experience

Water Delivery, Coffee TimeAlbuquerque, New Mexico


Sales Representative, Best BuyAlbuquerque, New Mexico


Cashier, SmithsAlbuquerque, New Mexico


Baseball Instructor, Albuquerque Baseball AcademyAlbuquerque, New

Albuquerque Police Department, Albuquerque New Mexico


Educational Background

Bachelors of law, University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, New Mexico

Associates of Arts, New Mexico Junior CollegeHobbs, New Mexico


Military, University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, New MexicoMarine


Resume Review Sheet

Students name: Terance Barela
Your Name: Ernest Barela
Your Profession: Creater/Manager of local Business

Please list three things that this resume does well:

1. Clearly states Work experience, Education, and skills.

2. States the objective of what he is looking for in a profession.

3. Well organized, good separation, and usage of dates.

Please list three things that this resume can improve/add (especially according to conventions of
resumes in your discipline):
1. Make a business really want you, talk about how good you to some extent.

2. Give some more skills.

3. Keep adding to it!

Thank you!

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