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JUNO's Journey to Jupiter


JUNO's Journey to Jupiter

1. What is JUNO?

By Erin Horner
Photo credit:
Have you ever been on
a road trip? A road trip
can be a lot of fun. You
can play car games, listen
to music, and do silly
things with your family
and friends. On some road
trips, people travel for
days. It can feel like a
long time. A space trip,
however, lasts a lot longer
than that! On August 5, 2011, the JUNO planetary probe was
launched into space. It is heading toward Jupiter. JUNO will travel
for five years before it arrives at its destination! It's a good thing no
people are on board! JUNO is expected to start orbiting Jupiter on
July 4, 2016. It will then spend fifteen months studying the giant
planet. The probe will survey Jupiter's atmosphere. It will also try
to learn more about the planet's core. Scientific data collected will
be sent back to Earth. Once the probe has completed its mission, it
won't return to our planet. Instead, it will crash into Jupiter. JUNO's
trip to Jupiter will hopefully lead to many great discoveries.

2. What will happen after JUNO studies Jupiter?

A. It will be launched into space.
B. It will orbit Jupiter.
C. It will crash into Jupiter.
D. It will go on a road trip.
3. Which of the following is an opinion?
A. JUNO was launched on August 5, 2011.
B. JUNO will travel for five years before reaching Jupiter.
C. Road trips are fun.
D. JUNO's journey to space is longer than most road trips.
4. What will JUNO study?
A. the Milky Way
B. the Earth' core
C. the sun
D. the planet Jupiter
5. The title of this story, JUNO's Journey to Jupiter, is an
example of ______.
A. hyperbole
B. alliteration
C. onomatopoeia
D. a simile


JUNO will travel for five years before reaching Jupiter. Would you
want to take a road trip that lasted that long? Why or why not?

Imagine that you were in Cape Canaveral, Florida, when JUNO was
launched. What was it like to see this spacecraft take off? What were
you thinking as you watched the probe begin its long journey?

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