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Reflection of lesson2: what do you know about our solar system?

Todays lesson went very well as they enjoyed doing some activities.
I started my lesson with PowerPoint to introduce the new terms, then I reviewed the inner
and outer planets, in this activity I used to separate them into two students one presents the
inner and the other one is outer, and the rest student has different names of the planets and
they have to classify themselves, which allows them to move around the class, which
activate the students ad made them interested to answer and move. I ended my class with
problem solving question, in this way for me as a teacher I ensure that they understand the
concepts of the lesson in a different aspects. Also differentiate the type of tasks into group
work, peer and individual, in this way they used to collaborate, ad share their knowledge, but
in individual they depend on themselves to evaluate their understanding. At the end I used
to go through each student to give them a feedback about what do they did in solving
problem question, according to Skinner it is the teacher role to tell the students their
mistakes and correct it .

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