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Brandon Underwood

UWRT 1102
Extended Inquiry Project
There are people all over the world who enjoy travelling with extreme passion. After
studying the topic for a semester a lot has been learned about the subject of exploration and
travel. There are six sources used for this paper that tell us different subjects about travel. These
perspectives vary from personal experiences to factual information about the tourism industry.
Travel is an effective way for many people to experience new surroundings, meet new people,
and push their own limits. There are many opinions and point of views in the travel industry, and
in the paper there will be much to learn about the different ideas.
There is a blog on the internet called Travels of Adam, in which the author is a young
man who quit his standard 9-5 job and decided to travel the world why he was young. Adam has
been very successful at writing a blog. In fact on the website he even has tabs that have guides
of the cities that he has visited. Reading the city guides would be useful for future travelers to
learn from his trip so they will know as much information about the city before they arrive.
Adam keeps his blog up to date with the coolest cultural things to do around the world.
According to the author, his main reasons for traveling around the world is to see people, to try
new things, to eat new foods, and to learn. This is all personal opinion, however it is a very
useful information in helping to understand why people decide to be active rather than wanting
to settle down in one location.

The second travel topic comes from the Express, which is a common newspaper in
London and all over the United Kingdom. One question I wanted to answer throughout this
semester is what makes a place the most visited city in the world. According to Paul Baldwin,
London is the biggest tourism city in the world. The city welcomed 5.1 million tourists between
April through June in 2015. According to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, "People come
from around the world to experience our unique mix of history, culture, shopping and worldclass events. With our spectacular autumn season of culture and the Rugby World Cup having put
London in the spotlight once again, we'll undoubtedly be welcoming even more tourists to
London in the months ahead. It is easy to notice how and why London is the biggest attraction
for tourist in the world.
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer may be the most important reference for the entire project.
The idea for travel came from the main character of this book, Chris Mccandless. Chris was a
young man who did put value on physical things, he did not value money. Instead Chris found
joy in traveling the world and experiencing what remote places have to offer. The idea to use
travel as a topic came from Chriss fearless expeditions, such as his final trip to Alaska. One
thing that I found interesting about Chris is that he had a great career ahead of him that he
completely ignored. Mccandless graduated from Emory University with honors. After he
graduated he easily couldve landed a successful career and settled down with a family, just as
millions of Americans do in their twenties. It is shocking that he left to travel the world as a
hitchhiker without even letting his family know. Many readers wonder why Chris would even
waste his time with school if he was not going to use it. I believe that Chris loved to learn, and
after college he wanted hands on experiences about the real world.

Throughout my research of the topic of travel I have learned a large amount about the
ways that travel is changing with the times. For example according to Amanda Machado in
How Millennials are Changing Travel written in The Atlantic, it is the younger generation that
is the most likely to travel to a foreign country. Also according to the article The United
Nations estimates that 20 percent of all international tourists, or nearly 200 million travelers, are
young people, and that this demographic generates more than $180 billion in annual tourism
revenue, an increase of nearly 30 percent since 2007. This is very important information with
anyone associated with the tourism industry. Many hotels have started to cater to the younger
crowd by appealing to them by offering many technology friendly options to use during their
vacation. This article answers the question of who are the most likely people to travel. As the
statistics turn out, elderly people are less likely to try and get out of their comfort zone in a new
country or city. In fact it states that when elders do travel on a vacation, they are likely to visit a
city or destination that they have visited before in their life.
Dinah Eng wrote an article in The New York Times called "What Do Millennials Want?
Hotels Have Some Ideas." The article explains in detail some of the things that hotels are doing
to stay ahead in the ever-changing world of travel and tourism. Due to the fact that younger
people are becoming more likely to travel, hotel owners and marketers have decided to change
the traditional hotel visit. For instance, Marriotts Renaissance Hotels have introduced Evenings
at Renaissance, a free event for guests featuring local craft beverages chosen by the hotel
bartender and local drink experts. It is common practice in many hotels globally to have mobile
apps that give hotel guests the ability to select rooms, check in digitally or order a meal before
arrival. These are becoming standard mobile features in most fancy hotels. All of these features

are very appealing to the more common young traveler, hotels have taken notice and are cashing
in on the increasing numbers of traveling millennials.
Air travel is one of the biggest ways that people on vacation move around the world. In
todays modern society the airport can be the biggest source of stress that a tourist will have to
deal with on their trip. Jane L. Levere wrote an article in The New York Times titled "Using Apps
to Ease the Headache of Navigating Airports." The article is about a new app for smartphone
users that gives tourists turn by turn directions inside of many large international airports. The
technology is useful because on the GPS of the airport, travelers can pin point the location of
what terminal they need to board, as well as the find the locations of restrooms, food and drink,
and all other services in the airport. American Airlines has released this app for Miami
International Airport, Chicago OHare International Airport, as well as San Jose and Phoenix
Airports. In the near future turn by turn airport navigation will be made available for Dallas-Fort
Worth International Airport, La Guardia Airport in New York City, Los Angeles International
Airport, Heathrow Airport in London, and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. This technology is a
huge advancement in the travel industry, now many tech-savvy travelers will have an easier time
navigating some of the worlds most crowded airports.
It is now understood that the subject of travel means different things to every traveler. A
hotel manager will have a mindset to make money, while tourists are usually interested in
making memories, learning new things, trying different foods, and just enjoying their time in a
different surrounding. It was learned that London is the city that has the most incoming tourists
in the world due to their unique mix of history, culture, shopping and world-class events. We
have found out that Chris Mccandless was a one of a kind young man who did not value money
and was only interested in exploring the world. The trends for the most likely people to travel

are millennials rather than elders, due to the idea that younger people are more spontaneous and
the elder generations do not prefer to leave their comfort zones. Hotels and travel agencies have
upgraded many of their five-star hotels. It is now common practice to offer apps for smartphones
in which residents of the resort can order food, check in and check out through the convenience
of their own phone. Lastly, many airports around the world are producing new technology that
guides tourists around the airport with turn by turn navigation. After extensive research I have
learned that travel means something different to each person. In my opinion, travel is about
seeing the world, and learning what is out there. It is a beautiful world, and I believe that
memories are more valuable than material possessions.

Works Cited
Adam. "Why Do People Travel?" Travels of Adam (Hipster Blog). 2016 Travels of Adam, 29
Sept. 2012. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.
Baldwin, Paul. "London's Tourism Industry Is Booming According to New Figures." Express.
N.p., 15 Oct. 2015. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.
Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild. New York: Anchor, 1997. Print.
Machado, Amanda. "How Millennials Are Changing Travel." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media
Company, 18 June 2014. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.
Eng, Dinah. "What Do Millennials Want? Hotels Have Some Ideas." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 04 Apr. 2016. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.
Levere, Jane L. "Using Apps to Ease the Headache of Navigating Airports."The New York Times.
The New York Times, 28 Mar. 2016. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.

Reflection of Final Draft

After writing this Final draft of the essay I can say that I have used a lot of the writing
strategies that were used in class to help word and create the Essay. With the use of different
types of sources I could easily explain travel in a factual and in an emotional sense. If I had only
used personal blogs, or just factual articles then it would have made for a very one-dimensioned
paper. For example the blog created by the traveler named Adam appeals to the pathos. Pathos
is a rhetorical strategy that appeals to peoples emotions. For instance Adam says that everyone
should experience all that the world has to offer because it is a beautiful place and you will miss
out if you limit yourself to staying in one location. The factual sources that I chose are very
credible articles. Two of which came from The New York Times, and the others are from Express,
and The Atlantic, which are large news reporting companies. The use of many sub-projects
required with the Extended Inquiry project have helped me understand more about travel than if I
only did a research paper. The structure of the paper helps the reader understand information
about travel by people with different point of views. Each paragraph is written by a different
author and many of them offer different information about travel.

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