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Matrix structural analysis solves practical problems of trusses, beams, and frames. The
stiffness method is currently the most common matrix structural analysis technique because it is
amenable to computer programming. It is important to understand how the method works. This
plates are some of the examples of stiffness method (known as the finite element method,
particularly when applied to continuum solid components) problems.
As one of the methods of structural analysis, the direct stiffness method, also known as
the matrix stiffness method, is particularly suited for computer-automated analysis of complex
structures including the statically indeterminate type. It is a matrix method that makes use of the
members' stiffness relations for computing member forces and displacements in structures. The
direct stiffness method is the most common implementation of the finite element method (FEM).
In applying the method, the system must be modeled as a set of simpler, idealized elements
interconnected at the nodes. The material stiffness properties of these elements are then,
through matrix mathematics, compiled into a single matrix equation which governs the behavior
of the entire idealized structure. The structures unknown displacements and forces can then be
determined by solving this equation.
MATHCAD is a software program that uses a unique method to manipulate formulas,
numbers, text, and graphs. Unlike programming languages, the equations are written as they
would appear in a mathematics reference book, against a background screen in which descriptive
text may be placed arbitrarily. The equations may be solved analytically or numerically by using
functions from a pull-down menu bar. Descriptive text may be placed anywhere inside the
document. MATHCAD also produces one-, two-, or three-dimensional plots which may be
embedded anywhere in the document. Any document on the screen can be printed out in its
entirety on any windows compatible printer. The combination of equations, text, and diagrams in
an open-screen environment makes application development easy.
GRASP is an exploratory-type of instructional and learning material about modeling and
analysis of framed structures in 2D is presented. Each module focuses on a specific issue on
structural modeling and analysis which is discussed with the aid of graphical and tabular results
obtained from the 2D structural analysis software.

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