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~ Eggs-ploring Inheritance Patterns This activity uses plastic eggs to get you to explore various inheritance patterns that exist in nature. As you go through this activity, you may come across things that you already know. However, there will also be some things that you haven't yet seen. Don't let this stop you from figuring out what is going on. If you get stumped, talk things over with your group members first and come up with an idea before you call me over. Ziploc Bag #1: 1. When you take the eggs out of the bag (before looking inside them), describe what you see. 2. Why do you think the eggs are different? Explain your answer. 3. Open the eggs and look at the contents inside. What do you think the items inside represen’ 4. How do you think these items are impacting the observations you wrote down in question 1? Come up with an explanation for your answer. iploc Bag #2: 5. When you take the eggs out of the bag (before looking inside them), describe what yousee. _ 6. What's different and/or similar between these eggs and the previous eggs (Ziploc Bag #1) and why do you think there are differences and/or similarities?

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