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Liberal Studies Lesson Plan for LS 4000/4001

Isidora Pierattini
Lesson: 3 grade

Grade Level for this

I. Academic Content Standards

Writing Standards 3.2: Write information/explanatory texts to examine a topic and

convey ideas and information clearly.
Writing Standards 3.8: Recall information from experiences or gather information
from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into
provided categories
Speaking and Listening Standards 3.1: Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions (one on one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse
partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their
own clearly
Speaking and Listening Standards 3.2: Confirm understanding of a text read
aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and
answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not
Speaking and Listening Standards 3.6: Speak audibly and express thoughts,
feelings and ideas clearly.

II. Unit of Study

Close listening and reading to nonfiction texts including narratives,
poems and familiar songs. Being able to work well with small groups and
share out collaborative discussions and own ideas and thoughts
III. Academic Learning Outcomes
1. TLW begin to learn that songs have a story and a tone behind it
2. TLW begin to learn that songs have text
3. TLW work collaboratively and in a class discussion
IV. Implementation
1. Introduction to Lesson (Hook)
Good Afternoon class. Since we are focusing a lot on text and
reading, I wanted to share with you that words do not have to be
just visual, it could also come from songs. It got me wondering if
anyone listens to music when you are driving in the car with your
parents? Did you know that songs that you listen to are really
stories, and the artists that write them are actually the authors
behind it?
2. Sequence of Activities
1. TTW introduce lesson as stated above
2. TTW say Well today we are going to listen to a song that you
might know, it is from a movie, and personally one of my


favorite songs. I want you to pay close attention while you

listen. Think about what the song is about
3. TTW ask a student to help pass out the I hear, I think, I
wonder worksheets.
4. TTW inform the class that the song is Colors of the Wind
from Pocahontas and that she sung this song to tell us
something important.
5. TTW remind the class that the name of the song goes in the
first I hear box
6. TTW explain how the lesson will go.
7. TTW say We will use the worksheet in front of you to take
notes on what we hear, think and wonder about during the
song. It is important that we talk through what we are thinking
as small groups and as a class so we can help each other
understand what Pocahontas is trying to tell us
8. TTW tell the class that we will listen to the song once then
write on our worksheets. The first box is the what we hear.
In this box we can write words we might not know, or phrases
or words that are repeated in the song.
9. TTW share that the next box is the what we think box. Write
what pops into your head about what the song is about. The
theme about the song, the story, or what you picture is going
while you are listening.
10. Lastly, TTW inform that the last box is the I wonder box.
This is your reflective box. Write what you wonder about after
the song is over. This could be a question to ask in your small
groups or something that you are interested about.
11. TTW check for understanding for each box from the
students. Would someone like to remind me what goes in
each box or one of the boxes?.
12. TTW write a mock worksheet on the white board as the
students are reminding the teacher what goes in each box so
students have a model on the board if they forget what they
should write in each box
13. After you write in the first row (check if students remember
what a row is and reinforce it) you will talk among your small
groups about what the song is about. Then we will discuss it
as a class.
14. The teacher Now this is a lot of information, I want to
make sure that everyone is successful during each step.
Would someone help me write on the board the steps we will
be doing after each time we listen to the song?
15. TTW call on a student to help write the three steps on the
board. Might look something like this:
a. 1. While listening to the song write on the worksheet


b. 2. After everyone finishes talk in small groups about

what they wonder about
c. 3. Share with the rest of the class what you talked about
in small groups.
16. TTW double check if the class understands what the first
step is.
17. Alright class lets play the song.
18. TTW use YouTube or iPAD (no visuals) to play the song
Colors of the Wind (from Pocahontas)
19. While the song is playing TLW write down what they think
and wonder during and after the song
20. TTW be walking around the room during the song to see
what students are writing about and monitoring work.
21. After the song is played TTW make sure that students are
done writing by walking around the room and see how
students are doing. After the teacher can tell that almost
everyone is finished writing tell the class to finish their last
thought on the worksheet and turn and talk with your small
groups about what they wonder about for the song.
22. After small group time for about 5 minutes or so TTW direct
the class to a small class discussion about what they think the
song is about.
23. Questions the teacher might asked the class:
a. What are the feelings that you had when you first heard
the song? Did the song have a happy sound, sad,
strong? And why do you think that is?
b. Who do you think her audience is, who is she singing
too? why is that important to the song?
24. TTW start the song over and steps 19-22 will be done over.
25. This is the third and last time to listen the song. Steps 1922 will be repeated.
26. TTW start a class discuss about what students are thinking
and wondering about after hearing the song three times.
27. TTW ask questions to close the day
a. During todays lesson can anyone tell me what they
think they story behind the song is?
b. How did the tone of the song make your feel?
c. Do you think this is why Pocahontas sung this song?
28. Closure is inserted here
29. TTW tell the class to please place all of their worksheets in
the turn-it-in box before they head out.
3. Closure
Sometimes if we cannot express our feeling in words, other like to
express it in a song. Pocahontas really wanted to express that this man
cannot take her land just because he wanted it. What do you think about

Pocahontas character just by listening to her song? Remember that all

songs have a story and a strong meaning behind it. When you are in the
car listening to the radio on your ride home try to find the meaning
behind what you are listening too. Tomorrow we will be looking more
closely into the lyrics of Colors of the Wind and what the theme
Pocahontas is trying to share with us.
Grouping Strategies
Whole: After the first, second and third time listening to the song the
whole class is in a discussion about what they are thinking and
wondering about after hearing the song and what each group talked
about during their small group time.
Small: After each time listening to the song the students are working
in small groups about 2-4 people about what they are thinking and
listening. This gets students to be able to think about their ideas aloud
and reflect it against each other
Independent: Each student is doing their own worksheet and writing
about their ideas and thoughts on paper.
Differentiated Instruction
ELL: TTW give them a sheet with definitions of words that they may
not know that appear in the song. Modeled worksheet on the white board
gives these students the ease on not having to remember/if they forget what
goes in each box of the worksheet. Also giving these students time to listen
to the song beforehand will familiarize the song.
ADHD: Giving students iPads so they can listen to the song on their
own timing. Giving students a lovey (something that they can hold and
squeeze) so they can hold and have something to concentrate on. Giving
students time to reflect and just think the first time without writing anything.
V. Assessment:
1. TTW be able to hear what students thoughts are during their class
2. TTW assess what students write down on their I hear, I think, I
wonder worksheets
VI. Materials:
I hear, I think, I wonder worksheet
White board
Definitions of words
YouTube or iPAD to be about to play the song so the whole class can hear


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