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Written Expression TOEFL

1. The dwarf lemon tree, grown in many areas of the world, bears fruit when it is
fewer than A B
six inches in high.
Jawab: (D) high (yang benar = height)
Keyword: six inches in high.
Pembahasan: Setelah preposisi (in, on, at, by, of, from, etc) harus diikuti noun (kata benda), jadi
kata “high” (adjective/kata sifat) seharusnya diganti kata “height”.

2. The brain composed of a mass of softly gray matter in the skull that controls our
Jawab: (B) softly
Keyword: softly gray matter.
Susunan Noun Phrase:
D: Determiner (a, an, the, etc)
O: Opinion
S: Size
A: Age
T: Temperature
S: Shape
C: Color
O: Origin
M: Material
P: Purpose (dalam bentuk V3 atau Ving)
N: NounFrasa
Frasa benda pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya soft (opinion) gray (color) matter (noun).

3. Polluter is a topic of such importance today that even elementary school children are
well informed about its dangers.
Jawab: (A) Polluter
Keyword: Polluter
Pembahasan: Kata yang seharusnya digunakan adalah pollutant (penyebab polusi).

4. Best represented in a famous oil painting by da Vinci, The Last Supper it is an important
part of the history of Christianity.
Jawab: (C) it
Keyword: The Last Supper it is.
Pembahasan: Dalam satu klausa seharusnya hanya ada satu subjek dan satu predikat, karena pada
kalimat di atas terdapat subjek ganda, maka kata “it” harus dihilangkan.

5. Together with his friend Little John, Robin Hood are fondly remembered today by
millions of people.
Jawab: (B) are
Keyword: Together with.
Pembahasan: Noun setelah together with tidak memengaruhi perubahan predikat.
Pada kalimat tersebut subjectnya adalah Robin Hood, maka predikatnya seharusnya was
(tunggal, lampau).

6. In Vermont, the sap the maple tree is the primary ingredient in producing maple syrup.
Jawab: (A) the
Keyword: The sap the maple tree.
Pembahasan: Kalimat tersebut memiliki subjek ganda sehingga harus ditambahkan of sebelum
the maple tree. Hal ini karena the sap tersebut merupakan bagian dari maple tree.

7. After to have won the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for A Bell for Adano, John Hersey wrote a
nonfiction book about the bombing of Japan.
Jawab: (A) to have
Keyword: after.
Pembahasan: Kata “after” sebagai preposisi (kata depan) + Gerund (Ving), Kata “after” sebagai
conjunction (penghubung) + klausa (subyek + predikat).
Pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya “after having won…”

8. The smallest hummingbirds beat their wings 70 times a second and are about two inched
Jawab: (D) inched
Keyword: two Inched long.
Pembahasan: Frasa yang seharusnya digunakan two-inch long, “two-inch” pada kalimat ini
merupakan adjective.

9. Quality, price, and located are often considered to be the primary concerns in buying a
Jawab: (A) located
Keyword: quality, price, and located.
Pembahasan: Penggunaan concord (kesetaraan)
Kata “located” seharusnya diganti menjadi “location” supaya setara dengan quality dan price
yang termasuk kata benda (noun).

10. The name “America” comes from Amerigo Vespucci, who was a 16th-century
Italian explorer.
Jawab : (B) comes from
Keyword: a 16th-century Italian explorer.
Pembahasan: Karena nama “America” diambil dari penjelajah Italia abad ke-16, seharusnya
menggunakan past tense (V2) seharusnya dipakai adalah “came from”.

11. Marie Curie won two Nobel Prizes for their discoveries of radioactivity and radioactive
Jawab: (B) their
Keyword: Marie Curie.
Pembahasan: Karena mengacu pada Marie Curie (tunggal, perempuan), pronoun yang
seharusnya dipakai adalah her.

12. The developing of the submarine was hindered by the lack of a power source that
could propel an underwater vessel.
Jawab: (A) developing
Keyword: the developing of.
Pembahasan: Kata di depan “of” (preposisi) harus dalam bentuk noun, dan bentuk noun (kata
benda) dari developing adalah “development” (perkembangan).

13. Although humans have highly developed brains, most animal have acuter senses
than them .
Jawab: (D) than them.
Keyword: have more acute senses than them.
Pembahasan: Karena mengacu pada kepunyaan (have more acute senses), maka
yang seharusnya dipakai adalah “than theirs”.
14. The movement of the stars was first noticed by early travelers, who used the stars to
guide its way across the sea.
Jawab: (D) its
Keyword: travelers.
Pembahasan: Kata “its” seharusnya diganti dengan “their” karena mengacu pada travelers

15. Those who have seen what is believed to be Noah’s Ark says it is the largest than a
modern battleship.
Jawab: (D) the largest
Keyword: than.
Pembahasan: Kata “than” menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tersebut merupakan comparative
comparison, sehingga seharusnya “it is larger than”.

16. On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic one fossil forest consist of a nearly hundred large

stumps scattered on an exposed coal bed.

Jawab : (B) a nearly
Keyword : hundred large stumps
Pembahasan : a nearly -> nearly
Kata “a nearly” tidak memerlukan indefinite article/determiner “a”, karena kata benda
stumps adalah plural.

17. The surface conditions on the planet Mars are the more like the Earth’s than are those of
any other planet in the solar system.
Jawab : (B) The more
Keyword : the planet Mars
Pembahasan : the more -> more
Pola comparative: more ___ than ___
Maka seharusnya tidak perlu definite article “the” tapi cukup “more” saja.

18. The midnight sun is a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains in the sky for
twenty-four hours or longer.
Jawab : (B) visible remains
Keyword : the sun
Pembahasan : visible remains -> remains visible
Kata the sun dalam anak kalimat di atas memerlukan predicate bukan
noun phrase (visible remains). Yang tepat seharusnya remains visible.
19. The Humber River and its valley form a major salmon-fishing, lumbering, hunting,
and farmer region in western Newfoundland, Canada.
Jawab : (D) farmer
Keyword : and
Pembahasan : farmer -> farming
Konjungsi and digunakan untuk menghubungkan kelas kata yang sederajat.
Karena sebelum “and” bentuk katanya adalah gerund maka kata farmer
seharusnya diubah dalam bentuk gerund juga yaitu farming.
20. Ethnology, usually considered a branch of cultural anthropology, is often defined
as the scientifically study of the origin and functioning of humans and their culture.
Jawaban : (D) Scientifically
Keyword : the scientifically study
Pembahasan : Kata kunci seharusnya membentuk frasa kata benda, namun
penggunaan scientifically (adverb) tidak sesuai karena kata yang diterapkan
merupakan noun (study).Kata yang seharusnya dipakai adalah scientific

21. The one-fluid theory of electricity was proposing by Benjamin Franklin, a man famous
for his wide interest and great attainments.
Jawab : (B) proposing
Keyword : was proposing by
Pembahasan : kalimat ini seharusnya membentuk kalimat pasif (be + V3) karena ada kata by.
Jadi predikat pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya was proposed by.

22. Probably not speech of so few words has ever been as celebrated as Lincoln’s Gettysburg
Jawab : (A) not speech
Keyword : not speech of
Pembahasan : penggunaan speech (pidato) pada kalimat diatas tidak tepat karena tidak
Bisa digunakan bersamaan dengan not. Frasa yang digunakan seharusnya no speech.

23. Generally, Abstract Expressionist art is without recognizable images and does not
adhere the limits of conventional form.
Jawaban : (C) Adhere the
Keyword : adhere the limits
Pembahasan : Kata adhere jika diikuti object harus menggunakan to. Jadi frasa yang
dipakai seharusnya adhere to the limits.

24. Perhaps the most distinctive features of sharks and undoubtedly one of the most
important reasons for their success is their well-debeloped sensory system.
Jawaban : (A) Features
Keyword : one of the most important reasons
Pembahasan : Karena frasa one of the most important reasons mengacu pada features
maka kata ini harus dalam bentuk tunggal (feature).
25. Almost every the hereditary material of an individual organism resides in the
Jawaban : (A) Every
Keyword : every
Pembahasan : Kata every tidak mungkin diikuti the, jadi kata ini seharusnya all of.

26. The fiction writer, poetry, and critic Edgar Allan Poe is among the most familiar of
American writers and one of the most enigmatic.
Jawaban : (A) Poetry
Keyword : writer; critic
Pembahasan : Kata and menggabungkan kata-kata yang setara, dalam hal ini writer,
poetry, dan critic. Namun penggunaan poetry tidak tepat karena berarti ‘puisi’ sementara dua
kata lainnya adalah ‘penulis’ dan ‘kritikus’ yang merupakan profesi. Jadi poetry seharusnya
menjadi peot (penyair).

27. In June, 1846, near Sacramento, California, a number of new settlers rebelled in the
Bear Flag revolt and proclaiming California an independent
republic. D
Jawaban : (D) Proclaiming
Keyword : and
Pembahasan : Kata sambung and membandingkan hal-hal yang setara, dalam kalimat ini
yaitu rebelled dan proclaiming. Namun kedua kata ini tidak setara karena rebelled berbentuk
lampau dan proclaiming berbentuk gerund. Jadi proclaiming seharusnya diganti proclaimed.

28. Mitosis is the normal process by which a cell divides, each new cell ending up with a
same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Jawaban : (D) a
Keyword : same
Pembahasan : Kata same tidak diawali oleh artikel a karena menunjukkan sesuatu yang pasti.
Artikel yang tepat adalah the.

29. There are a series of large-scale wind patterns all over Earth are called prevailing
winds that have a direct effect on weather and climate.
Jawaban : (B) are called
Keyword : Earth
Pembahasan : Kata earth pada kalimat berfunsi sebagai subjek, karena itu tidak dapat langsung
diikuti kata kerja. Dibutuhkan kata kerja untuk mengacu pada earth, yaitu which. Jadi bentuk
yang tepat adalah which are called.

30. On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-topped mountains more than a mile
beneath sea level.
Jawaban : (B) is
Keyword : hundreds of flat-topped
Pembahasan : Kalimat hundreds of flat-topped mountains berfungsi sebagai subjek. Kata yang
tepat adalah are karena masuk dalam kategori Inversion.

31. Because of the flourish with which John Hancock signed the Declaration
of A
Independence, his name become synonymous with signature.
Jawaban : (C) become
Keyword : signed
Pembahasan : signed (past) paralel dengan became (past) bukan become (present)

32. Segregation in public schools was declare unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in
Jawaban : (B) was declare
Keyword : was declare unconstitutional
Pembahasan : kalimat tersebut termasuk kedalam jenis kalimat passive voice dengan rumus
(Be+V3). Jadi kata yang tepat adalah was declared.

33. Sirius, the Dog Star, is the most brightest star in the sky with an absolute
magnitude A
about twenty-three times that of the Sun.
Jawaban : (A) the most brightest star
Keyword : is the most brightest star
Pembahasan : ingat pada aturan Comparison degree –Superlative. Jadi kata yang tepat adalah
the brightest star.

34. Killer whales tend to wander in family clusters that hunt, play, and resting together.
Jawaban : (C) resting
Keyword : that hunt, play, and resting together.
Pembahasan : kata hunt, play, dan resting together seharusnya pararel. Jadi kata yang tepat
adalah rest.

35. Some of the most useful resistor material are carbon, metals, and metallic alloys.
Jawaban : (C) material
Keyword : some of …. Material are
Pembahasan : kata kerjanya are jadi membutuhkan subjek plural. Karena kalimat some of ….
Material menandakan plural. Jadi kata yang tepat adalah materials.

36. The community of Bethesda, Maryland, was previous known as Darcy's Store.
Jawaban : (B) previous
Keyword : known
Pembahasan : kata known berbentuk sebagai adjective (Adv+Adj), maka dari itu kata yang
tepat adalah previously.

37. Alloys of gold and copper have been widely using in various types of coins.
Jawaban : (C) using
Keyword : have been
Pembahasan : kata have been seharusnya diimbuhkan dengan V3, jadi kata yang tepat adalah

38. J. H. Pratt used group therapy early in this century when he brought tuberculosis patients
together to discuss its disease.
Jawaban : (D) its
Keyword : patients
Pembahasan : kata patients pada kalimat diatas berbentuk jamak, jadi kata yang tepat adalah
their, karena their merujuk pada kata patients.

39. The United States has import all carpet wools in recent years because domestic wools are
too fine and soft for carpets.
Jawaban : (A) import
Keyword : has
Pembahasan : kata has seharusnya digabungkan dengan V3, jadi kata yang tepat adalah

40. Irving Berlin wrote "Oh How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" while serving in a U.S.
Army during World War 1.
Jawaban : (C) a
Keyword : while serving in a U.S. Army
Pembahasan : kata a termasuk kedalam jenis indefinite, yang berarti tidak pasti. Sedangkan
kata while serving berarti sesuatu yang pasti jadi kata yang tepat adalah “the”. Karena the
termasuk kedalam jenis definite.

41. Banks are rushing to merge because consolidations enable them to slash theirs costs
and expand.
Jawaban : (C) theirs
Keyword : slash theirs cost
Pembahasan : kata theirs tidak dapat digabungkan dengan noun. Jadi kata yang tepat adalah
“their”, Karena their dapat digabungkan dengan Noun.

42. That water has a very high specific heat means that without a large temperature change
water can add or lose a large number of heat.
Jawaban : (D) number
Keyword : heat
Pembahasan : kata heat pada kalimat diatas menandakan uncountable noun. Jadi kata yang
tepat adalah “amount”, karena kata tersebut menandakan uncountable sedangkan kata number
menandakan countable noun.

43. Benny Goodman was equally talented as both a jazz performer as well as a classical
Jawaban : (C) as well as
Keyword : both
Pembahasan : kata both seharusnya digabungkan dengan kata “and”. Jadi kata yang tepat
adalah “and”.
44. The state seal still used in Massachusetts designed by Paul Revere, who also designed
the first Continental currency.
Jawaban : (B) designed by
Keyword : designed by
Pembahasan : kata designed by membutuhkan kata kerja yaitu was. Jadi yang benar adalah was
designed by.

45. Quarter horses were developed in eighteenth-century- Virginia to race on courses short of
about a quarter of a mile in length.
Jawaban : (B) courses short
Keyword : to race on courses short
Pembahasan : penempatan pola pada kalimat “courses short” salah, atau terbalik. Seharusnya
pola yg digunakan adalah (adjective+noun) bukan (noun+adjective). Jadi kata yang tepat adalah
short courses

46. No longer satisfied with the emphasis of the Denishawn School, Martha Graham
has moved to the staff of the Eastman School in 1925.
Jawaban : (D) has moved
Keyword : in 1925
Pembahasan : terdapat tahun pada kalimat, maka perlu kata kerja simple past bukan past
perfect. Jadi kata yang tepat adalah moved.

47. William Hart was an act best known for his roles as western heroes in silent films.
Jawaban : (A) act
Keyword : William hart was an act best known
Pembahasan : kalimat diatas bermaksud pada pelakunya, jadi kata yang tepat adalah “actor”.

48. Prior to an extermination program earlier this century, alive wolves roamed across nearly
all of North America.
Jawaban : (C) alive
Keyword : alive wolves… of North America
Pembahasan : kata alive seharusnya ada dibelakang kalimat atau diakhir kalimat. Jadi kata
yang tepat adalah “live” karena (adjective+noun).
49. During the 1960s the Berkeley campus of the University of California came to national
attention as a result its radical political activity.
Jawaban : (C) result
Keyword : attention as a result…. activity
Pembahasan : merujuk kalimat diatas kata result seharusnya digabungkan atau ditambahkan
kata “of”. Jadi kata yang tepat adalah “result + of (berpasangan).

50. Artist Gutzon Borglum designed the Mount Rushmore Memorial and worked on project
from 1925 until his death in 1941.
Jawaban : (B) project
Keyword : worked on project from….
Pembahasan : kata on project seharusnya diselingi atau diimbuhkan kata “the”, jadi kata yang
tepat adalah “on the project” (frasa yang sudah umum)

1. ____ Jane has an excellent resume, she hasn’t found a job yet.
(A) However
(B) Yet
(C) That
(D) Although
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Terdapat dua cluse: clause 1 (Jane has an excellent resume), clause 2 (she hasn’t found a
job yet). Karena ada dua clause maka kita butuh 1 connector untuk menghubungkan ke
dua clause tersebut. Dari pilihan jawaban yang ada, hanya pilihan B dan D yang
merupakan connector. Pilihan B salah karena kata yet ketika menjadi connector berada di
tengah clause atau di antara ke dua clause bukan di awal kalimat; yet masuk dalam
coordinate connector. Pilihan paling tepat ialah D. Although masuk dalam kategori
subordinate connector yang letaknya bisa di antara ke dua clause bisa juga depan kalimat.

2. _____ several universities that have excellent engineering schools.

(A) There are
(B) The
(C) There is a lot of
(D) Some of
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause ditandai adanya connector ‘that’. Clause 1 ‘——
several universities’ kehilangan kata kerja. Clause 2 ‘that have excellent engineering
schools’ sudah lengkap. Subjectnya ialah that yang juga berfungsi sebagai connector.
Olehnya, kita butuh untuk melengkapi clause pertama yg kehilangan verb. Dari pilihan
jawaban yg ada, hanya pilihan A dan C yg berisi verb. Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan
3. Many Middle Eastern diplomats still feel that the United States is intent _____ the
ultimate police in the region.
(A) to being
(B) being
(C) be
(D) on being
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Pasangan Phrase: intent + on

4. Woodrow Wilson believed the United States’ entry into World War I would put
a _____ to the war in months.
(A) to stop
(B) stop
(C) stopping
(D) will had stopped
Pembahasan Jawaban: article ‘a’ + noun
Dari pilihan jawaban hanya B yang merupakan kata benda (noun).

5. _____ of New York’s Erie Canal greatly enhanced trade in the upstate region.
(A) The complete
(B) Completing
(C) A completing
(D) The completion
Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas.

6. A leech, after _____ the skin, is best removed by the application of either salt or heat.
(A) it attaches itself to
(B) attaching it
(C) its attaching to
(D) where it attaches to
Pembahasan Jawaban: kata after menandakan adanya clause lain selain clause utama ‘A
leech is best removed by the application of either salt or heat’

7. _____ east of the Mississippi River.

(A) Indigo was grown usually
(B) Usually grown was Indigo
(C) Indigo usually grown
(D) Indigo was usually grown
Pembahasan Jawaban: Kata adverb (usually) umumnya terletak setelah helping verb BE

8. _____ wrote the operetta Babes in Toyland, drawn from the childhood characters of
Mother Goose.
(A) That was Victor Herbert who
(B) Victor Herbert who
(C) Since it was Victor Herbert
(D) It was Victor Herbert who
Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan kalimat di atas ialah subject kalimat.

9. Some of the oldest and most widespread creation myths are _____ involving the all-
giving “Earth Mother.”
(A) those
(B) them
(C) they
(D) their
Pembahasan Jawaban: those mengarah ke subject kalimat yang plural (myths).

10. In _____ , disk technology has made record albums almost obsolete.
(A) the decade from
(B) the decade since
(C) the past decade
(D) decade ago the
Pembahasan Jawaban: Hal ini seharusnya sangat mudah, karena sangat umum digunakan.
Jika tidak biasa didapatkan gunakan rumus Noun Phrase (Adjective + Noun)

11. In the first few months of life, an infant learns how to lift its head, smile, and _____ .
(A) parents to recognize
(B) recognize its parents
(C) recognizing its parents
(D) the recognizing of its parents
Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel Structure: lift (infinitive), smile (infinitive), and recognize

12. Juana Inez de la Cruz _____ Mexico’s greatest female poet.

(A) considered
(B) considered to be
(C) is considered to be
(D) is consideration
Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah verb untuk mengisi kalimat. Pilihan yang
berisi verb lengkap sesuai makna kalimat ialah pilihan C.

13. Because the metal mercury _____ in direct proportion to temperature, it was once used as
the indicator in common thermometers.
(A) is expanding
(B) expands
(C) is expanded
(D) expanded
Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat 1 connector ‘because’ yang menandakan
adanya dua clause. Clause 2 ‘it was once used as the indicator in common thermometers’
sudah lengkap. YYang kita butuhkan ialah verb untuk melengkapi clause 1. Subject dari
clause 1 ialah ‘the metal mercury’. Dari segi makna ada dua piihan jawaban yang
memungkinkan ialah pilihan B dan D. Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan B karena konteks
dari clause 1 mengarah ke waktu sekarang (present tense).

14. _____ what is now San Salvador, Christopher Columbus believed that he had found
(A) He reached
(B) When did he reach
(C) Having reached
(D) Whether he reached
Pembahasan Jawaban:
Yang terlihat di kalimat, terdapat 3 clause dan dua connector (what & that). Clause 1
(what is now San Salvador), clause 2 (Christopher Columbus believed), clause 3 (he had
found Japan).
Ingat prinsip kalimat bahasa Inggris: jika ada dua clause maka butuh 1 connector, 3
clause butuh 2 connector, dan 4 clause butuh 3 connector.
Pilihan A salah karena terdapat 1 clause baru tanpa connector. Jika dimasukkan dalam
kalimat maka akan terdapat 4 clause hanya dengan dua connector.
Pilihan B salah karena menggunakan helping verb ‘did’. Did ketika bersama WH
Question (when) hanya digunakan dalam interrogative sentence.
Pilihan D salah karena whether bukanlah subordinate conjunction. Subordinate
conjunction ialah conjunction atau connector yang bisa terletak di awal dan di
pertengahan kalimat.

15. The principal purpose of aviation medicine is _____ by people aboard an air¬craft in
(A) to study the stress experienced
(B) study the experienced stress
(C) to study stress experiencing
(D) study the stress experience

Pembahasan Jawaban:
is to study (is + to infinitive) adalah bentuk umum / sudah sangat umum digunakan dalam
to study the stress experienced (untuk memplejari tekanan yang dialami)

16. Amanda Way’s career as a social reformer____ in 1851 when, at an antislavery meeting in
Indiana, she called for a state woman’s rights convention.
(A) begin
(B) began
(C) have begun
(D) to have begun

Pembahasan Jawaban :
Kalimat tersebut terdiri dari dua clause:
1. Amanda Way’s career as a social reformer____ in 1851 when
2. she called for a state woman’s rights convention.
Anda bisa lihat bahwa clause pertama kehilangan verb (kata kerja) olehnya yang harus kita cari
yaitu verb yang bisa mengisi clause tersebut. Jawaban A salah. Clause ke dua menggunakan kata
kerja bentuk past (called) jadi begin yang berbentuk present tidak paralel dengan clause ke dua
tersebut. Kalimat harus paralel. Jawaban C berbentu past perfect. Ingat past perfect tak akan
menggunakan kata keterangan waktu yang pasti seperti pada kalimat ini. Kata keterangan waktu
yang pasti pada klaimat ini yaitu in 1851. Jawaban D lebih jelas tak sesuai.

17. Thomas Paine, _____, wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American
colonies with the cause of liberty.
(A) writer of eloquent
(B) whose eloquent writing
(C) an eloquent writer
(D) writing eloquent

Pembahasan Jawaban :
Di antara ke dua koma stelah subject itu membutuhkan appositive yang menjelaskan terkait
identitas subject Thomas Paine.

18. When natural gas burns, its___ into atoms of carbon and hydrogen.
(A) hydrocarbon molecules, breaking up
(B) broke up by hydrocarbon molecules
(C) hydrocarbon molecules break up
(D) broken up hydrocarbon molecules

Pemabahasan jawaban :
Kata its membutuhkan Noun (phrase) setelahnya. Phrase hydrocarbon molecules sesuai dengan
persyaratan in, sementara kata break up menjadi verb dari its hydrocarbon molecules.

19. _____ ballet dancers learn five basic positions for the arms and feet.
(A) All of
(B) Of every
(C) All
(D) Every

Pembahasan Jawaban :
Jika menggunakan jawaban A maka seharusya all of the ballet dancers. Jawaban D salah. Kata
every harus bertemu noun singular sementara dancersberbentuk jamak.

20.The chief sources of B12, a water-soluble vitamin ____ stored in the body, include meat, milk
and eggs.
(A) is not
(B) that is not
(C) not that is
(D) that not
Pembahasan Jawaban :
Ada dua clause:
1. The chief sources of B12 include meat, milk and eggs.
2. a water-soluble vitamin ____ stored in the body.
Clause ke dua menjelaskan subejct dari clause pertama. Clause ke dua tersebut membutuhkan

The reasons for the extinction of a species, and for the rapid rates of change in our environment,
are currently a focus of much scientific research. An individual species' susceptibility to
extinction depends on at least two things: the taxon (the biological group - kingdom, phylum,
class, order, family, or genus) to which a species belongs, and the overall rate of environmental
change. Fossil evidence shows that more mammals and birds become extinct than do mollusks or
insects. Studies of the extinction of the dinosaurs and other reptiles during the Cretaceous Period
show that a changing environment affects different taxa in different ways. Some may be
dramatically affected; others less so.

The best way to answer the question of what causes an extinction is to combine fields of inquiry
and viewpoints. Using the fossil record and historical documentation, the different rates of
extinction of various taxa and different responses to environmental change can be detected.
Then, the evolutionary development of the different species can be compared and traits that may
be disadvantageous can be singled out. Finally, researchers can use mathematical formulas to
determine whether a population is likely to adopt itself tо the changing environment or
disappear. Hopefully, as more of this information is collected, specialists in different fields -
physiological and behavioral ecology, population ecology, community ecology, evolutionary
biology and systematics, biogeography, and paleobiology - will work together to make
predictions about the broader changes that might occur in the ecosystem.

1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

A. assessment of the work of specialists concerned with ecology
B. a discussion of possible causes of extinction, and of ways to make predictions about
environmental change
C. the changing aspects of our environment
D. a comparison of the existing rates of different taxa

2. The word susceptibility in line 3 is closest in meaning to:

A. insensitivity
B. receptiveness
C. immunity
D. vulnerability

3. An example of a taxon would be:

A. a phylum
B. the rate of environmental change
C. a fossil
D. studies of extinction
4. The author compares mammals and birds to:
A. mollusks and insects
B. phylum and class
C. dinosaurs and reptiles
D. ecologists and biologists

5. It can be inferred from the passage that a significant event of the Cretaceous Period was:
A. the appearance of many taxa
B. the dramatic effect of the dinosaur on the environment
C. the extinction of birds
D. the extinction of dinosaurs

6. It can be inferred from the passage that dinosaurs:

A. included species that were mammals
B. were better represented in the fossil record than other species
C. possessed disadvantageous traits
D. were not susceptible to extinction

7. The word dramatically in line 8 means:

A. strongly
B. inspiringly
C. flimsily
D. visually

8. The word fields in the line 9 is closest in meaning to:

A. areas
B. meadows
C. studies
D. careers

9. From the passage it can be inferred that disadvantageous traits are:

A. occurring at different rates
B. a contributing cause of extinction
C. adaptable
D. learned by mathematical formulas

10. The expression singled out in line 15 is closest in meaning to:

A. isolated
B. blamed
C. seen
D. divided

11. According to the passage, the likelihood of a population becoming extinct can be:
A. lessened by the efforts of a few concerned specialists
B. unaffected by environmental change
C. determined by mathematical formulas
D. almost impossible to ascertain

12. The word broader in line 20 is closest in meaning to:

A. fatter
B. extra
C. wider
D. many

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

1. B. a discussion of possible causes of extinction, and of ways to make predictions about

environmental change
Pembahasan: Soal ini yaitu terkait soal main idea. Cara menjawab soal semacam ini cukup
dengn membaca kalimat pertama setiap paragraf. Untuk belajar lebih jauh terkait skill ini,
klik Tips Menjawab Soal Reading TOEFL: Main Idea Question. Kata kunci utama terdapat pada
The reasons for the extinction of a species (Paragraf 1) dan what causes an extinction (Paragraf

2. D. vulnerability
Pembahasan: Cara menjawab soal pertanyaan kosakata seperti ini yaitu dengan mencari
sinonim di pilihan jawaban yang sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.

3. A. a phylum
Pembahasan: Jawaban terdapat pada the taxon (the biological group - kingdom, phylum, class,
order, family, or genus).

4. A. mollusks and insects

Pembahasan: Jawaban terdapat pada more mammals and birds become extinct than do mollusks
or insects.

5. D. the extinction of dinosaurs

Pembahasan: Soal bentuk ini masuk dalam kategori soal Implied Detail Questions -di mana
Anda mesti menyimpulkan ide dari kalimat atau key word tertentu.
Jawaban terdapat pada Studies of the extinction of the dinosaurs and other reptiles during the
Cretaceous Period show that a changing environment affects different taxa in different ways.

6. C. possessed disadvantageous traits

Pembahasan: Soal bentuk ini masuk dalam kategori soal Implied Detail Questions -di mana
Anda mesti menyimpulkan ide dari kalimat atau key word tertentu.
Jawaban terdapat pada Then, the evolutionary development of the different species can be
compared and traits that may be disadvantageous can be singled out.

7. A. strongly
Pembahasan: Cara menjawab soal pertanyaan kosakata seperti ini yaitu dengan mencari
sinonim di pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.

8. C. studies
Pembahasan: Cara menjawab soal pertanyaan kosakata seperti ini yaitu dengan mencari
sinonim di pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.

9. B. a contributing cause of extinction

Pembahasan: Soal bentuk ini masuk dalam kategori soal Implied Detail Questions -di mana
Anda mesti menyimpulkan ide dari kalimat atau key word tertentu.
Jawaban terdapat pada the different rates of extinction of various taxa and different responses to
environmental change can be detected. Then, the evolutionary development of the different
species can be compared and traits that may be disadvantageous can be singled out.

10. isolated
Pembahasan: Cara menjawab soal pertanyaan kosakata seperti ini yaitu dengan mencari
sinonim di pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.

11. C. determined by mathematical formulas

Pembahasan: Jawaban terdapat pada researchers can use mathematical formulas to determine
whether a population is likely to adopt itself tо the changing environment or disappear.

12. C. wider
Pembahasan: Cara menjawab soal pertanyaan kosakata seperti ini yaitu dengan mencari
sinonim di pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.

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