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Title: Honorable devotion

Author: David McKenzie

Once upon a time there lived three kings named Ferdinand, Merlin, and
Crassicauda. King Crassicauda started a conquest to expand his empire across the
land. Crassicaudas army was a destructive force burning through everything in its
path. He began to take up territory from king Ferdinand. Ferdinand sought to form
an alliance with king Merlin. Together they fought Crassicauda and his army. They
were victorious and the war came to an end. Crassicauda had retreated to the south
of the land and was not heard from again. King Merlin and Ferdinand became best
friends and their kingdoms were united.
Ferdinand had three sons. Their names were Elsinore, Ferris, and Cristo. Many
years had passed and king Ferdinand became old and weary. He died an honorable
man and a hero. All of Ferdinands sons were appointed to be kings of the land, but
Elsinore, the eldest of the three, was chosen to be king of kings by their father
Ferdinand. Elsinore named the land that he and his brothers ruled over Ferdinand,
after their father.
King Merlin had two sons. Their names were Johnston and Fisto. When Fisto,
the oldest son of Merlin, turned 18 he was sent to govern the east part of Merlins
domain. While he was there he met an old man. He came to Fisto and gave him his
daughter to marry. The woman was very beautiful and won over Fistos heart. The
old man was very cunning and deceitful in his speaking.He convinced Fisto to use
his authority to stir up the people against the kingdom of Ferdinand. Merlin received

word that his son had been engaged to a woman that was not recognized by the
king. Merlin went to his sons house and demanded an explanation. Merlin saw the
old man sitting next to his son. Merlin recognized him immediately as Crassicauda.
Merlin ordered Crassicauda to be executed. Merlin sought to cut off this evil mans
influence on Fisto, but it was too late. Crassicauda had cursed his soul and
corrupted his mind.
Fisto broke Crassicauda out of prison the day of his execution. They both
made their way to the outer wall of the castle, but they were discovered. They were
surrounded by the honorable knights of Merlin, the kings guard. Crassicauda turned
to Fisto and asked him if he trusted him. Fisto told him that he trusted him with his
life. Crassicauda smiled and drove his dagger through his heart. Crassicauda started
laughing uncontrollably as arrow after arrow began to pierce his body. As soon as
the ninth arrow hit him he collapsed to his knees. The last words of Crassicauda
were this, Even in death I shall continue to curse this land.

Chapter 1
My name is Zach. I am the son of king Ferris and the grandson of the great
king Ferdinand. This is my story. I was about to turn eighteen years old and was
expected to get married, start a family, and bring honor to my family. I would soon
embark on a journey to find my beloved wife. I had consulted with my father and
together we decided that I should travel to speak with Elsinore, the king of kings.
My father spoke to me before I left on my journey, You will journey
throughout the land of my father, and will seek guidance from my older brother, He
will direct you either to continue your journey to Johnston Tower or to return home
and continue to build up your estate. Do not be sorrowful if you are bidden to

return, the almighty knows your condition completely. If you are accepted to
continue do not be swayed by the evil that will await you passed Castle Cristo. Once
you leave our borders you mustnt be distracted. Outside of the land of Ferdinand
lives the remnants of the Crassicauda. An evil king has great influence over their
people and you must avoid them at all costs. Here are two rings. They have our
family crest on them. If king Elsinore gives you his blessing you will take them with
you and present yourself to king Johnston, and ask for Princess Elizabeths hand in
marriage. Be strong on your journey. You will be tested, but if you have faith in the
teachings of our family you will be protected and will be victorious, My father
concluded. I will do as you have said, Father, I will not falter,
After I finished talking with my father I began to prepare to meet my uncle,
Elsinore. I dressed myself in armor, gauntlets, and equipped a large two handed
sword to my back. Then I took the two rings that my father gave me and put them
on a chain that I wore around my neck.
You ready to go, a man said in a loud voice. It was Lucas. Lucas is one of
my cousins and is going with me on my journey. Yah I just got to say by to my
mom, I responded. Alright but hurray up mommas boy or Im gonna leave you,
Lucas said sarcastically.
I went to say my goodbyes to my 6 brothers, my two sisters, and my mother.
I then left my fathers kingdom and began my journey to Elsinore..

Chapter 2
There are many monsters that roam the fields between my fathers house
and my uncles Large walls have been constructed around the kingdoms to protect
the citizens from the creatures that lurked outside. It was a three day trip from

Castle Ferris to Elsinore, and there were many wild beasts that blocked mine and
Lucass path. We have been trained by our fathers and were strong warriors. We
stopped at a village to rest. Tomorrow I will need to talk with my uncle.
you did good getting this far Zach, I was worried those monsters were gonna
eat you right up, said Lucas. What!! I pretty much saved your life today, I said
excitedly. Haha!! Just keep telling yourself that kid, I had the situation under
control, I would have been fine without ya, Lucas Responded Stop calling me kid,
youre the same old as me, I exclaimed Im 18 and your 17 that makes you a kid,
Said Lucas. They both laughed and joked, but the room went silent. Whats the
matter, demanded Lucas. Im worried about tomorrow, what if I say something
wrong, I sighed heavily. Dont worry man talking to uncle Elsinore cant be as
scary as those monsters we fought right, Lucas responded. I smiled, Right this will
be a piece of cake.
Lucas and I arrive at Castle Elsinore. Castle Elsinore has twelve towers that
surround the palace. Each tower is placed 1 mile apart from each other.
Lucas says, Hey, Im going to the town square, meet me there when your
finished here, I nodded my head and entered the palace. As soon as I walked into
the palace I recognized my cousin, Adam. Adam is well built and has blue eyes and
blond hair. Adam, Im here to see your father, I Exclaimed. Adam gestured this
way he is expecting you. I Followed Adam into the throne room where I was
greeted by my uncle.
Zach, I havent had a visit from you in a while, what can I do for you, King
Elsinore said in a relaxed tone. I am here to ask for your insight and direction. I
would like to journey to Johnston Tower to ask for princess Elizabeths hand in
marriage. I said firmly. Elsinore sat back in his thrown and closed his eyes, then he

opened them and responded, bring me the rings that your father has given to
you. I slowly walked up to him and handed the rings over. Elsinore took the rings in
his hand and bowed his head. He then began to whisper a prayer. King Elsinore
looked up and exclaimed, You must go to Johnston Tower and ask king Johnston for
his daughters hand in marriage. Take these rings with you. I have blessed them
with the power to strengthen you and enlighten you in times of danger. You must
take the rings in your hands and pray to the father in the name of the son, then he
will bless you with the ability to see into the hearts of others. However the power
the rings will give you will vary depending on your faith in almighty one. Go to your
uncle Cristo and tell him your situation. He will provide you with everything you
need to get to Johnston Tower.
I exited the throne room and found Adam. Looks like Im heading to Johnston
Tower. I said to Adam. Adam looked concerned, be careful I hear there have been
a lot more attacks from the South. I will, and Lucas is coming with me so Ill be
fine, I said cheerfully. Adam smiled and wished me good luck and farewell.

Chapter 3
Lucas and I started going to Castle Cristo. The monster attacks had seemed
to get worse the closer we got. we stopped in a village and heard from the people
that there been a recent behemoth sighting near the village. A group of soldiers had
moved to the village to protect the people in case the behemoth attacked the
village. The soldiers began making plans to mobilize and take down the behemoth.
Lucas and I showed up and offered to assist the soldiers to fight off the behemoth.
Do you really think we should help fight the monster Zach? Lucas asked.
Whats wrong you scared, I smiled. Ya and you should be to, Have you ever seen

a behemoth, theyll rip you to shreds, Lucas said in horror. My father told me that
a man is only as strong as his faith, and that faith is the opposite of fear, I
Explained to Lucas. Lucas agreed and we went to enlist ourselves into the soldiers
The leader of the squad was named Terry. Terry was a tall bald man with an
eye cover on one of his eyes. Terry began to speak to his squad loudly, we will not
let this monster terrorize our people, we must kill it before it hurts anyone else.
Terries squad had 15 soldiers including Terry, Lucas, and Zach. The squad made
their way to the woods outside of town. Terry was very experienced at tracking
monsters. The group followed the trail for many hours before they came up to a
small cave. The floor of the cave was covered in bones and half eaten bodies.
Suddenly we all heard a roar from outside the cave. The behemoth had ambushed
us. Terry yelled for everyone to get into formation, but before he could even finish
saying the words the behemoth spun around and knocked most of us off our feet
with its long tail. The behemoth leaped closer to the men and started digging its
long claws into the soldiers bodies. I was still trying to recover from the previous
blow when Terry jumped to his feet. He held up his spear and threw it straight into
the beasts torso. Lucas and I got up and started cutting the beast with our
weapons. I ran to the back of the behemoth and cut off its tail. The behemoth let
out a scream and thrust its body into me. I fell to the ground, and Lucas jumped
onto the back of the behemoth and started stabbing it along its back until he got to
the head. Then I jumped to my feet and used cut off the head of the behemoth. The
behemoth was dead. There were 3 soldiers that were killed by the behemoth and 6
that were critically injured. We took the injured back to the village then Lucas and I
began to prepare to leave for Castle Cristo. Terry came to us and told us how

impressed he was with our skills. Terry was a high ranking general in uncle Cristos
military. He asked where we were heading and he told us he was going in the same
direction. Terry decided to join our party to Castle Cristo.
The three of us made it to Castle Cristo. we were greeted by soldiers, and
escorted to the Castle. Castle Cristo had a stronger military than the other castles.
This was necessary because geologically they were the most vulnerable out of any
of the other kingdoms. Terry, Lucas and I walked up the stairs up to Cristos
quarters. I told uncle Cristo everything Elsinore had told me to. I asked Cristo for
safe passage to Johnston Tower.
Cristo Responded, There have been more and more attacks from the
Crassicauda. It is not likely that you can make it there, but if Elsinore thinks you
have it in you then I do to, be careful boys, without faith you will not make it to
Johnston Tower, but if you will believe in your heavenly father he will strengthen you
and will make you strong, Cristo agreed to help us and he enlisted 10 soldiers to
aid us on our crusade. We thanked Cristo for the help, but it was getting dark. Uncle
Cristo told us to spend the night and leave in the morning.

Chapter 4
That night I dreamed that I was walking along a bridge. The bridge started to
collapse and fall into the abyss below. I started running to make it to the other side,
but the bridge collapsed. I was holding onto a part of the broken bridge. I started
climbing up the bridge like a ladder. The cables had started to give out and I knew
that if I didnt hurray I would fall to my death. Just as I got to the top I saw a man
standing by the edge of the bridge. The man was very tall and had blue eyes. I

asked the man if he could help me up. The tall man scowled and started shaking the
bridge. Just as the cables snapped I woke up from my dream.
I sat up in my bed and saw that Lucas was awake to. Terry was still asleep
and was snoring loudly. I have never heard anyone snore so loud, and I started to
chuckle. Its not funny, said Lucas. I cant even sleep because of his stupid
snoring. Were supposed to wake up soon anyways, I said. We should get ready.
Lucas nodded and we both went to the armory.
It came about time for the troops to move out, but Terry wasnt there. The
group split up to find him and agreed to meet back in ten minutes. Lucas and I
found ourselves in a tent that was decorated in purple and many peculiar things. A
woman sat in a chair behind a table. The table had a large crystal ball in the middle.
The woman wore a purple hat with a large gem in the middle, and was dressed in a
purple dress. I am the great Charlotte. Would you like to hear your fortune, the
woman said plainly. We might as well. We have to wait for Terry anyways, said
Lucas. I guess, I said bluntly. Charlotte started waving her hands over the crystal
ball and began chanting quietly. It is becoming very clear now. You and your friend
will embark on a long and dangerous journey. You and your friends will be delivered
into the hands of lyres, and will be saved by a friendly scorpion. The turtle however
will not be saved, the scorpion will lock a chain around the turtles neck and lead him
and all who follow him into purgatory. Whats that supposed to mean? Lucas said
curiously. I dont know? Charlotte said bluntly, but thats your fortune, now give
me 2010, HUH??,Lucas said in surprise. Charlotte sighs, 20 pieces of silver and
10 pieces of gold. I have to pay for this!! Lucas said angrily. Yup how else am I
supposed to get enough money to move away and fulfill my calling of being a
teacher, Charlotte said gladly. Lucas started patting his pockets, Hey how about I

give you cake instead. I have some leftover cake from the market. Charlotte looked
at him angrily, I hate cake!! Now pay up. Fine, Lucas sighed.
We left the fortune tellers tent and went to meet up with the others. Terry still
wasnt there. We should just leave him, Lucas said to the group. Wait!! I found
him still sleeping in his bed, a soldier named Jeremy said excitedly. wow you lazy
turtle hurray up and get ready so we could leave, Lucas yelled.
The group left Castle Cristo and began their journey to Johnston Tower. They
have been traveling for many days. One night before they made camp they saw
black smoke rising in the distance. Jeremy and I decided to go ahead and see what
was making the smoke. It was a large bonfire. There were more than a dozen men
singing and dancing and drinking. Jeremy recognized the flag symbol as the
Crassicauda. we went back to camp and informed the group of the situation.
Terry began speaking, we could ambush them. They are drunk and
vulnerable. The soldiers began to think it over. I held the rings in my hands and
closed my eyes and asked for guidance. I had a scary feeling come over me that we
should not attack the people, and we should go around it. Terry looked at me angrily
We could beat them, he repeated. this doesnt feel right, Zach explained. I
have prayed to the lord and he has directed us not to attack. He has directed us to
keep moving.. Terry became furious, who do you think you are deciding what is
best for us. if you knew half of what the Crassicauda has done you wouldnt pass
this opportunity up, Terry said angrily. they are drunk and outnumbered we can
beat them. All the soldiers in the group sided with Terry except for Lucas and
Jeremy. They sided with me. You cant make it to Johnston Tower alone so whatll it
be. Fight with us or die alone, Terry said fiercely. Heavenly Father will protect us,

but I am fearful for your life Terry, said I. Terry and the others went to fight with
the Crassicauda people and Jeremy, Lucas, and I continued walking.
We continued for about a half hour when suddenly there was a loud
drumming noise coming from the south. The three of us ran up to higher ground to
see what was coming. It was a battalion of the Crassicauda. It looked like they were
ready to wage a full on war. Then we heard a drumming noise coming from the west
and the north. The bonfire was a signal fire, Jeremy said in horror. Once they see
that Terry has massacred their people they will come after us, Lucas said in a
concerned tone. we need to warn uncle Cristo, I said calmly. The three of us didnt
know what to do so we opened up our hearts and prayed. Each of us received
different direction than the other. Lucas was directed to go back to Castle Cristo and
warn our uncle. Jeremy was directed to go to Johnstown and warn them that the
Crassicauda would soon attack Castle Cristo, and they need to mobilize their
military to help fight off the Crassicauda. I was directed to travel directly to the
south west of our location. I was concerned, because that was the opposite direction
of Johnston Tower. I believed that my direction had come from God and I was
determined to follow it. I walked for a couple of miles and then I heard someone
running in my direction. I turned around and saw that it was Terry and two other
Terry told me how they attacked the soldiers around the bonfire. They were
no match for Terrys squad, but shortly after they had eliminated them a loud
drumming noise sounded and an entire army of Crassicauda began to attack them.
Terry and the two soldiers were the only ones that survived. Suddenly we were
surrounded by hundreds of soldiers dressed in the Crassicauda uniform. A general

known as Lian Yu recognized the crest on the hilt of my sword and he ordered his
men to take us prisoner.

Chapter 5
Lian Yu was determined to transport us to the capital of Crassicauda where
the evil king would decide our fate. We reached the city and we were brought before
the evil king of Crassicauda. The king was named Mal. Mal was the son of
Crassicauda. Mal decided to send us to prison. He knew he would have use for me in
his war against my family.
We were placed in cells very close to each other. I was put into cell next to a
man named Drake. Drake was the son of the evil king Mal. Drake was put into prison
because he plotted to kill his father and take his place on the throne. Drake was
going to executed in a few days. Drake told Zach that he had many people that
were loyal to him, and that would give their life to free him from prison. Drake was
still determined to kill his father and become king.
You can help me take my father off the throne, drake continued. All I need
to do is say the word and we will be free from prison, but I will not do so until I have
a chance to kill my father, said drake. I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I couldnt
believe that someone could ever take the life of their own father. However, Terry
was thrilled to hear what drake had to say. He decided that he wanted to work with
Drake. I never trusted him, he was the son of the evil king. Zach, if you help me I
will be king and I will be forever in your debt. Ill stop the wars and our kingdoms
will be peaceful. I knew that his words were nothing but lies. Every time he talked I
could feel a twisted evil feeling come over me.

The day came where Drake planned to break out of prison. It was almost dark
outside when Drakes associates showed up in the prison. They moved in silently
killing all of the guards. They opened the jail cells and they were free. Drake refused
to let me leave. He knew that I didnt trust him. Drake locked me back up in my cell,
and promised that he would release me as soon as he was king.
I was in the prison for several hours before Lucas showed up in the prison.
Lucas what are you doing here, I said surprised. Once I got to Castle Cristo I
warned uncle Cristo of the attack that the Crassicauda was planning. Jeremy also
made it to Johnstown. We were ready for the attack and they had nowhere to run to
because Johnstons men had attacked them from behind. The Crassicauda is
defenseless. Tomorrow we are going to siege the city, Lucas Explained to me all
these things. Terry broke out of prison. He plans on killing the king, I told him
Lucas let me out of the jail cell and we moved to the kings chamber. Once we
entered the room we saw Terry lying on the floor bleeding out. Terry what
happened, I asked him. Drake he led us into a trap everyones dead. He
stabbed me with his dagger,. Terry could barely talk. We can get you help, Lucas
reassured him. know you cant.. the dagger was lased with venom im a dead
man you need to stop DrakeIm sorry , Terry closed his eyes and stopped
breathing. Lucas and I made our way to the throne room. We hid behind one of
curtains at the far side of the room. We heard Drake talking to his father. Father I
have saved you from those who have conspired to kill you. Cristo has sent his men
here to kill you. They are the ones that were in prison with me, but I led them into a
trap and they are dead. Please forgive my sin father and accept me as your son
again. The evil king Mal smiled and told his son that he would accept him as his

son once again and would restore his birthright to the throne. As soon as the king
decreed this Drakes followers stormed the throne room. They began shooting
arrows at the guards in the room. Then the men brought the king before Drake.
Drake said cheerfully, you have taught me well father. Mal smiled, Now you have
proven your fit to sit at my throne. Drake drove the dagger into his fathers lower
abdomen. would you like me to end your pain father, Drake asked scornfully. no
the more pain I feel while im here the less pain ile feel on the other side, Mal
responded. Drake pulled the dagger out and pierced his heart.
we were discovered behind the curtains. Drake had 20 soldiers at his
disposal. It was 20 to 2. The both of us said a prayer that we would be protected
from Drakes men. Lucas had a shield to block the arrows and I used my huge sword
to block them. we fought bravely and we had killed all of the men except Drake.
Drake clapped his hands and said Well done it doesnt matter though. I killed my
father. I got what I wanted. Go ahead and kill me. Lucas thrust his sword into
Drakes heart, but Drake didnt die. Instead he let out a horrifying smile. Drake drew
his sword and he started attacking Lucas. Zach struck him in the leg with the blunt
side of his sword, breaking his leg. Drake started laughing uncontrollably, then Zach
stabbed him in the stomach. Drake fell to the floor then said in a grim voice, I am
not Drake. I am Crassicauda even in death I will continue curse this land. I drew
my sword over his head and chopped it off.
More of the Crassicauda guards have entered the throne room. Lucas and I
ran for the door and we escaped. The next morning Cristo and his army attacked
the city. It was only a matter of days before they were victorious.

Chapter 6

After the battle was over we made our way to Johnston Tower. finally made it to our
destination. I went to king Johnston and told him all about my journey. I asked him
for his permission to ask his daughter to marry me. Johnston agreed and allowed me
to talk to his daughter Elizabeth. Elizabeth and I walked together through Johnstons
garden. Elizabeth was very beautiful girl with dark hair, brown eyes, and extremely
fair skin. Now I was ready to ask her to be my wife. I have never been more scared
in my life. I fought many beasts and monsters, but none of them scared me as much
as I was now. I knelt on one knee and proposed to her. Elizabeth will you do me the
honor of being my wife? I asked nervously. She excitedly told him, Yes, ive known I
was supposed to marry you since I was 13, Elizabeth answered. I looked puzzled. I
danced with you on your 15th birthday, she explained. ever since that time I
always knew that I would marry you, she said excitedly. I was so relieved all of my
fear left me and was replaced with absolute joy.
we were married 3 months after the proposal. We moved back to my Castle
Ferris and I was crowned king of an estate given to me by my father. Elizabeth and I
had a large family and we worked together to make our estate a success. I need to
thank my Family, and especially my father. He raised me to be the man that I am.
He gave me my happily ever after.
The End
Reference page.
Black Onyx Wolf Art Men's Ring, the Bradford exchange.

Sterling silver Ring. Jeulia

Leather and Silver contemporary chain.

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