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Most Enjoyable Journal Writing #6:

I chose, Journal Entry # 6-Midterm letter to my writing instructor, as one my

most enjoyable writings this semester. There were so many enjoyable writing this
semester to choose from, such as my journal # 4-argumentative essay, or Journal #
2-a five-minute meditation entry. But I could not pass up the chance to say, what a
great idea Mrs. Fran, to have us write that informal midterm Journal # 6 letter to
you about our experience in the class so far.
Allowing us to reflect on how the course was going for us was courteous and
considerate. In my opinion, it made her even more relatable. I appreciated that. I
enjoyed writing journal entry #6 also because It gave me the opportunity to keep it
real with myself as well Mrs. Fran. Yeah, maybe, someone used connotations like
you rock, Mrs. Fran in their midterm letter to suck up, saying what they thought
Mrs. Fran wanted to hear.
For me, I used this opportunity to reflect and and share my thoughts about the
class and talk about my gratitude for being in that class at that exact time (someone
might consider that sucking up too lol). Truthfully it was then that I was
contemplating if really wanted to do this (going back to school stuff). After the
journal #6 I knew I had to for myself. After all, my daughter believes in me.
Reading my journal #6 writing again, took me back to that exact moment of
how I was feeling when I wrote it. It truly is one of my most enjoyable writing

Katrina Robinson
Instructor Fran Voltz
UWRT 1102
26 February 2016
Journal Entry #6-Midterm Letter
Dear Mrs. Fran Voltz,
When I first made the decision to return to school, I missed the deadline to register, by
one day! I began to feel discouraged and inpatient. I wanted to start school right then and I did
not want to wait. I knew if I waited I would not want to go, something else would come up,
another stumbling block. Several semesters went by, and I had not returned to school. Although
I thought about returning to school, it was just a passing memory not really putting any action
into making it a reality. Mrs. Voltz, I had become discouraged and complacent. I started to think
about several reasons why going back to school would not work; such as the long commute, the
wear and tear on on my car, missing the deadline, again, any excuse would do.
When my daughter returned back home from college, a changed persona woman. She
looked at things differently than she did fours years ago. She had traveled to several different
countries, studying abroad. She ate, thought, and saw things on a larger scale, than the little town
she had become use to. Suddenly, wanting more for me too. She started introducing me to a
healthier way of eating. She became a little obsessed with my life, wanting more for me. I was
excited and proud. She had left as my little girl and returned as a responsible and independent
woman. She had learned how to juggle college and life at the same time. Not bad for someone
who use to wait until I returned from work to see what was for dinner. Suddenly, wanting more
for me too, she started introducing me to a healthier way of eating, supporting me to quit
smoking, and encouraging me to return back to school. She even filled out my application for
school to ensure I would not miss the deadline again. Completing all the paperwork, requesting
transcripts, applying for financial aid and setting alarm deadlines reminders for me, she was on
top of it. All I had to do was wait for my acceptance letter from UNCC. What a relief. I was
excited, finally I was on my way to college!

Guess what Mrs. Fran? I can honestly say, if not for my daughter, I would have missed the
deadline for enrollment again. I would have missed the opportunity to be with you and the group
of people in my mon/wed class, that I have the pleasure of calling my classmates. I know my
experience would not have been the same during a different time in time. I believe this class is
where I am supposed to be. The way you talk to us in this laid back, I am not your superior way,
non-intimidating ways makes it a lot easier to listen, hear and accept the information you give us.
The moment I walk into class, I feel welcomed, wanted, valued and important. I feel
excited to see what we will be writing about. I remember the first day I walked in class, there
were no seats available. I had to go look for a chair in another classroom, by the way, this was
not an easy task, taking much longer than I expected. Believe it or not I was not agitated by this
situation just wanted a chair so I could begin my first day of class. After my search turned up null
and void handing back to class I ran into you coming to look for me to see if I had found a chair.
I felt valued, I know you did not have to do that. Explaining that the class was currently doing a
journal entry and you just wanted to see if I had found a chair had an impact on me, feeling that
you cared. I like those kind of teachers. This allowed me to feel open to building a trusting
relationship with you. Thanks.
Mrs. Fran, I am just writing this letter to you to let you know that I appreciate you being
the type of teacher you are. I mean you are a down-to-earth easy teacher to understand and listen
to. Your Moodle assignments s are easily explainable and understandable.
I know it sound clich but I am really enjoying this class. Our class dynamic is pretty
awesome. I like how we are able to listen respond and state our opinion without feelings and
attitudes getting in the way, because you expect us to do it respectfully. I like the different forms
or writings we are working on as well.
My only concern is my Prezi project I do not want to over think it and mess it up. This is
my first year experimenting with Prezi and I am a little anxious. However, I am confident that
between my classmates and you I will be just fine.
Thanking you Mrs. Fran once again for being a cool down-to earth teacher to come to
when I am confused about class assignments. You are one of the cool teachersno bull!

Katrina Robinson
Katrina Robinson

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