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LTD Productions

Inside Reeds

Its the start of the Summer term here at Reeds School and
students are preparing themselves in the build-up to their end
of year exams. Recognised as one of the top schools all over
the country we explore what life is like for students and staff
around the school, finding out some of their opinions about the
school and how they feel their progress is coming along.

Known for its sporting talents, academia and theatrical

excellence its no wonder every student is proud to be a part of
this privileged school - well most students.
Earlier we focussed on the sporting life of Third Former Guy
Laville and the many sporting opportunities that the school
provides. Not only does Reeds perform well on the sports field,
but also in the classroom, having four successful applicants to
Cambridge and two to Oxford.
However, with exams looming the schools focus turns to staff
preparing their students to achieve the results that the school
is so well known for. All of a sudden we see increased numbers
of students in the library and fewer on the sports fields. Will all
the students be ready to take on these exams or will we see
some who crumble under the pressure?
Taking a step into the 6th form can have a huge impact on some
students. It shows the true character of how some people react
to having more freedom and greater responsibility. We find out
whether an individuals behaviour has an impact on their peers
as well as affecting themselves.
The Upper 6th students are coming to the end of their time at
Reeds, and the school is determined to help them achieve the
grades required for their top choice Universities.
Luke Michael is Head of Sixth Form and Media Studies at Reeds

Coming up next we follow the sixth form media class on their

trip to Disneyland Paris. With the exams getting ever closer is
this the best timing for the trip? And how will the students react
to missing a week of school. Find out after the break.

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