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Statement of Lesson Cycle Modification

In response to both self- and peer-review, I recognize areas of improvement for how
I teach my classes. Regarding my introduction, I plan to engage students more
thoughtfully. I do not want to seem too distant from my students; a more relatable
professor can better communicate course content to interested students. I also
need to provide a more clear tour of my lesson cycle when I start each day. This can
help orient and focus students throughout the next hour or so. They will also
become more familiar with my goals and objectives if I state them at the start of
each class.
Regarding content and explanation, I will not emphasize dates as much. It is not my
goal that students memorize dates, rather that they understand general trends and
trajectories, such as in the morphological changes that occurred throughout human
evolution. I will also be more targeted in the questions that I ask, directly these
toward my goals and objectives as well. For instance, asking after watching a short
video, what did you think about that? is not as useful pedagogically as why might
these scientists believe that Homo nadedi is a new species?
Although I am confident in my delivery and mastery of course material, I will
continue to focus on communicating this confidence to students. This involves
knowing the correct pronunciations of species and terms and avoiding the use of
filler words. I want my students to be confident in speaking up in public, and this
starts by setting a good example myself.
I have three professional goals to implement in future classes. First, I will integrate
more technology to keep students engaged throughout the hour. This may include
interactive mapping, graphing, and clicker quizzes. Second, I will be more engaging
with students from the start to finish of each lesson cycle. This includes more time
for discussion and questions. Finally, and related to the second goal, I will constantly
assess student learning by listening to their feedback and modifying the lesson as

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