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Paper #2 Gender Conversational Styles

(3-4 pages, typed, single spaced, minimum 3 scholarly sources)

Analyze an actual relationship that illustrates differences and/or similarities in womens and
mens conversational styles as described by Deborah Tannens Rapport versus Report talk.
Use the following headings in bold.
Description of the Relationship
Describe the relationship. Parent- child? Boyfriend-girlfriend?
Conversation Styles
Choose two from the Rapport versus Report style in the chart below. (i.e. Connection
versus Status and Private talk versus Public talk) Define the conversation styles
illustrated by the two experiences using Tannens Genderlect Theory. Use communication
Build Rapport......Reports facts
Connection. Status
Private Public
Expressive (feelings). Instrumental (facts)
Troubles Talk (offers empathy)..Fix-it Talk (offers advice)
Sounds tentative. Sounds certain
Fight because angryFight for fun
Initiates and.Controls conversation
maintains conversation
Communication Experiences
Describe two communication experiences with this person that illustrate the two
conversation styles. Give specific examples of the type of communication you witnessed.
How said what? What did each person do? Think? Specifics will help us get a clearer
picture of the communication and your analysis.
Describe the power differences in the communication relationship. Is it equal? How
would you change the balance of power?
Communication Strategies
Describe how each partner copes with the differences and/or similarities in conversational
styles. (behaviors, feelings, biases) How effective are these coping strategies?
Other Theory

How could one of the textbook theories you have studied be applied to improve the
communication? What would you suggest?
What relationship communication lessons did you learn from doing this analysis? What
can you use to improve your communication?
Work Cited
West, Richard and Lynn H. Turner. Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and
Application. 4th Ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Reflection Questions

How does this assignment illustrate the growth/change/progress you have had in this
How you can apply what you've learned in this class to other classes, to the workplace,
and/or to other areas of your life? Please be sincere. Don't over-inflate your claims.

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