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Draft 1

Draft 2
Draft 3
Odd Couple

Jean stretched and yawned, waking up from his five hour nap. The beam of sunshine he
had first fell asleep in had shifted away, leaving him cold and chilly. Taking stock of his
surroundings, Jean slowly got to his paws and sauntered towards the living room where he
knew it was warmer. Still semiconscious, Jean decided to make his way to the warm leather
couch by the television. Maybe the soft pillows there could lull me back to sleep, he thought
suppressing a purr at the thought of curling up on the plush cushions. Dreaming of sleeping, he
walked headfirst into a solid, hard object, shaking him out of his reverie. He yowled in pain and
fell back onto his rear.
Watch it, cried a voice as a fishbowl careened wildly on the table top next to the couch.
Sorry, groaned Jean rubbing his head with his tail. He sat up and nodded apologetically
to a very giddy-looking fish in the bowl he had almost knocked over. The fish opened its mouth
looking like it had something to say, but thought better of it and bent over over double, putting
both its fins over its mouth in an effort to prevent vomiting in its own bowl. Jean began to turn to
jump into the warm confines of the couch, when curiosity bade him turn around to the fish. Hey,
whenever did you get here? This is my house.
Still dizzy, but seemingly undaunted, the fish turned back and replied. I got here
yesterday. Those humans of yours won me from some kind of carnival fair. And as for this being
your house, I take up roughly 1/100 of the house. Theres plenty of room for us both.
Frowning a bit more than cats usually do, Jean moved towards the bowl. I suppose, but
what if you annoyed me? What if I wanted that 1/100th of my territory back? You know I could

just reach in there and eat you in a gulp. He reasoned with a superior look, You would be
history, save a few bones I would produce in the litterbox later.
I could scream, the fish threatened. Your master would hear, and before you could get
your fat rear off this table you would find yourself in a boatload of trouble.
Jean raised an incredulous eyebrow. Fish cant scream, and besides, that noise would
only travel underwater.
The fish hesitated. Maybe, but Ill scream so loud underwater that my glass would
shatter and the shrapnel will impale itself in your fat rear.
At that, Jean frowned and looked down at his posterior. It was a bit on the plump side as
he had grown quite lazy over the past few weeks. Regretfully, he realized that he was more out
of shape than he would like to admit. The fish must have noticed him pause and stare at his
bottom because it looked away and sighed, speaking in a gentler tone. Look Im sorry I called
you fat. You really arent, at least compared to some others mammals that Ive seen No hard
None taken, though its a good reminder for me to start mousing again, Jean said a bit
ruefully. By the way, I didnt catch your name.
The fish grinned and extended a fin,.Im Seth.
Jean looked a bit taken back. Seth? Isnt that kind of a boys name?
It is not! cried Seth, a bit upset. If it was, then youd have that name, she added
Now thats offensive, Jean smiled. I might have to reclaim that space youre taking up.
And how would you do that? challenged Seth. I can flip my bowl over and splash you
ears to tail with water. Youd be soaked to the fur.
Jean grinned, enjoying himself now. It had been a while since he had spoken to another
animal and though the birds outside were good company, they tweeted way too often and woke
Jean up from his naps; it was a major barrier in their relationship. Seth so far had not displayed

any of those qualities that he found annoying. Finding that he actually liked her aggressive
demeanor, Jean chuckled, his nap forgotten. Ah see, you should never tell an opponent your
plan. Ill just have to hold your bowl in place while I mark my territory in it.
Seth took a minute for that to sink in. Her expression changed from confusion to shock
and horror in a matter of seconds. You wouldnt dare!! recoiled the fish. Ill sue your tail off.
Then well see whether you can land on your paws anywhere else!!

Aaron Koller (Draft 1,3)

Kevin An (Draft 1,2)
Ryan Eleveld (Draft 1)
Richard Ma (Draft 2)
Dennis Eveleigh (Draft 3)

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