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Required reading M: Analysis and Reflection.

Priorities in Practice: The essentials of Science Grades K-6
CITATION: Priorities in Practice: The essentials of Science Grades K-6. (2016). Retrieved from


Rick Allen sticks up for science and technology,

explaining how beneficial it is for students to
partake in. He explains part of the reason why
science has been disconnected, because of the
negligence of teachers in the classroom.

Teachers dont like science therefore they dont do

it. Not really the right message I want to be sending
to my students. My passion is teaching, and in that,
yes I would like to consider myself a considerable
jack-of-all-trades. Teachers are overwhelmed with
their subjects such as math and language arts that
science is usually let go. Its time for teachers to
find the time to get to science. Many counties are
pushing for science and technology to be more of a
priority as they see them being keys to economic
advantage in the global village. Science should be
inquiry based and hands on, as I would think
teachers are starting to get the hint that lecturing
and teaching to the test will not benefit the future of
tomorrows work (students) in anyway. Therefore,
teachers must embrace the change and get out of
their unruly habits.

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