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Anthony Trautman

Miniature Implantable Antennas for Biomedical

Telemetry: From Simulation to Realization a review
Asimina Kiourti, Student Member, IEEE, Jorge R. Costa, Senior Member, IEEE,
Carlos A. Fernandes, Senior Member, IEEE, Andre G. Santiago, and Konstantina S. Nikita,
Senior Member, IEEE
A. Kiourti, J. Costa, C. Fernandes, A. Santiago and K. Nikita, Miniature Implantable Antennas
for Biomedical Telemetry: From Simulation to Realization, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Engineering, vol. 59, no. 11, November 2012
This paper was well written. It is clear that the authors took made significant effort to document
the motivation, limitation, and results of their experiment. I appreciated the logical layout and
the style of writing kept the reader the engaged. I learned about some concerns that will have
significant impact on the manufacturing of an antenna. The paper did seem to be lacking the
technical references; choosing instead to rely on the output of several proven simulation
environments to do the heavy lifting. If the reader has access to the simulation mentioned it
seems as if there is enough information to replicate the entirety of the experiment.
Appraisal of Abstract
The abstract captures the content of the paper very well. However, the length of the abstract
may discourage a reader from further investigation. Some of the explanation offered in the
abstract may be better suited for the introduction section.

Best Feature of Paper

I appreciate the early presentation of the limitations and concerns. I was surprised that the type
of glue would have such a significant impact on component performance.
Editorial Comments
I would suggest that the authors skinny the abstract down. Also, it may be necessary to
include a little more theory in the discussion instead of relying on the output of 3rd party

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