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each of the 5 traits is subdivided into 6 subfactors (OCEAN)
1. Openness to experience : Those who score high on this factor are
imaginative, curious, open to new ideas, and interested in cultural
pursuits. In contrast, those who score low are rigid.
2. Extraversion : It characterises people who are socially active,
assertive, outgoing, talkative, and fun loving. On its opposite are
people who are shy.
3. Agreeableness : This factor characterises people who are helpful, cooperative, friendly, caring, and nurturing. On the opposite are people
who are hostile and self-centered
4. Neuroticism : People who score high on this factor are emotionally
unstable, moody ,anxious, worried, fearful, distressed, irritable and
hypertensive. On the opposite side are people who are well adjusted
5. Conscientiousness : Those who score high on this factor are
achievement-oriented, dependable, responsible, prudent, hardworking
and self-controlled. On the opposite are people who are impulsive.
It has been found useful in understanding the personality profile of
people across cultures. While it is consistent with the analysis of
personality traits found in different languages, it is also supported by
the studies of personality carried out through different methods. Hence, it is
now considered to be the most promising empirical approach to the study
of personality.
Recent research has found about 50% genetic heritability of these traits
NEO-PI is the personality inventory based on this approach
Michael Ashton and Kibeom Lee, in 2008, proposed a six
dimensional HEXACO Model of Personality Structure. The HEXACO
personality traits/factors are: Honesty-Humility (H), Emotionality (E),
Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), and Openness to
Experience (O). The three dimensions - Extraversion, Conscientiousness and
Openness to Experience are considered to be basically the same as their
counterpart dimensions in the Big Five Model. However, in the HEXACO
model, Honesty-Humility, Emotionality and Agreeableness differ from the
Neuroticism and Agreeableness factors of the Big Five Model. Ashton and Lee
especially emphasize the Honesty-Humility (H) factor as differentiating the
HEXACO model from other personality frameworks. Specifically, the H factor
is described as sincere, honest, faithful/loyal, modest/unassuming, fairPage 1 of 2


minded, VERSUS sly, deceitful, greedy, pretentious, hypocritical, boastful and

pompous. The H factor has been linked to criminal, materialistic, powerseeking and unethical tendencies.[4]

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