5.2 Meiosis: 5 People Chapter 5: Cell Division

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2 Meiosis

Posted by 5 people in Chapter 5: Cell Division on September 16, 2011

A cell with two sets of chromosomes (one set from the male parent and the other from the female
parent) is referred to as diploid (symbol 2n). Somatic cells or non-reproducing body cells are diploid.
A cell with a single set of chromosomes is referred to as haploid (symbol n). Gametes or sex cells are
Human somatic cell has 46 (23 pairs) chromosomes while the ovum or sperm has 23 chromosomes.
In humans n= 23.
There are 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes in each humans somatic cell. Members of a
homologous pair are identical in length and in the position of the centromere and can be identified by
their characteristic shape.
Gametes are produces by a process called meiosis.
Meiosis is a division of the nucleus to produce four daughter cells each containing half the
chromosome number of the parent nucleus. Meiosis is associated with sexual reproduction.
Meiosis is preceded by an interphase during which the cell replicates its DNA and organelles.
Meiosis (reduction division)
1. During meiosis, the cell undergoes DNA replication once, followed by two nuclear divisions.
First meiotic division (meiosis I):

The behaviour of chromosomes differs from mitosis. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and
exchange DNA whereas chromatids remain connected to each other. Meiosis I is divided into four phases:
prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I and telophase I.

Second meiotic division (meiosis II):

The behaviour of chromosomes are typical of mitosis. Meiosis II is divided into four phases: prophase II,
metaphase II, anaphase II and telophase II.

2. Prophase I

Chromosomes shorten and thicken and each is seen to comprise two chromatids joined at the

The homologous chromosomes pair up. Each pair of homologous chromosome is called a bivalent.
The maternal and paternal chromatids intertwine to form crosses or chiasmata (singular: chiasma).
The formation of chiasmata results in exchange of DNA between maternal and paternal chromosomes, a

process called crossing over.

Nuclear membrane breaks down and the nucleoli disappear.
Centrioles migrate to the poles and the spindle forms.

3. Metaphase I

The bivalents become arranged around the equator of the spindle, attached by their centromeres.
The arrangement is completely random relative to the orientation of other bivalents, leading to genetic
variation in the gametes.

4. Anaphase I

The spindle fibres contract and pull the homologous chromosomes, centromeres first, towards the poles
of the spindle.
One of each pair is pulled to one pole, its sister chromosome to the opposite pole.

5. Telophase I

The chromosomes reach their opposite poles. The chromosomes for two haploid sets, one set at each

end of the spindle.

The nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes, the spindle fibres disappear and the

chromatids uncoil.
Cytokinesis usually occurs and two haploid cells are formed.
The nucleus may enter interphase but no further DNA replication occurs.

6. Prophase II

The nucleoli disappear and the nuclear membrane breaks down.

The centrioles divide and move to opposite poles.
Spindle fibres develop.
Chromosomes condense and move to the equator of the spindle.

7. Metaphase II

The chromosomes arrange themselves on the equator of the spindle.

8. Anaphase II

The centromeres divide and are pulled by the spindle fibres to opposite poles, carrying the chromatids
with them.

9. Telophase II

The chromatids uncoil and become indistinct.

The spindle fibres disappear.
The nuclear membrane and the nucleoli reform.
Cytokinesis occurs and four haploid cells are formed from one parent cell.

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