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Many people dont realize that men can

be victims of sexual assault and

domestic abuse, just the same as
women. Women are, however, more
likely to be victims of assault and
abuse, but that doesnt mean that men
cant be. Most people arent really
aware of the happenings around them
that involve men and sexual assault or
domestic abuse. It could be that your
relative, friend, acquaintance,
neighbor, or coworker are victims of
domestic abuse or sexual assault


Whats happening?

Sexual assault and

Domestic abuse
Describe your location by
landmark or area of town.

What you should know

How to Help

missing teeth or broken bones.

People in an abusive relationship

Some mental signs of abuse could

often feel like they did something to

be changes in the way a person

deserve the abuse. The victim feels

shows affection. If a person

like its their fault. You can help by

suddenly fears being touched, it

reaching out to your friend and

could be a sign of abuse. Sudden

The statistics:

letting them know youre concerned

fear of a person or place, cruelty to

Over 90,000 men are

about their safety. Be supportive

animals, or any unexplained change

sexually assaulted in

and offer to help them in any way

in behavior could be signs as well.

America every year.

One in 45 men have

been made to penetrate

an intimate partner
during his lifetime.

2.78 million men in the

US have been victims

you can. Dont place the blame,

shame or guilt on your friend. Help
your friend make a safety plan. Or
notify someone of the abuse outside
of the relationship that can take
action against the abuse,.

of rape.

How to Tell

1 in 4 men have been

Usually when someone is being

victims of some form

physically abused, the person will

of physical violence by

have bruises almost all the time or

an intimate partner in

have burn marks, cuts, or scars.

their lifetime.

Abuse victims may also have

The National Domestic

Violence Hotline: 1-800-7997233

Websites for more Info:

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