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Aries: Hugh


You will come face to face with

someone you betrayed . This will put you in a
dangerous situation, and the person you betrayed
will take revenge.

Taurus: Lord Hertford

Horoscope: You will take control of someone
who has lots of power and will try to make best of
the situation but will eventually be taken away.

Gemini: Daniel
You will have a friend in need and will help them,
but they will act strange afterward.

Cancer: Miles Hendon

Horoscope: You meet someone who you think is
making up a story, but you will eventually find out
that they are telling the truth. You will also meet
someone from your past and it will cause you to go
to jail.

Leo: Sarah

You will meet someone who you

thought was dead and they will think wrongly of
you, because of what someone forced you to do.

Virgo: King Henry VIII


Someone very close to you will act

very strange and you will eventually fall into a long

Libra: Prince Edward

Horoscope: You will meet someone just like you
and will make a decision that you will regret, but
will teach more about life. Someone very close to
you will also perish.

Scorpio: John Canty

Horoscope: You will beat someone who you
dont really care about, which causes them to
leave you. You will not understand much and wont
care about anyone. This will causes you to leave

Sagittarius: Father Abbott

Horoscope: You will meet someone who you
have known for a long time, and will help them
escape out of jail.

Capricorn: Tom
Horoscope: You will make a decision that you
will regret, which was caused because you were
trying to escape someone. You will also meet
someone who is just like you.

Aquarius: Mrs. Canty

Horoscope: Someone you love will leave
because of an abusive man. You will see them in a
different role.

Pisces: Pig Lady

Horoscope: You will have something taken from
you and will assume someone stole it from you, but
really is innocent. You will be kind and let them off
the hook.

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