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for Doina Stanciu
EDU 201


Reconstructionism is a philosophy of teaching that searches to create a

better society.

Rather than just teaching students, learning should be a process of

questions so that a student can reinvent their world.

For reconstructionists, the curriculum focuses on student experience and

taking action on real problems. Strategies for dealing with controversial
issues, inquiry, dialogue, and multiple perspectives are the focus.
Community-based learning and bringing the world into the classroom are
also strategies.

A reconstuctionism approach in an early education classroom might

involve starting a garden in order to discover how to grow organic food.
The lesson might involve the biology and chemistry of the plant; however,
the deeper meaning might be to tackle the use of GMOs or how the
homeless can be fed by planting fruit trees in the local parks.


What I learned about myself is that I believe children should not just be fed
information. A child should be encouraged to learn using all their senses and
with a purpose.

My strongest philosophy is reconstructionism. A philosophy that encourages

questions and multiple suggestions to real problems.

My weakest philosophy is behaviorism. Behaviorism is based on the teacher as

the focus, clear learning objectives and rewards and punishments.

The experience that best shaped my philosophy comes from how I learned to
speak English. My father decided he would not participate in being my translator
while I played with my friends. At the age of four I was forced to learn by doing
and asking.

I believe my personal philosophy will help students by creating a part of their

mental scheme that always searches for the best solution.

Years ago, my philosophy would have aligned better with the Clark County School
District than it does today. As a result of standardized testing, the curriculum has
become limited. This means I must search for a creative way to teach lessons
and pass along information, at the same time.

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