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Jarica Slaughter

Ms. Pamela Reed

Rhet 1311 Composition 1
10 February 2016
See the notes in the margins. I googled statistic on women artists and got back a nice amount of
information regarding the issue you are discussing your paper. It seems as though you are
focused on visual art, but you can expand this discussion to all of the arts and get some really
nice facts to support the experience of women in the arts. More research and work is needed
Lack of Women artist in the art world

In the art world you hear about a lot of amazing male artist, such as Van Gough,
Leonardo da Vinci, and Pablo Picasso, . Bbut sometimes you hear very little about female artist.
in the art world. In some artworks you see women doing things that other artists depict them to
be doing mundane things. When you look at the name its not the female artists name you see but
the male artist. The question that is asked is How come there are little female artists known?
In some countries like France for examplethere were several had lots of women artists,
but these women were not accepted as professional artists. In other countries like London or late
America women werent recognized for their artistic skills. When the time came for them to get
their artwork out there, the male population disregarded them and went on with their lives. One
quote by a Female artist, Georgia OKeeffe, Said Men like to put me down as the best women

painter, I think Im the best painter. She means that men label her to be the only female painter
who can paint a good picture, but she is saying that she is the best painter there is, and that she is
just as great as any other painter out there, male or female. In London the women were expected
to not know anything about art what so ever and to just listen to the man of the house. When
selling artwork they get paid the less amount of money for their art.
Sometimes it is the artwork that women do that get them overlook. One art instructor, a
Hans Hoffmann stated to the painter Lee Krasner, It was so good that you wouldnt even know it
was done by a woman. Stating that the artwork that women do were too good that they get
passed off as not art at all or dismissed. Artwork such as Textile or decorative art were not
considered fine aArt. to most people. On top of that women were kept from pursuing the
education they wanted. Some men appreciate the female artists but in the western world they
believed the female artist were inferior artists. Most artworks you see, no matter the medium
have women in the artwork, either nude or there to paint.
In the late 20th century feminists and activist for women rights sprung up and the women
finally got the rights to do a lot of things that the men could do. Some were faced with hardship
and ridicule while others just simply dismissed it and just kept going with what they wanted to
do. Even in the military, people were debating whether to have statues up to honor the women
veterans that fought in the wars alongside men, and in some countries they have statues up of
women to honor them in female veterans homes.
What can be done is have more female professors teaching art and doing artwork, having
more exhibitions for women artists and have many upcoming students who are interested in the
many forms of art no matter who the artists is or their gender do research on them.

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