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Roadrunner School

Rafael Carballo
University of St. Thomas

The purpose of opening a school store was to provide all
of the students with basic school supplies such as:
pencils, erasers, notebooks, pens, etc.
My plan was to facilitate/supervise and let students run
it. The purpose was to let students (3rd graders) be part
of an entrepreneurial experience and understand the
concept of running a business.
Another reason I opened a school store was because
90% of the time the pencil/pen, eraser, and notebook
vending machines are out of order.

Share my idea with mentor and get it approved by the principal.
This is what I'm going to need:
1. Supplies (pencils, erasers, notebook paper, notebooks) and
whatever else those machines sell.
2. I'm going to need prices. How much does the school want us
to sell those items for?
3. I'm going to need $ change. Dollar bills and coins which will
also depend on the prices.
4. I'm going to need to know who my "go-to" person for change
and turning in money collected will be.

I advertised the school store through RGE TV.
I detailed the prices, store hours, and location.

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