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Chapter 4 Study Guide

 To calculate an objects average speed use the equation speed = total distance/total time.
 Force is defined as a push or a pull.
 Forces are measured in newtons (N).
 Velocity is speed, but must include a direction. Example: 15 m/s south
 Velocity is defined as the speed of an object in a particular direction.
 When an object changes position in relation to a reference point over a period of time
the object is in motion.
 Speed is defined as the time an object travels over a given distance.
 When a resting object meets an unbalanced force it will then be put in motion.
 The mass of an object will always be the same no matter where it is measured. Mass is
measured in grams.
 The weight of an object changes when gravity changes.
 Person A has 100 Newtons of force pulling to the right and Person B has 150 Newtons of
force pulling to the left. If they are pulling on a rope what is the net force?
 Person A has 50 Newtons of force pushing to the right and Person B has 100 Newtons of
force pushing to the right. If they are pushing a piano what is the net force?
 Person A has 75 Newtons of force pulling to the right and Person B has 75 Newtons of
force pushing to the left. What is the net force?
 The role friction plays on a train.
o Helps it stop
o Keeps it on the track
o Gives it traction to help it start
 Facts about friction:
o Makes it difficult to move heavy objects on a flat surface.
o Can cause motion to change into heat.
 Facts about inertia:
o An object at rest will remain at rest
o An object in motion will remain in motion
o Newton’s first law of motion talks about inertia
o The larger the mass of the object the harder it is to stop or move.

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