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Oset printing

1843 rotary printing pressa press that used a metal

cylinder instead of a at stone.[2] The oset cylinder was
covered with specially treated cardboard that transferred
the printed image from the stone to the surface of the
metal. Later, the cardboard covering of the oset cylinder was changed to rubber,[2] which is still the most commonly used material.
As the 19th century closed and photography became popular, many lithographic rms went out of business.[2]
Photoengraving, a process that used halftone technology
instead of illustration, became the primary aesthetic of
the era. Many printers, including Ira Washington Rubel
of New Jersey, were using the low-cost lithograph process
to produce copies of photographs and books.[4] Rubel
discovered in 1901by forgetting to load a sheetthat
when printing from the rubber roller, instead of the metal,
the printed page was clearer and sharper.[4] After further
renement, the Potter Press printing Company in New
York produced a press in 1903.[4] By 1907 the Rubel oset press was in use in San Francisco.[5]

Web-fed oset lithographic press at speed.

Oset printing is a commonly used technique in which

the inked image is transferred (or oset) from a plate
to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface. When
used in combination with the lithographic process, which
is based on the repulsion of oil and water, the oset
technique employs a at (planographic) image carrier on
which the image to be printed obtains ink from ink rollers,
while the non-printing area attracts a water-based lm
(called fountain solution), keeping the non-printing areas ink-free. The modern web process feeds a large reel
of paper through a large press machine in several parts,
typically for several metres, which then prints continuously as the paper is fed through.

The Harris Automatic Press Company also created a

similar press around the same time. Charles and Albert Harris modeled their press on a rotary letter press

2 Modern oset printing

Development of the oset press came in two versions: in

1875 by Robert Barclay of England for printing on tin, One of the most important functions in the printing proand in 1904 by Ira Washington Rubel of the United States cess is prepress production. This stage makes sure that
for printing on paper.[1]
all les are correctly processed in preparation for printing. This includes converting to the proper CMYK color
model, nalizing the les, and creating plates for each
color of the job to be run on the press.
1 History
Oset lithography is one of the most common ways of
creating printed materials. A few of its common applications include: newspapers, magazines, brochures, stationery, and books. Compared to other printing methods, oset printing is best suited for economically producing large volumes of high quality prints in a manner that requires little maintenance.[7] Many modern oset presses use computer-to-plate systems as opposed to
the older computer-to-lm work ows, which further increases their quality.

Lithography was initially created to be an inexpensive

method of reproducing artwork.[2][3] This printing process was limited to use on at, porous surfaces because
the printing plates were produced from limestone.[2] In
fact, the word lithograph historically means an image
from stone or printed from stone. Tin cans were popular packaging materials in the 19th century, but transfer
technologies were required before the lithographic process could be used to print on the tin.[2]

The rst rotary oset lithographic printing press was Advantages of oset printing compared to other printing
created in England and patented in 1875 by Robert methods include:
Barclay.[2] This development combined mid-19th century
transfer printing technologies and Richard March Hoes
consistent high image quality. Oset printing pro1


duces sharp and clean images and type more easily than, for example, letterpress printing; this is because the rubber blanket conforms to the texture of
the printing surface;

Ink rollers
Water rollers

quick and easy production of printing plates;

longer printing plate life than on direct litho presses
because there is no direct contact between the plate
and the printing surface. Properly developed plates
used with optimized inks and fountain solution may
achieve run lengths of more than a million impressions;



cost. Oset printing is the cheapest method for producing high quality prints in commercial printing
ability to adjust the amount of ink on the fountain
roller with screw keys. Most commonly, a metal
blade controls the amount of ink transferred from
the ink trough to the fountain roller. By adjusting
the screws, the operator alters the gap between the
blade and the fountain roller, increasing or decreasing the amount of ink applied to the roller in certain
areas. This consequently modies the density of the
colour in the respective area of the image. On older
machines one adjusts the screws manually, but on
modern machines the screw keys are operated electronically by the printer controlling the machine, enabling a much more precise result.[8]


Side view of the oset printing process. Multiple ink rollers are
used to distribute and homogenize the ink.[10]

plates. In current use, original materials may be an actual

photographic print and typeset text. However, it is more
commonwith the prevalence of computers and digital
imagesthat the source material exists only as data in a
digital publishing system.

Disadvantages of oset printing compared to other print- Oset printing process consists of several parts:
ing methods include:
slightly inferior image quality compared to
rotogravure or photogravure printing;
propensity for anodized aluminum printing plates to
become sensitive (due to chemical oxidation) and
print in non-imagebackground areas when developed plates are not cared for properly;
time and cost associated with producing plates and
printing press setup. As a result, very small quantity
printing jobs may now use digital oset machines.

the inking system (ink fountain and ink rollers);

the dampening system (water fountain and water
the plate cylinder;
the oset cylinder (or blanket cylinder);
the impression cylinder.

Every printing technology has its own identifying marks,

as does oset printing. In text reproduction, the type In this process, ink is transferred from the ink fountain to
edges are sharp and have clear outlines. The paper sur- the paper in several steps:
rounding the ink dots is usually unprinted. The halftone
dots are always hexagonal though there are dierent
1. The inking and dampening systems deliver ink and
screening methods.[9]
water onto the oset plate covering the plate cylinder.

Oset printing process

The most common kind of oset printing is derived

from the photo oset process, which involves using lightsensitive chemicals and photographic techniques to transfer images and type from original materials to printing

2. The plate cylinder transfers the ink onto the blanket

covering the oset cylinder.
3. The paper is then pressed against the oset cylinder
by the impression cylinder, transferring the ink onto
the paper to form the printed image.



Dampening system

Inking system

The goal of any inking system is to place a uniform layer

of ink across every dimension of the printing plate. The
lithographic process is unique in that it requires the ink
form rollers to pass in contact with the nonimage areas of
the plate without transferring ink to them.
Inking systems are made up of several elements:

(generally the maximum), it is relatively easy to maintain consistent ink coverage of almost any image area on
the plate. Business forms presses, which print very little
coverage, usually only have one or two ink form rollers.
Because of this, they cannot print large solid or screen
images. Smaller, less sophisticated presses also have the
same problem, however, many of the newer presses today
are being equipped with larger, better inking systems to
meet the growing print demands of the consumer.

the ink fountain;

the ink fountain roller (or ink feed roller);
the ink ductor roller;
the ink distribution rollers;
the ink form rollers.
The ink fountain stores a quantity of ink in a reservoir
and feeds small quantities of ink to the distribution rollers
from the ink fountain roller and the ink ductor roller. The
ink ductor roller is a movable roller that moves back and
forth between the ink fountain roller and an ink distribution roller. As the ductor contacts the ink fountain
roller, both turn and the ductor is inked. The ductor then
swings forward to contact an ink distribution roller and
transfers ink to it. There are generally two types of ink
distribution rollers: the ink rotating rollers (or ink transfer
rollers), which rotate in one direction, and the ink oscillating rollers (or ink vibrating rollers), which rotate and move
from side to side. The ink distribution rollers receive ink
and work it into a semiliquid state that is uniformly delivered to the ink form rollers. A thin layer of ink is then
transferred to the image portions of the lithographic plate
by the ink form rollers.

3.2 Dampening system

Most lithographic plates function on the principle of water and ink receptive areas. In order for ink to adhere
only to the image areas on the plate, a layer of moisture
must be placed over the nonimage areas. The dampening
system accomplishes this by moistening the plate consistently throughout the press run.
Dampening systems are made up of several elements:
the water fountain;
the water fountain roller (or water feed roller);
the water ductor roller in intermittent-ow dampening systems and the water slip roller in continuousow dampening systems;
the water distribution rollers;
the water form rollers.

Direct dampening systems employ a water fountain roller

which picks up the water from the water fountain. The
water is then passed to a water distribution roller. From
here the water is transferred to the oset plate via one or
The ink fountain holds a pool of ink and controls the two water form rollers.
amount of ink that enters the inking system. The most Indirect dampening systems (or integrated dampening syscommon type of fountain consists of a metal blade that is tems) feed the water directly into one of the ink form
held in place near the fountain roller. The gap between rollers (ink rollers that touch the oset plate) via a water
the blade and the ink fountain roller can be controlled by form roller in contact with it. These systems are known as
adjusting screw keys to vary the amount of ink on the indirect since the water travels to the oset plate passfountain roller. The printer adjusts the keys in or out as ing through the inking system and not directly to the othe ink fountain roller turns to obtain the desired quan- set plate as direct systems do. Some indirect systems will
tity of ink. In simple presses, the printer must turn these have the ability to feed the water into the inking system
screws by hand. In modern presses, the adjusting screws as well as to the oset plate. A ne emulsion of ink and
are moved by servomotors which are controlled by the water is then developed on the ink form roller. This is
printer at a press console. Thus the printer can make one reason printers need to know about water pickup
ink adjustments electronically. If the printer needs to in- or what percentage of water can be taken up by the ink.
crease or decrease ink in an area of the plate (print), he These systems are also known as integrated dampening
need only adjust the needed keys to allow more or less systems as they are integrated into the inking system. One
ink ow through the blade. The ink ow can also be con- of the benets of these systems, is that they do not use
trolled by the rotation velocity of the ink fountain roller. covers thus they react quicker when dampening changes
A simple indication of the quality of a printing press is are made. One generally nds this type of dampening
the number of distribution and form rollers. The greater systems on newer and faster press equipment today.
the number of distribution rollers, the more accurate the Intermittent-ow dampening systems (direct or indirect)
control of ink uniformity. It is dicult to ink large solid use a water ductor roller to pick up the water and transareas on a plate with only one ink form roller. With three fer it to a water distribution roller. A drawback of these

systems is the slow reaction time in making adjustments

due to the back and forth action of the ductor.


removing residual inks on the inking drum after each

revolution.[12] It is suitable for printing newspapers;

Continuous-ow dampening systems (direct or indirect),

dry oset printing, a printing process which uses
are used by most newer presses today because they do not
a metal backed photopolymer relief plate, similar
have the slow reaction time of intermittent-ow dampento a letterpress plate, but, unlike letterpress printing
ing systems. They do not employ the water ductor roller
where the ink is transferred directly from the plate to
but use the water slip roller (a roller in contact with both
the substrate, in dry oset printing the ink is transthe water fountain roller and a distribution roller, contrary
ferred to a rubber blanket before being transferred
to the water ductor roller that moves back and forth beto the substrate. This method is used for printing on
tween the two) for a continuous ow. The speed of the
injection moulded rigid plastic buckets, tubs, cups
water slip roller controls the supply. The use of alcohol
and owerpots.
on these type of dampeners was standard for years. Alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) was used as it increased the water viscosity and made it more wettable so that transfer
was easier from one roller to the other. However, alcohol 4 Plates
substitutes such as glycol ethers, butyl cellusolve, etc., are
being used today to accomplish the same task because al4.1 Materials
cohol contains volatile organic compounds. Roller hardness is also being changed to help accomplish the same
The plates used in oset printing are thin, exible, and
jobeasy transfer of the water.
usually larger than the paper size to be printed. Two main
materials are used:



Several variations of the printing process exist:

blanket-to-blanket, a printing method in which
there are two blanket cylinders per colour through
which a sheet of paper is passed and printed on both
sides.[11] Blanket-to-blanket presses are considered
a perfecting press because they print on both sides
of the sheet at the same time. Since the blanket-toblanket press has two blanket cylinders per colour,
making it possible to print on both sides of a sheet,
there is no impression cylinder. The opposite blanket cylinders act as an impression cylinder to each
other when print production occurs. This method
is most utilized on oset presses designed for envelope printing. There are also two plate cylinders per
colour on the press;

metal plates, usually aluminum, although sometimes they are made of multimetal, paper, or
polyester plates, these are much cheaper and can
be used in place of aluminum plates for smaller formats or medium quality jobs, as their dimensional
stability is lower.[13]

4.2 Computer-to-plate
Main article: Computer-to-plate

Computer-to-plate (CTP) is a newer technology which

replaced computer-to-lm (CTF) technology, and that allows the imaging of metal or polyester plates without the
blanket-to-steel, a printing method similar to a use of lm. By eliminating the stripping, compositing,
sheet oset press; except that the plate and cylinder and traditional plate making processes, CTP altered the
pressures are quite precise. Actual squeeze between printing industry, which led to reduced prepress times,
plate and blanket cylinder is optimal at 0.005; as is lower costs of labor, and improved print quality.
the squeeze or pressure between the blanket cylinder and the substrate.[12] Blanket-to-steel presses are Most CTP systems used thermal CTP or violet technoloconsidered one-color presses. In order to print the gies. Both technologies have the same characteristics in
reverse side, the web is turned over between print- term of quality and plate durability (longer runs). Howing units by means of turning bars.[12] The method ever often the violet CTP systems are cheaper than thercan be used to print business forms, computer letters mal ones, and thermal CTP systems do not need to be
operated under yellow light.
and direct mail advertising;
Thermal CTP involves the use of thermal lasers to expose
variable-size printing, a printing process that
and/or remove areas of coating while the plate is being
uses removable printing units, inserts, or casimaged. This depends on whether the plate is negative,
settes for one-sided and blanket-to-blanket twoor positive working. These lasers are generally at a wavesided printing;[12]
length of 830 nm, but vary in their energy usage depend keyless oset, a printing process that is based on ing on whether they are used to expose or ablate material.
the concept of using fresh ink for each revolution by Violet CTP lasers have a much lower wavelength, 405


Perfecting press

nm410 nm. Violet CTP is based on emulsion tuned to one at a time. Sheet-fed presses use mechanical regisvisible light exposure.[14]
tration to relate each sheet to one another to ensure that
Another process is computer-to-conventional plate they are reproduced with the same imagery in the[15]same
(CTCP) system in which conventional oset plates can position on every sheet running through the press.
be exposed, making it an economical option.

5.1 Perfecting press

Sheet-fed oset

A perfecting press, also known as a duplex press, is one

that can print on both sides of the paper at the same
time.[16] Web and sheet-fed oset presses are similar in
that many of them can also print on both sides of the paper in one pass, making it easier and faster to print duplex.

5.2 Oset duplicators

Small oset lithographic presses that are used for fast,
good quality reproduction of one-color and two-color
copies in sizes up to 12 by 18.[12] Popular models were
made by A. B. Dick Company, Multilith, and the Chief
and Davidson lines made by A.T.F.-Davidson. Oset duplicators are made for fast and quick printing jobs; printing up to 12,000 impressions per hour. They are able to
print business forms, letterheads, labels, bulletins, postcards, envelopes, folders, reports, and sales literature.

Sheet-fed oset press

5.3 Feeder system

The feeder system is responsible for making sure paper
runs through the press correctly. This is where the substrate is loaded and then the system is correctly set up to
the certain specications of the substrate to the press.[17]

5.4 Printinginking system

Ryobi 4 color oset press

Sheet-fed refers to individual sheets of paper or rolls being fed into a press via a suction bar that lifts and drops
each sheet onto place. A lithographic (litho for short)
press uses principles of lithography to apply ink to a
printing plate, as explained previously. Sheet-fed litho
is commonly used for printing of short-run magazines,
brochures, letter headings, and general commercial (jobbing) printing. In sheet-fed oset, the printing is carried
out on single sheets of paper as they are fed to the press

The Printing Unit consists of many dierent systems.

The dampening system is used to apply dampening solution to the plates with water rollers. The inking system
uses rollers to deliver ink to the plate and blanket cylinders to be transferred to the substrate. The plate cylinder is where the plates containing all of the imaging are
mounted. Finally the blanket and impression cylinders
are used to transfer the image to the substrate running
through the press.[18]

5.5 Delivery system

The delivery system is the nal destination in the printing
process while the paper runs through the press. Once the
paper reaches delivery, it is stacked for the ink to cure
in a proper manner. This is the step in which sheets are
inspected to make sure they have proper ink density and




production. In this process, the ink dries by absorption

into the underlying paper. A typical coldset conguraProduction or impact of double image in printing is tion is often a series of vertically arranged print units and
known as slur.[19]
peripherals. As newspapers seek new markets, which often imply higher quality (more gloss, more contrast), they
may add a heatset tower (with a dryer) or use UV (ultraviolet) based inks which cure on the surface by poly6 Web-fed oset
merisation rather than by evaporation or absorption.
Web-fed refers to the use of rolls (or webs) of paper
supplied to the printing press.[20] Oset web printing is
generally used for runs in excess of ve or ten thousand
impressions. Typical examples of web printing include
newspapers, newspaper inserts or ads, magazines, direct
mail, catalogs, and books. Web-fed presses are divided
into two general classes: coldset (or non-heatset), and
heatset oset web presses; the dierence being how the
inks that are used dry. Cold web oset printing dries
through absorption into the paper, while heatset utilizes
drying lamps or heaters to cure or set the inks. Heatset
presses can print on both coated (slick) and uncoated papers, while coldset presses are restricted to uncoated paper stock, such as newsprint. Some coldset web presses
can be tted with heat dryers, or ultraviolet lamps (for
use with UV-curing inks). This can enable a newspaper
press to print color pages heatset and black & white pages
Web oset presses are benecial in long run printing jobs,
typically press runs that exceed ten or twenty thousand
impressions. Speed is a determining factor when considering the completion time for press production; some web
presses print at speeds of 3,000 feet per minute or faster.
In addition to the benets of speed and quick completion,
some web presses have the inline ability to cut, perforate,
and fold.


Heatset web oset

This subset of web oset printing uses inks which dry by

evaporation in a dryer typically positioned just after the
printing units. This is typically done on coated papers,
where the ink stays largely on the surface, and gives a
glossy high contrast print image after the drying. As the
paper leaves the dryer too hot for the folding and cutting
that are typically downstream procedures, a set of chill
rolls positioned after the dryer lowers the paper temperature and sets the ink. The speed at which the ink dries
is a function of dryer temperature and length of time the
paper is exposed to this temperature. This type of printing is typically used for magazines, catalogs, inserts and
other medium-to-high volume, medium-to-high quality
production runs.

7 Sheet-fed vs. web-fed

Sheet-fed presses oer several advantages. Because individual sheets are fed through, a large number of sheet
sizes and format sizes can be run through the same press.
In addition, waste sheets can be used for make-ready
(which is the testing process to ensure a quality print run).
This allows for lower cost preparation so that good paper
is not wasted while setting up the press, for plates and
inks. Waste sheets do bring some disadvantages as often
there are dust and oset powder particles that transfer on
to the blankets and plate cylinders, creating imperfections
on the printed sheet. This method produces the highest
quality images.
Web-fed presses, on the other hand, are much faster than
sheet-fed presses, with speeds up to 80,000 cut-os per
hour (a cut-o is the paper that has been cut o a reel or
web on the press; the length of each sheet is equal to the
cylinders circumference). The speed of web-fed presses
makes them ideal for large runs such as newspapers, magazines, and comic books. However, web-fed presses have
a xed cut-o, unlike rotogravure or exographic presses,
which are variable.

8 Inks
Oset printing uses inks that, compared to other printing
methods, are highly viscous. Typical inks have a dynamic
viscosity of 40100 Pas.[21]

There are many types of paste inks available for utilization in oset lithographic printing and each have
their own advantages and disadvantages. These include
heat-set, cold-set, and energy-curable (or EC), such as
ultraviolet- (or UV-) curable, and electron beam- (or EB) curable. Heat-set inks are the most common variety and
are set by applying heat and then rapid cooling to catalyze the curing process. They are used in magazines,
catalogs, and inserts. Cold-set inks are set simply by absorption into non-coated stocks and are generally used for
newspapers and books but are also found in insert printing and are the most economical option. Energy-curable
inks are the highest-quality oset litho inks and are set
6.2 Coldset web oset
by application of light energy. They require specialized
This is also a subset of web oset printing, typically used equipment such as inter-station curing lamps, and are usufor lower quality print output. It is typical of newspaper ally the most expensive type of oset litho ink.

Letterset inks are mainly used with oset presses longer plate life. Acids are also the most versatile; capathat do not have dampening systems and uses imag- ble of running with all types of oset litho inks. Howing plates that have a raised image.[22]
ever, because these products require more active ingredients to run well than do neutrals and alkalines, they are
Waterless inks are heat-resistant and are used to also the most expensive to produce. However, neutrals
keep silicone-based plates from showing toning in and, to a lesser degree, alkalines are still an industry stanon-image areas. These inks are typically used on ple and will continue to be used for most newspapers and
waterless Direct Imaging presses.[22]
many lower-quality inserts. In recent years alternatives
have been developed which do not use fountain solutions
Single Fluid Inks are newer inks that uses a proat all (waterless printing).
cess allowing lithographic plates on a lithographic
press without using a dampening system during the

9 In industry


Inkwater balance

Oset lithography became the most popular form of commercial printing from the 1950s (oset printing). Substantial investment in the larger presses required for oset
lithography was needed, and had an eect on the shape
of the printing industry, leading to fewer, larger, printers. The change made a greatly increased use of colour
printing possible, as this had previously been much more
expensive. Subsequent improvements in plates, inks, and
paper have further rened the technology of its superior
production speed and plate durability. Today, lithography is the primary printing technology used in the U.S.
and most often as oset lithography, which is responsible for over half of all printing using printing plates.[16]
The consistent high quality of the prints and the volume of
prints created for their respective cost makes commercial
oset lithography very ecient for businesses, especially
when many prints must be created.

Ink and water balance is an extremely important part of

oset printing. If ink and water are not properly balanced, the press operator may end up with many dierent problems aecting the quality of the nished product,
such as emulsication (the water overpowering and mixing with the ink). This leads to scumming, catchup, trapping problems, ink density issues and in extreme cases the
ink not properly drying on the paper; resulting in the job
being unt for delivery to the client. With the proper balance, the job will have the correct ink density and should
need little further adjustment except for minor ones. An
example would be when the press heats up during normal
operation, thus evaporating water at a faster rate. In this
case the machinist will gradually increase the water as the
press heats up to compensate for the increased evaporation of water. Printing machinists generally try to use as
Odor free oset printing is the newest technology.
little water as possible to avoid these problems.


Fountain solution

Fountain solution is the water-based (or aqueous) component in the lithographic process that moistens the non
image area of the plate in order to keep ink from depositing (and thus printing). Historically, fountain solutions
were acid-based and made with gum arabic, chromates
and/or phosphates, and magnesium nitrate. Alcohol is
added to the water to lower the surface tension and help
cool the press a bit so the ink stays stable so it can set
and dry fast. While the acid fountain solution has improved in the last several decades, neutral and alkaline
fountain solutions have also been developed. Both of
these chemistries rely heavily on surfactantsemulsiers
and phosphates and/or silicates to provide adequate cleaning and desensitizing, respectively. Since about 2000,
alkaline-based fountain solutions have become less common due to the inherent health hazards of high pH and
the objectionable odor of the necessary microbiological
Acid-based fountain solutions are still the most common
variety and yield the best quality results by means of superior protection of the printing plate, lower dot gains, and

10 See also
Variable data printing

11 References
[1] oset printing (printing technique) - Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2013-11-24.
[2] Meggs, Philip B. (1998). A History of Graphic Design
(Third ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 146150. ISBN
[3] Carter, Rob, Ben Day, Philip Meggs. Typographic Design: Form and Communication, Third Edition. (2002)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p 11
[4] Howard, Nicole (2005). The book: the life story of a technology. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 140148.
ISBN 0-313-33028-X.
[5] Rubel Oset Lithographic Press. HistoryWired: A few
of our favorite things. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved
30 Sep 2012.


[6] Short History of Oset Printing

[7] Kipphan, Helmut (2001). Handbook of print media:
technologies and production methods (Illustrated ed.).
Springer. p. 354. ISBN 3-540-67326-1.
[8] Printing Process Explained - Lithography. Retrieved 2012-11-15.


[9] Johansson, Kaj; Lundberg, Peter; Ryberg, Robert (2007).

A guide to graphic print production (second ed.). Wiley.
p. 353. ISBN 0-471-76138-9.
[10] Kipphan, Helmut (2001). Handbook of print media:
technologies and production methods (Illustrated ed.).
Springer. pp. 130144. ISBN 3-540-67326-1.
[11] Commercial Color Oset Printing A Compendium of
Commercial Printing Terminology
[12] Romano & Riordan 139141
[13] Kipphan 209
[14] Bruno, Romano and Riordan 126
[15] What is Oset Printing
[16] Bruno, Romano and Riordan 137
[17] DeJidas & Destree, 2005, p. 55-57
[18] DeJidas & Destree, 2005, p. 143
[19] AMAN-2008
[20] Spectrum Printers
[21] Kipphan, Helmut (2001). Handbook of print media:
technologies and production methods (Illustrated ed.).
Springer. p. 137. ISBN 3-540-67326-1.
[22] Romano & Riordan 160


Further reading

Hird, Kenneth F. Oset Lithographic Technology.

Tinley Park, Ill: Goodheart - Willcox Co, 2000.
ISBN 978-1-56637-621-1.
Oset Printing. Encyclopdia Britannica. Retrieved March 22, 2004, from Encyclopdia Britannica Premium Service.


External links

Tour of Web Oset Printing Factory

American Printer
Printing Industries of America
Types of Oset Printing Machines


Heatset and Coldset Oset Printing- Whats The

How Oset Printing Works - HowStuWorks
Short history of oset printing -
The Truth On Oset Printing: Read Before You
Print - UPrinting Blog
Basics of Oset Printing


Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Oset printing Source: Contributors: Michael Hardy, Dgrant, Stan

Shebs, FlyByPC, Pollinator, RickDikeman, David Edgar, Wereon, Dina, DocWatson42, Tom harrison, Orangemike, Zumbo, Steschke,
DragonySixtyseven, M1ss1ontomars2k4, ELApro, Discospinster, Rich Farmbrough, Andrew1718, Notinasnaid, Mwanner, Rahga,
Shanes, Dennis Brown, Kremit, Shenme, .:Ajvol:., Giraedata, Nihil~enwiki, Nsaa, Alansohn, Rd232, Andrewpmk, InShaneee, Velella,
Luvbach1, Kevin Hayes, Firsfron, Woohookitty, SDC, Mekong Bluesman, Mandarax, Graham87, BD2412, Haikupoet, Amire80,
Kozak~enwiki, Miserlou, Bubba73, FlaBot, Margosbot~enwiki, Malhonen, Bmicomp, Tedder, Srleer, Jling, Chobot, Cirne, YurikBot, Dtrebbien, DavidH, Jaufrec, Ozaru, Closedmouth, BorgQueen, GraemeL, AGToth, Nekura, Perardi, NickelShoe, AndrewWTaylor,
KnightRider~enwiki, SmackBot, Ozone77,, PJM, IstvanWolf, Ohnoitsjamie, Hmains, Bidgee, Keegan, CKA3KA, Thumperward, Sadads, DHN-bot~enwiki,, BuzzTatom, Thisisbossi, Rrburke, Kcordina, Krich, Cybercobra, Annie L, Wirbelwind, Henning
Makholm, Salamurai, Microchip08, Bydand, Lazylaces, Spiel, Mtodorov 69, Waggers, TastyPoutine, MTSbot~enwiki, Dodo bird, Martynelmy, Iridescent, Tamino, Newone, Ewulp, INkubusse, Dycedarg, Cydebot, Krauss, Legis, Andyjsmith, Mojo Hand, Dawnseeker2000,
Caleson, Vernonkc, AntiVandalBot, Dariusz.Biegacz, MER-C, Giler, Laureapuella, LittleOldMe, A3nm, DGG, Flowanda, Jtir, MartinBot, Dutchman Schultz, Bus stop, CommonsDelinker, J.delanoy, Vivica Gsy, Johnbod, Notreallydavid, AntiSpamBot, Bheesham,
NewEnglandYankee, MetsFan76, TottyBot, Richardean, Caspian blue, Dgaugler, Philip Trueman, DoorsAjar, Zidonuke, Arnon Chafn, Shindo9Hikaru, Netguyvikas, Modal Jig, Yeah568, Benoit Rochon, The Random Editor, Raulonkar, Plinkit, Parhamr, Happysailor,
Momo san, Antzervos, WebTechs, Martyvis, Faradayplank, AnonGuy, OKBot, Limimim, JL-Bot, Phoenixxxxxx, Cngoulimis, Wenows,
ClueBot, Snigbrook, Ryan.quattlebaum, TypoBoy, Pointillist, Idiotwithastick, Panchoy, Alexbot, Socrates2008, Jusdafax, SpikeToronto,
Versus22, XLinkBot, DanNowlan, Skarebo, Zakwhorules, SilvonenBot, Iris19, Defender7777, Lance38, Dark junaid, Thebestofall007,
Addbot, Srlcal1, Crestwood Trading, Kn2003, MarieJoe, Misterx2000, ReverendJuice, Favonian, Tide rolls, Zorrobot, JOHNCENA the
ZOHAN, Yobot, QueenCake, AnomieBOT, Liuji0451, Duncan MacCall, King.raana, Piano non troppo, Materialscientist, NWs Public
Sock, Toughtime, Mostigoosh, Jtyoga, Prari, FrescoBot, Anand07.s, Mfwitten, Publishedprinter, Maggyero, Lainestl, Biker Biker, Dcshank,
Alexanderryland, Greenprinter, Youmuppet, Zonafan39, Jamesyboyuk, Lotje, SciCorrector, Skkor, BryanEnders, Ammodramus, Bento00,
Antidiskriminator, Masilin, EmausBot, WikitanvirBot, Perfect lou, GoingBatty, SpeedRacerX567, DesmondSteppe, Wikipelli, Erianna, L
Kensington, WaidmannsHeil, Peter Karlsen, Xanchester, ClueBot NG, Media production, JanStolz27, Rupaprinting, Rk1708, Bikozak, Frietjes, O.Koslowski, Widr, Universalnewsagency, Helpful Pixie Bot, Nitinmalik76, KLBot2, Royal Wiki Force, Glennvalin, Mahendrabakle,
Kendall-K1, Zebraputih, CitationCleanerBot, Krishcare, Enaelg, Fylbecatulous, Madprofessional, ChrisGualtieri, Arcandam, Lugia2453,
Ajacombs, Corn cheese, Hillbillyholiday, Epicgenius, Gjorka, Debouch, Printing master, Carrattrezzi, Ginsuloft, Jamesfdolman, User
38, Dguzzo, JoeHebda, A.Minkowiski, JoeBobDude, Breadforpenny, KasparBot, Mulpemagazine, Srednuas Lenoroc, Eonlinemaster and
Anonymous: 311



File:Bogenoffsetmaschine-2-1980.jpg Source:

jpg License: Attribution Contributors: Own work (own picture) Original artist: Clemens PFEIFFER, Vienna
File:Chodowiecki_Basedow_Tafel_21_c_Z.jpg Source:
Basedow_Tafel_21_c_Z.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: DANIEL CHODOWIECKI 62 bisher unverentlichte Handzeichnungen
zu dem Elementarwerk von Johann Bernhard Basedow. Mit einem Vorworte von Max von Boehn. Voigtlnder-Tetzner, Frankfurt am
Main 1922. (self scanned from book) Original artist: Daniel Chodowiecki
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
DE-Zeitungsrollenoffsetdruck_by_Steschke.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sven Teschke,
File:Offset.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
Oset.png Original artist: Oset.png: Yrithinnd
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
File:Scanseri_4c_offset.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Originally from .wikipedia; description page is (was) here Original artist: User Vohvelirauta on .wikipedia


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