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NO.ID : AB14027

Working together is part of life. A family is a team, work is in teams, and some people
need to be in teams. However, I can honestly say that as I get older the concept of a group
project is less and less appealing every time they are assigned. I know that college comes
with an enormous work-load, but groups are counter-productive and never show a true
understanding of one persons knowledge on a subject. This semester I was assigned a project
of subject Soft Skills 2 with code UHS 2021 which is about the communitising technology.
Our project with theme of eRezeki Workshop was held at Kolej Komuniti Paya Besar which
is a stones throw away from Universiti Malaysia Pahang on 18th April 2016 (Monday). In
order to accomplish the objective of our program which is inculcate the interest to become an
entrepreneur in future with some side income and get to know how to utilize the technology
to earn some side income. The main activity that we are going to conduct is teaching student
using internet to generate some income through the platform of E-rezeki.

I played as a role of a secretary in the project and my responsibility is to be guardian

of the process of meetings and I am the person who makes the arrangements for the meetings,
and keeps formal records of the groups process and decisions. This may include keeping
records of correspondence. On the day of meeting my main job is taking the attendance and
record the minutes of meeting. On the project day, I am also one of the facilitator when the
eRezeki workshop is going on. My tasks throughout the workshop is to assist and help the
students when they face any problems related to the eRezeki website during the workshop.

This project was difficult and we faced a lot of challenges during our conduction of
the project. One of the main challenges is lacking of team working as because of we met in
class, had a meeting scheduled, and the meeting was not attended by some of the members
for several reason. Therefore, we could not meet with all of the members and discuss the
project properly, as a secretary I have to keep updated to all of the members about the

information and send to them via email. Another challenges that we faced is communication
problem. Some of the members have too much of idea but some of them was so shy to voice
out their idea, so far we could still overcome the problem faced by giving chance to everyone
to provide their own idea . At last, we chose the idea by voting the best one. At first, I felt
stressed when other of the group have go smooth through their project and our group have
done nothing yet even we still do not decide which idea to use. But luckily everything go
smooth without any delay until the day of the project. On the morning of our project day
when we reached at Kolej Komuniti Paya Besar, we faced a small problem which is we were
told by the person in charge that there was an internet problem in the college as our project
need to be conducted using internet. We have to provide the internet through our own
broadband so that the student can access eRezeki website. Luckily, the internet problem was
fixed so fast and we do not have to delay our project to another day.

The knowledge that I gained from this project is skill of communication with other
people. The advantage to having a group project is the ability to communicate with a group
on their opinions, views, and directions. A team is made up of a diverse group of people all
with their own unique set of experiences. Those experiences can be cultural, environmental,
religious or educational. All of these factors can become barriers to group communication if
group members do not respect each other point of view. Develop an atmosphere of mutual
respect within the group to overcome these barriers of experience. Make sure all opinions
count and every voice is heard. A diverse group can work to the teams advantage because it
offers many points of view on the same topic, but without mutual respect, those differing
points of view can cause huge hurdles to effective communication. I would say that I am
always a good addition to a team, I like to be involved, and I like to hear everyones ideas in
order to make the best possible product. It was difficult to accomplish these things though
due to the not meeting of the team.

I learned a couple things from working in this group. The first thing I learned is to
take as much control and leadership as you can because they have all the control over the
final product and there is nothing more secure than submitting an proposal you know was
done to your best expectations. Another thing I learned was to always have a back-up plan.
Due to having just few meeting time, I was not able to meet with all the group members

sometimes. If we had a back-up plan and more time to meet that we all could have scheduled,
we could have met and really collaborated in order to form an amazing product. A new skill
that I had learnt throughout the workshop is good communication skills or more generally is
speaking skills. Before performing the workshop, Im always afraid of giving presentation in
front of strange people. After continuously practising, I had learnt to construct message
carefully and deliver the messages clearly so that it can properly received by students in the

I believe our project went really well overall. The topic we chose ended up being a
perfect topic for our group to do. We worked together very well in completing the soft skill
project this semester. Our group met together several weekend to work on the project. Every
group member knew what was going on with our project because we were there working on it
together. We were able to get each others feedback and we were able to discuss, in person,
our ideas for the project. I also believe that our presentation of our final project went really
well. We discussed what each member of the group was going to present and talk about.
When we presented our project, I felt like we were well prepared for the presentation. We had
a few technology issues during the presentation, but I still feel like it went very well. Even
though we had a few technology problems, I believe our group pulled together and handled it
very well. The students of the class seemed to enjoy our presentation and gave our group
many compliments. Once everything finally came together and we presented our final
project, I would not change anything.

In a nutshell, in my point of view, I think that our group leader Thomas Ding Sii Ming
is the best member among all of the members because he is really a responsible leader. He
showed the skill of leadership by guiding and leading us throughout the whole project. He
was also a wise decision maker as all the important decision was decide by him when we
faced confused in the choices of idea. The project was going smoothly and successfully with
him as our group leader.

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