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International Journal of Epidemiology 2009;38:766772
The Author 2009; all rights reserved. Advance Access publication 11 March 2009

Recent diarrhoeal illness and risk of lower

respiratory infections in children under the
age of 5 years
Wolf-Peter Schmidt,1* Sandy Cairncross,1 Mauricio L Barreto,2 Thomas Clasen1 and Bernd Genser1,2


12 February 2009


We used a dynamic time-to-event analysis of data from two large

child studies in low-income settings in Ghana and Brazil, with the
cumulative diarrhoea prevalence over 2 weeks as the exposure and
severe ALRI as outcome. The analysis was adjusted for baseline risk
of ALRI and diarrhoea, seasonality and age.


The child population from Ghana had a much higher risk of diarrhoea, malnutrition and death than the children in Brazil. In the
data from Ghana, every additional day of diarrhoea within 2 weeks
increased the risk of ALRI by a factor of 1.08 (95% CI 1.001.15). In
addition, we found a roughly linear relationship between the
number of diarrhoea days over the last 28 days and the risk of
ALRI. In the Ghana data, 26% of ALRI episodes may be due to
recent exposure to diarrhoea. The Brazilian data gave no evidence
for an association between diarrhoea and ALRI.

Conclusion Diarrhoea may contribute substantially to the burden of ALRI in

malnourished child populations.

Diarrhoea, pneumonia, malnutrition, ALRI

Diarrhoeal diseases and acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) are regarded as the leading proximate
causes of death among children in low-income

Department for Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London

School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.
de Coletiva, Federal University of Bahia,
Instituto de Sau
Salvador, Brazil.
* Corresponding author. Department of Infectious and Tropical
Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
Keppel Street, WC1E 7HT London, UK.

settings.1 It has been shown that children who

suffer from repeated or severe episodes of diarrhoea
are also at a higher risk of ALRI.2 However, it is not
clear whether these conditions are causally related, or
whether their observed co-occurrence merely reflects
the presence of common risk factors, for example a
weak immune system and malnutrition.3
Diarrhoeal disease is an established risk factor for
acute weight loss, malnutrition and stunting.48
Likewise, malnutrition and failure to thrive are
known risk factors for ALRI.9,10 A causal link between
diarrhoeal disease and subsequent risk of ALRI is
therefore biologically plausible and would be of


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Background Children in low-income settings suffering from frequent diarrhoea

episodes are also at a high risk of acute lower respiratory infections
(ALRI). We explored whether this is due to common risk factors for
both conditions or whether diarrhoea can increase the risk of ALRI


Materials and methods

Study populations
We used data from two large vitamin A trials in
northern Ghana15 and north-eastern Brazil,16 both
conducted in semi-arid low-income settings between
1990 and 1991. The Ghana study took place in a poor
rural setting with extended families living in compounds and practicing subsistence farming. The
study area was chosen due to a high prevalence of
vitamin A deficiency. A full census of all residents
was carried out prior to the trial. All compounds in
the study area were included in the trial. All children
aged 060 months living in these compounds were
eligible for inclusion (10% loss to follow up). The
Brazil trial was conducted in Serrinha, a town with
30 000 inhabitants 170 km north-west of Bahia. At the
beginning of the study, children were identified by a
census of the poorest neighbourhoods in the area.
Eligible children were between 6 and 48 months of
age, and had no active xerophthalmia, recent measles
or recent vitamin A supplementation (10% loss to
follow up). In both trials children were followed up
for 1 year. Socio-economic status was poorer in
Ghana, where a large majority of households relied
on open wells, bore holes and rivers as water
source. In Brazil, over 95% of households had pipedin water supply and over 90% had electricity.
Diarrhoea exposure
In Ghana, weekly field worker visits measured the
prevalence of diarrhoeal disease symptoms since the
last visit and respiratory signs; in Brazil field workers
visited up to three times a week. In the Ghana dataset, diarrhoea was defined based on mothers definitions and local disease perception. In the Brazil data

diarrhoea was defined as the occurrence of three or

more loose stools over 24 h.
It has been recognized that the adverse effects of
diarrhoea such as malnutrition and death (and potentially ALRI) depend not so much on the number of
diarrhoea episodes, but on the duration of these episodes17 as well as the number of days with diarrhoea
over a certain period of time, also known as the longitudinal prevalence.68 Restricting the analysis to
(rare) prolonged episodes would have led to a loss
of power. We therefore used as a measure of recent
diarrhoea experience the number of days with diarrhoea in an individual during a fixed time window
looking back from the date on which an episode of
ALRI occurred, subsequently named index day. We
decided to apply a 2-week window for the primary
analysis, since episodes of this duration have been
shown to be associated with adverse outcomes. In a
sensitivity analysis we also tested 4-week windows.
Days that were preceded by <14 days (or 28 days)
of observation were excluded from the analysis.

ALRI measurement
We based the diagnosis of ALRI on clinical findings
documented by trained field workers during regular
visits. In both the Brazil and the Ghana data we
defined ALRI as the presence of rapid breathing
(more than 50 breaths per minute) plus one of the
following danger signs indicating severe ALRI: chest
indrawing, nasal flaring and stridor.18 Thus, we used
criteria slightly more stringent than the WHO definition for severe ALRI (the WHO definition for severe
ALRI does not require fast breathing), which should
have a higher specificity for pneumonia than ALRI
without danger signs.19 Due to the remaining uncertainty we maintain the term ALRI (rather than pneumonia) throughout this text. We defined a new
episode of ALRI as one following a 2-week interval
without ALRI.18
Data analysis
We used Cox regression for the time-to-event analysis.
Since ALRI can occur as recurrent events in the same
individual, we used an extension of the Cox model, the
PrenticeWilliamsPeterson model (PWP-CP), a
dynamic time-to-event model with incident ALRI as
the outcome variable.20 The model is suitable to fit complex multivariate time-to-event data and accounts for
the changing diarrhoea exposure of individuals over
time. We chose calendar time as the time scale in
order to control fully for seasonal variation of diarrhoea
and ALRI. To control for potential confounding due to
common risk factors for both diarrhoea and ALRI
we stratified the analysis by the individual ALRI rate
in five categories (including the individual ALRI rate
as a covariate led to over-fitting). In addition, we
adjusted for the individual proportion-of-time-ill (longitudinal prevalence over the whole observation period),
age and clustering at the child level by using robust

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considerable public health importance because effective interventions targeting diarrhoeal diseases11
would then also contribute to a reduction of ALRI.
Diarrhoea may also increase the risk of ALRI in the
short term by causing acute micronutrient loss, stress
on the immune system, dehydration or immobilization, thereby creating a vulnerable period of increased
risk of infections. There is some evidence that ALRI is
a common finding and cause of death of malnourished children hospitalized for severe diarrhoea.1214
However, in hospital case series it can be difficult to
distinguish between cause, effect and co-occurrence
due to common risk factors.
Longitudinal population-based studies are more suitable to investigate the dependence of ALRI risk on
recent diarrhoea, but we were unable to identify a
study in the literature addressing this question. The
aim of this study was to explore whether diarrhoea
increases the risk of ALRI in the short term using a
dynamic time-to-event analysis of data from two large
child studies in low-income settings.




Table 1 Epidemiological characteristics of the two study




Incidence rate/PYa



Longitudinal prevalence (%)


Mean duration of episodes (days)



Number of children

Number of episodes



Incidence rate/PY








Weight-for-age z-score < 2 (%)
Deaths (n)
Mortality rate/1000 PY

PY person-years of observation.
Defined as increased breathing rate (more than 50 breaths per
minute) plus presence of any danger sign (see text).




Basic epidemiological characteristics of the two study
populations are shown in Table 1. The children in
Ghana had a higher risk of diarrhoea and longer episodes. The mortality rate was more than 10 times
higher in Ghana than in Brazil. Figure 1 shows the
distribution of the number of days with diarrhoea
over the past 14 days. In Brazil, 76% of all days
observed were not preceded by any diarrhoea within
the prior 14 days. In Ghana this figure was only 62%.
Time periods with many diarrhoea days were much
more common in Ghana. Nearly 4% of all days in the
Ghana study were preceded by at least 14 days of
diarrhoea. As expected, the longitudinal prevalence
of diarrhoea and the incidence of ALRI in an individual child were correlated both in Ghana (r 0.15,
P < 0.001) and in Brazil (r 0.18, P < 0.001).
The results of the Cox regression analysis are shown
in Figure 2. The graphs show the increase in the ALRI
hazard rate with every additional day of diarrhoea
over 14 days during time windows at increasing distance from the index day. In Ghana, every additional
day of diarrhoea during the 14 days preceding the
index day increased the hazard rate of ALRI by
a factor of 1.08 (95% CI 1.001.15). There was no
indication that the effect differed between different
categories of ALRI risk. The effect also did not
depend on whether children without any ALRI











number of diarrhoea days in last 14 days

Figure 1 Exposure to diarrhoea. Shown is the distribution

of the number of diarrhoea days in the 14 days for all
individuals and days under observation

episode were excluded (hazard ratio 1.07, 95% CI

0.991.14). We also found that additional adjustment for weight-for-age z-score (which can be
regarded as a marker for nutritional status but also
for socio-economic and environmental health conditions) hardly changed this association (hazard
ratio 1.07, 95% CI 1.01.15).
Moving the 14-day time window to the past by 1
week still revealed a trend towards an increased
hazard rate of ALRI (HR 1.05, 95% 0.981.13).
Time windows further into the past did not show
an obvious association between diarrhoea and ALRI.
Due to decreasing power of the analysis for the time
windows further away from the index day, these estimates have very wide confidence intervals.

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variance estimation.21 Thus, by controlling for the overall risk of diarrhoea and ALRI, which should represent
the effect of common risk factors for the two conditions
(e.g. socio-economic, environmental, water, hygiene)
the model allowed focussing on the short-term temporal association.
We fitted a separate model for each stratum defined
by the ALRI rate, and then combined estimators of
the stratum specific models to an overall estimate.20
In other words, each time an ALRI episode occurs in
any individual (index day), the model compares the
diarrhoea exposure over the 14-day time window in
that individual with the diarrhoea exposure at that
calendar time in other individuals with a similar overall rate of ALRI and diarrhoea, adjusted for age.
We explored the impact of diarrhoea in the weeks
prior to the index day by moving the time window to
the past starting on the day before the index day. For
example, exposure to diarrhoea during the time
window closest to the index day was specified as
the sum of diarrhoea days from Day 15 to Day 1
prior to the index day. This window was moved to the
past in weekly intervals. For each time window at
weekly intervals we fitted a separate model.
The population attributable fraction (PAF), i.e. the
proportion of ALRI episodes due to diarrhoea was
calculated using the formula PAF p0  (HR  1)/HR,
where p0 is the proportion of cases exposed and HR
the adjusted hazard ratio.22





Hazard Ratio

Index day













lag time (days)


Index day














lag time (days)

Figure 2 The risk of ALRI depending on diarrhoea over

a 14-day window at different lag times for (a) Ghana and
(b) Brazil. The index day 0 is the day on which ALRI
presence or absence was ascertained. The first estimate on
the right (1.08 for Ghana) denotes the increase in the risk
(hazard) of ALRI with every additional day with diarrhoea
during the 14 days preceding the index day starting from
Day 1. The next estimate (1.05 for Ghana) denotes the
increase in the risk of ALRI with every additional diarrhoea
day during the 14 days from Day 8 to Day 21, and so on

In striking contrast to Ghana, the Brazilian data

gave no evidence for an association between diarrhoea
over the last 14 days and ALRI for any of the time
windows (Figure 2b). The hazard ratios were very
close to unity for the time windows close to the
index day. There was some indication of an association for the lag times further into the past, butas
the wide confidence intervals suggestthis may easily
be due to chance.
To further examine the association between the
number of days with diarrhoea and ALRI found in
the Ghana data, we treated the number of diarrhoea
days as a categorical variable and compared the ALRI
risk of each category with the risk in time windows
without any diarrhoea. Figure 3a shows the association between the number of days with diarrhoea and
ALRI risk compared with 0 days of diarrhoea during
the last 14 days. There appears to be a roughly linear
association between the two conditions, at least
from53 days with diarrhoea over 14 days (as
expected, the Brazil data revealed no such trend
not shown). To explore whether this association
extends further into the past, we constructed a
28-day window, also looking back from the first day

Figure 3 The risk of ALRI in Ghana depending on the

number of diarrhoea days during (a) the last 14 and (b) the
last 28 days prior to the index day (time window closest to
the index day). To avoid convergence problems, the number
of diarrhoea days during the 28-day window was collapsed
into groups of four

after the index day (Figure 3b). The graph suggests

that the association is also present for the longer time

Population attributable fraction

For Ghana, we estimated the population attributable
fraction, i.e. the proportion of ALRI in the population
due to short-term exposure to diarrhoea, by assuming
that diarrhoea affects ALRI risk predominantly within
2 weeks. The study population was exposed to any diarrhoea within 2 weeks during 38% of the person-time of
observation (Figure 1). The proportion of ALRI episodes
exposed (i.e. with any diarrhoea in the preceding
2 weeks) was 68%. Any exposure to diarrhoea within
2 weeks was associated with an adjusted hazard ratio of
HR 1.61 (95% CI: 0.89, 2.95). The estimated PAF is
0.68  (1.61  1)/1.61 26%, suggesting that 26% of
ALRI cases may be due to diarrhoea in the previous
2 weeks.

Our analysis suggests that diarrhoea contributed substantially to the risk of ALRI within a few weeks of its
occurrence in a child population in Ghana, but not in

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Hazard Ratio




visit or earlier where no ALRI was present. In

Ghana, we found a fairly linear doseresponse relationship between the number of diarrhoea days for up
to 28 days of diarrhoea (Figure 3) which is well
beyond 7 diarrhoea days and cannot be explained
by recall bias alone.
We used an outcome definition similar to the definitions recommended by WHO for the presumptive
treatment of ALRI. There are inherent methodological
limitations in defining diarrhoea and ALRI in large
field studies.18,23 Thorough clinical examination and
imaging by medical staff are often not possible in the
field, where presumptive treatment of signs likely
to be due to ALRI predominates. Due to the low specificity and sensitivity of most surveillance methods,
misclassification of disease status is unavoidable, even
when using (as in our analysis) stringent criteria for
severe ALRI resulting in comparatively low figures for
overall risk (Table 1).19 Non-differential misclassification of diarrhoea may have decreased the size of a
potential association between the two conditions; differential misclassification may have biased the estimate in either direction.24 Misclassification of ALRI
may have lowered the precision of the estimate.
In some cases of severe diarrhoea, hypovolaemic
or septic shock may cause metabolic acidosis with
rapid breathing misclassified as ALRI, which could
have inflated the effect sizes seen.3 However, we
think it is unlikely that this could account for a substantial proportion of the estimate, since rapid breathing due to metabolic acidosis represents a relatively
rare, as well as short-lived and terminal sign of diarrhoea, unlikely to be regularly picked up by weekly
field worker visits. Also, metabolic acidosis is unlikely
to cause danger signs of ALRI, on which ALRI definition was also dependent.
By stratifying the analysis by the individual ALRI
risk, and adjusting for diarrhoea longitudinal prevalence, we believe we have minimized the potential for
confounding by common underlying risk factors for
diarrhoea and ALRI. Residual confounding should
have affected the estimate at all time lags, not exclusively those close to the index day. To confirm the
temporal association between diarrhoea and subsequent ALRI we reversed the time axis in the Ghana
data, by simply moving the time window forward in
time from the index day. There was no evidence that
diarrhoea in the 14 days after the index day was
associated with ALRI (HR 0.99, 95% CI 0.931.05),
which lends supports to a causative role of diarrhoea.
On the whole, we believe that methodological limitations of the analysis are a possible, but not the
most likely, reason for the pronounced differences in
the relationship between diarrhoea and ALRI identified between the two child populations from Ghana
and Brazil. Differences in the demographic, nutritional and socio-economic profile are in our view a
more plausible explanation. While we acknowledge
that methodological limitations potentially inflated

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a child population in Brazil. In Ghana, the relationship was roughly linear: every additional day of diarrhoea over 24 weeks appeared to increase the risk
of ALRI.
The striking socio-demographic and epidemiological
differences between the two study populations may
be a plausible explanation for the contrasting findings. The Ghana study included children under
6 months who were excluded in Brazil. In Ghana,
the mortality rate was more than 10 times higher
and diarrhoea was more common, especially in long
episodes (Table 1). Malnutrition was more prevalent
in the Ghana study site, as was clinical Vitamin A
deficiency,15 which was mostly sub-clinical in
Brazil.16 ALRI incidence was similar, but this is
likely to be due to the three times more frequent
household visits in Brazil, which increased the
chance of a child presenting with all respiratory
signs necessary to meet the case definition. Socio-economic status and water access were much more
favourable in the Brazilian households compared
with those included in the Ghana study.
The higher risk profile in the Ghana study may suggest that diarrhoea increases the risk of ALRI predominantly in malnourished children with a severe
diarrhoea burden, who are at high risk of death. In
line with our findings, hospital studies have shown
that ALRI is a common comorbidity and cause of
death among malnourished children admitted with
severe diarrhoea.1214 Hospital case series have many
limitations. The strength of our study is that longitudinal data allow a much better exploration and quantification of the temporal link, which is difficult to
establish in hospital studies. Our population-based
study also allowed calculation of the population attributable fraction, which in the case of Ghana suggests
a substantial contribution of diarrhoea to the burden
of ALRI.
Among the methodological limitations, recall bias
and misclassification may be the most important.
In Ghana, diarrhoea was defined based on local disease concepts identified during extensive formative
research. The Brazil study applied the WHO standard
definition. Both approaches have been used extensively in epidemiological studies, but do not fully
avoid misclassification and biased disease estimates.
Recall bias could have increased the estimated hazard
ratio of ALRI for the diarrhoea time window immediately prior to the index day. Mothers caring for a child
with ALRI may have been more inclined to report
diarrhoea during the time since the last visit than
those with a healthy child. The risk for recall bias
may be more pronounced in Ghana, where field
workers only visited once per week rather than two
to three times per week as in Brazil. Recall bias may
therefore explain some of the association between
diarrhoea during the 7 days before a field worker
visit, but is unlikely to have affected the estimates
including diarrhoea days reported at the previous


(water, sanitation, indoor air pollution). According

to our results, diarrhoea may be an important mediator in this causal chain in very poor settings.
Global figures on causes of child mortality, which
often place ALRI or pneumonia at the top of the
list,27 need to be seen in this light. While specific measures to reduce ALRI incidence and case fatality such
as vaccination28,29 and case treatment30 proved effective and worthwhile, this analysis underscores that the
underlying causes may be the ultimate problem.

Wellcome Trust, UK (WT082569AIA).

The authors are grateful to Saul Morris and David
Ross for providing data and comments; to Lucy
Smith, Simon Cousens and Kim Mulholland for comments on the draft.
Conflict of interest: None declared.

 Children in poor settings with frequent diarrhoea episodes are often found to be also at high risk of
ALRI, but it is unclear whether this is due to common risk factors or whether diarrhoea can increase
the risk of ALRI directly.
 In this analysis, we found that diarrhoea may increase the risk of ALRI over a vulnerable period of
24 weeks in malnourished child populations. The results suggest that prevention of diarrhoea may
contribute to a reduction in ALRI, the leading immediate cause of death in children.


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the effect size, the population attributable fraction

resulting from the Ghana data may on the other
hand underestimate the true effect of diarrhoea on
ALRI. Our analysis only allowed us to explore the
short-term association between diarrhoea and ALRI.
The longer-term association between diarrhoea, malnutrition and subsequent risk of ALRI is difficult to
study and would require close follow up of a large
number of children over several years and careful
consideration of a wide range of potential confounders, data that are usually not available in settings
where the problem is greatest. Despite high biological
plausibility, it remains unknown whether the longterm effect of frequent and severe diarrhoea episodes
on the nutritional status of children25 also increases
the risk of ALRI. There is a need for further largescale longitudinal studies to confirm our findings
and explore long-term effects.
Bearing in mind that ALRI and diarrhoea probably
represent the two most common proximate causes of
child mortality worldwide, an association between the
two conditions as suggested by our analysis would
have considerable public health implications. Our
analysis reinforces the idea that ALRI is largely the
endpoint of a long chain of causal factors,26 including poverty, nutrition and environmental health










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Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association

The Author 2009; all rights reserved. Advance Access publication 3 April 2009

International Journal of Epidemiology 2009;38:772774


Commentary: What is the role of co-morbidity

in child mortality?
Christa L Fischer Walker* and Robert E Black


2 March 2009

Childhood infectious diseases remain the leading

cause of morbidity and mortality among children
Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA.
* Corresponding author. Department of International Health,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 615
North Wolfe Street, Room E5535, Baltimore, MD 21205,
USA. E-mail:

under 5 years of age around the world. More

than half of all child deaths can be attributed to the
three most lethal communicable diseases: pneumonia
(including sepsis in neonates), diarrhoea and
malaria.1 Prevention and treatment of these infectious
diseases should be the greatest public health priorities
to improve the survival of children living in communities characterized by extreme poverty, poor health
systems and environmental contamination. Children

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