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I know I am a respected guest amongst your hall. Each time I enter your people are more
dressed up as they were before. The respect I get from your kingdom inspires me to write
this letter to you.
You may be frequently asking your god, why? Why must I attack your kingdom? But what
is this god? How can you thank him for all he has done? He has done nothing but let your
men be killed by me. I control your men more than this god. Can you recall what I did to
I used to take pleasure in listening to Hart's music, but this is not what sparks my desire
to attack you I always knew what the Shaper was singing was lies
. Youve used this man to
lie to your people. Youve given them hope hope that you would save them from me, but you
failed. Thinking after each attack you have found a way to beat me, filling your people with
confidence. I feel sorry for your people. They are praising you and look to you for guidance
but all you can do is have the Shaper sing lies. They know no better than the lies you tell
them. They thank god for such a wise king, but do they even know how wise you are not.
I am sure that you think about our first encounter. You think to yourself if only I had not
thrown that battle-ax, he would not be attacking us. However, you would be wrong. I do
not attack your kingdom because of foolishness that occurred many years ago I attack
you because youre power hungry. You do not deserve that seat you sit in. The roads you
built were only used to make your power grow stronger this was your direct connection to
your allies so you can receive praise and gifts. Not only that, but you are reckless. You
have men carelessly kill animals, carelessly kill each other, and damage the land. You do not
deserve to be a king. You are not worthy.
I hoped my fighting against your men would scare you enough to refrain from your absurd
actions. Unfortunately, I have failed. After these twelve years of battle, it is my hope you
will see the error of your ways.
Your dearest enemy,
P.S. I see that youre bringing Beowulf in. Hes no match for me. Hehe

Or should I said Cain Jr. Your words amuse me. You are not our god. You do not control us.
Without us, you would be nothing. We are the only thing you pay attention to in your whole life.
We have family, celebrations, and purposes in life; all things you do not. You are nothing but a
mere speck on our radar.
The Harts music is lovely. Fills my people with joy and hope to live on. Everybody needs hope in
their life. The music does not
them with confidence. They already have confidence; if
anything the music boosts their confidence. We are superior than you. We are better than you.
We will beat you.
I hardly recall our first encounter. I have much more in my life to look forward to than you. As a
king, I am in charge; I hold power. I have made my city better and safer with the allies I created.
Heorot is better for it. I am worthy to be king. I was chosen.
My people do what they need to survive and if that is killing animals and setting fires, then so be
it. How are you any better than us if you kill my people? You are just as much of a monster as
you claim us to be.
I am cutting this letter short because there is no reason in spending my time talking to you. You
should see the error in your ways. You are the one killing innocent men.

From the desk of,

P.S. Yes! Sending in the best to beat the worst. Good Luck!

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