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One of the hardest things about being a teacher would be to discipline the

children the proper way. Many teachers dont know how to do such thing and
lose patience. I believe there are many different levels of punishments that
should be taken into consideration as there are more serious situations than

The lowest level of bad behavior in my opinion should be punishable with a

note sent home in order for the parents to be aware and give the child a talk
themselves. Sitting out of fun activities would be a beneficial consequence as
well because children hate missing out on things. The behavior which would
result in such consequences would be:

Talking back
Sleeping in class
Habitual tardiness
Talking without raising hand
Getting out of seat without permission
Eating in class
Using a cell phone during class
Bringing toys to class

The next form of punishment I would enforce would be detention after school
and missing future activities the child should not participate in, and a call
home at the exact moment. The behavior in which I would take these steps
in would be for:

Disrupting others/abusive conduct to others

Cheating, plagiarizing, or lying
Throwing objects

The highest level of punishment I would go about as a teacher would be

sending the child to the principals office which most likely results in
suspension or a parent/teacher conference. These are all things that need
immediate attention and need to be handled as the student needs to know
that these behaviors are not acceptable.

Inappropriate familiarity
Possession of a weapon
Unauthorized leaving of class

Using racial obscenities
Using profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures
Fighting with another student
Defacing school or others property
Teacher assault or verbal abuse

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