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1. What motive does Holden have in this passage from the train?

Ernest just adores it.

I know he does, I said. Then I started shooting the old crap around a little bit. 55
a. To entertain others on the train
b. Show his original and true self
c. To intrigue and fool the lady
d. To be honest and affiliate with her

2. How would you describe Holdens relationship with Phoebe?

a. 1 sided and contradictory
b. Rough and rowdy
c. Loving and open
d. Serious and awkward
3. What changes would you make to this passage to make it grammatically correct?
I got about a hundred pages to read for history for Monday,28
a. I got about one hundred pages to read for history on Monday,
b. I have about one hundred pages to read for history thats due on Monday
c. I have about a hundred pages to read for History for Monday,
d. I have about one hundred pages to read for History thats due on Monday,

4. How would you show your understanding of the ducks in the pond?
You know those ducks in that lagoon right near Central Park South? That little lake? By
any chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks, when it gets all frozen over?
Do you happen to know by any chance?60

Change isnt permanent

Curiosity is bad
Doesnt symbolize anything
Fear will hurt you

5. Analyze the tone of this passage

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing youll probably want to know is where I
was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all
before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I dont feel like going
into it, if you want to know the truth. 1

Laid back
Up beat

6. What changes would you make to fix Holdens drinking problem?

a. Give him more money
b. Make him less depressed
c. Give him enough money to just get by in school
d. Telling him not to go to bars
7. Who were the main characters at the hotel?
a. Holden and Maurice
b. Holden, Phoebe, and D.B.
c. Holden and Sunny
d. Holden, Maurice, and Sunny

8. Can you explain what is meant by Phoebe placing the hunting hat on Holden?
Then what she did- it damn near killed me- she reached in my coat pocket and took out my
red hunting hat and put it on my head. 212

Its raining and Phoebe was protecting him from the rain
Phoebe accepts Holden for who he is
An act of love
An act of support

9. How does the author achieve such an authentic tone in The Catcher in the Rye?
a. All of the below

b. Ethos
c. Logos
d. Pathos
10. How is Holden similar to Stradlater in this passage?
He was always asking you to do him a big favor. You take a very handsome guy, or a guy
who thinks hes a real hot-shot, and theyre always asking you to do them a big favor. 27

They are both very genuine

They are both handsome
They both look up to each other
They both think they are hot shots, but they are actually phony

11. The word nonchalant in context of this quote is best interpreted to mean
I just got very cool and nonchalant. 90


12. How would you improve Holdens success in school?

a. Have his friends tutor him
b. Give him a hardworking and helpful mentor
c. Put him into public school
d. Give him more money
13. Which example best shows Holdens relationship with Jane?
a. After all that, Jane and I got to be friends, and all.77
b. You never wanted to kid Jane too much.78
c. I really got to know her quite intimately.76
d. I held hands with her all the time, for instance. That doesnt sound like much, I
realize, but she was terrific to hold hands with.79

14. What might Holdens choice of language reveal about the tone in this passage?
Old Spencerd practically kill himself chuckling and smiling and all, like as if Thurmer was
a goddam prince or something.168

Jagged and improper

Orderly and clean
Proper and suitable
Competent and appropriate

15. What type of rhetorical element does Salinger use in this passage?
The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it
was. Nobodyd moveNobodyd be different. The only thing that would be different would
be you.121


16. Which example shows that Holden acknowledges change?

a. The girls he dates
b. His love for innocence
c. The ducks at the pond
d. His love for the museum

17. What evidence can you find in this passage to prove that Holden is a good guy?

The first record store I went into had a copy of Little Shirley Beans. They charged me five
bucks for it, because it was so hard to get, but I didnt care. Boy, it made me so happy all of
the sudden. I could hardly wait to get to the park to see if old Phoebe was around so that I
could give it to her.116

The record costed a lot so he was mad

He only went to one record store for Phoebe
The CD was very hard to find
He could hardly wait to give it to her

18. The authors word choice brings out his purpose in this passage to
I told him I was only kidding, and then I went over and laid down on Elys bed. Boy, did I
feel rotten. I felt so damn lonesome.48

Make you mad at Holden

Make you feel for Holden
Interest the reader
Bore the reader

19. How would you compare and contrast J.D. Salinger and Holdens character? Their ideas?
20. Can you assess the importance of confidence in your individuality? Use examples from
the text.

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