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Mitchell Troutt

Google Books Assignment

Tim & Erics Zone Theory

Tim and Erics: Zone Theory is a comedic book by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim
that satirizes the church of scientology by creating a religion of its own. Scientology requires a
person to ascend a series of levels to reveal more about the religion, with each step providing
more enlightenment into how the world began and how one should live their life. To ascend to
the next level most often the person has to give a money offering to the church. This book uses
the same themes, but instead they have 7 Zones one must pass through and instead of giving
money to achieve the next zone one must read through various fake advertisements.
Advertisements such as Zone Theory Cat Litter are littered throughout the book and the
authors claim these are strictly third party sellers and have nothing to do with the ads displayed.
Tim and Eric begin the book with forewords to help legitimize the pages that come. This
first being from a man named Dr. Jason Brip, a burnout that studies a profession he made up
called Hoy Medicine. He describes how Zone Theory taught him how to align his 7 zones
and that this alignment is more fulfilling than any other drug hes ever tried. The rest of the
forewords are similar, one from a pastor who says the teachings arent compatible with his
religion yet still changed his as a person. The next two forewords are about authors themselves
explaining their past success. Heidecker claims many different passions, including art, poetry
and Amateur Horseplay. Wareheim was a glass blower throughout his 20s and claims he has
Low blood level counts. The excerpt ends after the forewords and the authors explain in giant
text that there will be advertisements throughout the book in order to lower the costs of
The rest of the book has a similar format, introducing characters, and advertisements; as
well as secrets and truths of the Zone Theory. They provide testimonials and delve into their
own divine histories that are purposefully and obviously made up. There are many pictures and
graph to help explain the facets of the religion and zones. They depict a zone family with
varying branches that exemplify zone mothers, zone fathers and basically put the word
zone in front of every word they deem important to their practice. The effect of all this creates
a book as basically a giant advertisement trying to sell their cheap products and create a cult like
following to their made up religion.

Rob Delaney: Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban ...

Rob Delaney: Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban ... is a
book written by comedian Rob Delaney who made his fame by posting jokes on twitter,
accumulating millions of followers while he was still an unknown comic. His book is about his
and the peculiar things that led him to a career in comedy. Mostly they are stories of very
embarrassing moments hes experienced and sometimes even tragic events and unfortunate
He begins the book describing his ascent to fame through twitter, describing how he
could not find work as a comedy writer or comedian, that he would turn in his portfolios and the
most feedback it ever produced was the occasional good job without follow up. He details
about being absolutely broke because of this and that his sudden twitter fame saved his career
and changed his life. He describes his family, his dad grew up poor and was in and out of half
ways homes throughout his childhood, and his mother grew up in a very wealthy family, having
an elevator in her house as she grew up.
He describes the unfortunate parts of his life as well. The most notable being a time in
his 30s when he was teetering off the edge as a self-destructive alcoholic. He describes one
night where he was black out drunk and driving, when he passed out, swerved off the road and
ran into a convenience store. This he described was a major pivot in his life and he quickly got
his act together. He sobered up and has not drank since, met his wife and changed quite his
theatre acting job to pursue comedy. He has finally found his success in writing and acting in his
own dramatic comedy TV show called Catastrophe on Amazon Prime.

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