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Artifact Reflection Tag

Name: Tammy Kinnetz

Artifact submitted for course: Making Reading Connections
Instructor: Angela Wessel
Semester/Year of Course: VU Spring 2013
Date this artifact was created: April, 2013
Artifact Title: Internet Research Summary
Artifact Summary
This is an internet search assignment of 3 websites relating to the area of reading strategies. The
purpose of the search is to find information and resources to support me in my classroom.
Course Outcomes
Develop an understanding of good reader strategies.
Implement the sequence for launching a new reading strategy.
Adapt lesson plans and create new plans to launch experiences that make readers
Practice and reflect upon the gradual release of responsibility model in literacy.
Interact with other educators to seek a variety of teaching strategies.
Strengthen my toolbox of teaching strategies to include more concreate experiences and
sensory exercises.
Expand and explore new literature to use as mentor text for reading instruction.
Impact on Present Teaching
I chose to take this class because I wanted to expand my knowledge in reading strategies and
find ways of helping my students in my classroom. Reading is fundamental to all subject matter
and at the time of taking this course I had not been teaching very long. I really liked this
assignment because I had heard so many of these strategies, acronyms and buzz words and this
site addressed a few of those for me. The research assignment is an excellent resource that has 3
websites with literacy strategies to strengthen my toolbox. This class gave me creative ways to
introduce reading strategies for my high school business students.
Impact for Future Teaching
The websites that I researched have excellent literacy strategies for using creative ways to
introduce new units of curriculum.
A great reference to pass on to new teachers and colleagues during collaboration.
This resource could easily be implemented as part of a future action research project.

Tammy Kinnetz
Internet Research Summary
Assignment 1

Reading Strategies for the Secondary Classroom
This information is found on the Website of Central High School from Laramie School District
in Cheyenne Wyoming. This site has 36 pre-reading strategies, 31 strategies to use during
reading, 28 strategies for after reading, 9 discussion strategies, 4 research ideas and 4 extras
strategies that can be useful in the classroom. I gained some very easy how-to ways to approach
the lessons in my classroom. I found that strategies in this website can be tweaked to be used in
elementary and junior high school as well high school. I found additional information and
strategies on ways to implement discussion and research topics. What I really thought was
powerful in the information on the website was each strategy was named and then explained in
just a few sentences. This helped look at the material and not be intimidated which encouraged
me to put some of these easy strategies to work!
Laramie County School District 1 2810 House Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001 Phone: (307) 771-2100

Reading Comprehension Strategies
This information is found on the Website of Crown Point School in Crown Point Indiana. This
website is different than the previous website I covered in that there are website links to the
reading strategies listed. This high school site has the strategy listed by topic then links you
other internet sites with the information on the topic. I found this site to be a little more
comprehensive when it comes to reading strategies. It gives you reading strategies for the
classroom with graphic organizers printouts; it lists a how to savvy teachers manual to promote
different reading competencies and various articles, videos and webcasts of experts in how to
promote reading comprehension in the classroom. The additional information and strategies I
found useful were the graphic organizer printouts I can down load when I implement a reading
strategy for my lesson plans. This is a great tool because it explains the strategy and has
information on how to use the graphic organizer. I also found that the videos and webcasts
would be a wonderful reference for me when I am writing up my lesson plans. This can help me
to listen to others and find out what has worked in their secondary classroom. I really found this
website to be a one stop shop for a variety of useful reading ideas and strategies!
Reading Strategies
This information is found on the Website of Capuchino High School in San Bruno, California.
This website lists various reading strategies that are familiar to the teaching community.
However, why I chose this one to summarize is that fact that the strategy is listed with a brief
description that teases you into wanting to know more. If you want to learn more you can click
on the strategy and you are given goals of the strategy, teacher preparation, instructional
strategies and relevant content standard that are met using the approach. I really liked this site
because I am new to teaching and I hear so many of these strategies, acronyms and buzz words
and this site addressed a few of these for me. What I found useful are ways to prepare my class
through instructional strategies. Lesson plans could easily be prepared using this site especially
with the relevant content standards being listed, the goals and or objectives of the strategy and
instructional procedure. I highly recommend this site, especially for new teachers.

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