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The Reality of Global Warming

Cynthia Bernal
Montgomery College




The Reality of Global Warming

History has taught people to learn from their mistakes but now a new challenge has risen,
global warming. Global warming is new challenge humans have to face to make sure the Earth
will be in tact for generations to come. There has been no action taken to stop the rising
temperatures on Earth, which may lead to disastrous effects. In addition, companies continue to
burn fossil fuels which does not help with the influx of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
All the organisms that call Earth their home will have to bear the consequences that are produced
from human actions. With all the greenhouse gases added to the air, there can be changes in the
weather pattern system which already may be causing problems to many people around the
world. The non-action taken by humans and companies, cause changes on Earth which produces
long lasting effects of global warming.
Global warming will continue to occur unless some outside intervention encourages
individuals to take action to change the effects of the increased average temperature on Earth. As
people go through their day, nothing seems to be changing in their present lives. Without taking
precautions to what may happen to the Earth, peoples habits will soon have to change. There are
laws that try to diminish the greenhouse gases that enter the atmosphere, but not many people
may know what is actually occurring with global warming. There are laws that require peoples
cars to pass the emissions test, but the emissions test may not convey to the population of
American citizens why an emissions test is needed. For some individuals the emissions test may
just be a way for the government to get more money from each person, instead of thinking of the
of the care of the Earth. Furthermore, many individuals may go around everyday thinking about
how they might be affecting Earth but no action is taken to help the Earth in the long run.



Without the assistance of people on Earth, the long lasting effects of the increased global
temperature will continue to degrade Earth. In contrast, there are new technologies created to
stop the impact of the humans carbon footprint on Earth to diminish the contributions to global
warming. People portraying how solar panels and wind energy are helping to stop the use of
fossil fuels are correct but many of these technologies are too expensive for the average person.
Solar panels are a great way to use the natural energy provided by the sun without adding to the
consequences of global warming. Many people cannot afford solar panels so they may not be
used to their fullest capacity to provide energy without producing any harmful byproducts to the
Earth. In addition, new hybrid cars are also a way to stop the increase of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere in peoples daily lives since they run on electricity and fuel instead of purely fossil
fuels. Hybrid cars reduce the amount of carbon dioxide into the air but not everyone in the world
will drive hybrid cars. These cars may be a step in the right direction but what kind a person
drives may not enough to stop the effects of global warming entirely. There will be long lasting
effects due to the in action or not enough actions by humans to stop the changes on the Earth.
With more companies trying to provide a cleaner alternative way of energy, the newer
alternatives may be harming the planet even more. Many companies around the world use fossil
fuels as their main source of energy, causing more carbon dioxide to be emitted into the air. With
more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reacting with other molecules, the ozone layer is
diminishing. The ozone layer helps block out harmful UV rays which harm humans. By using
fossil fuels to the extent humans are right now, companies are harming themselves and the
individuals of the world because the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects many organisms.
With the continuation of carbon dioxide being emitted into the air the ozone layer will continue



to diminish and with the protection the ozone layer protects organisms from harmful ultraviolet
radiation. On the contrary, there are companies trying to use other means of fuel to provide
energy for individuals. Nuclear energy is a way to provide energy without emitting carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere, but nuclear energy is very expensive compared to other methods
and it may cause more disastrous environmental impacts in the long run (Natural Resources
Defense Council, 2013). Moreover, biomass power plants are also being used as a way to stop
the use of fossil fuels. Biomass power plants use wood and other biological materials to produce
heat and power already on the Earth to recycle it in a way that is Earth friendly, except now
many companies are cutting down trees that are healthy as a source of fuel for the power plants
(Biomass Power Plants Produce Just as Much Pollution as Coal-Fired Power Plants, 2015). By
cutting down already existing trees rather than waste products, the natural carbon dioxide takers
(trees) will be diminished and more carbon dioxide will stay in the atmosphere. By not using the
biomass power plants in a safe manner, the power plants will be doing more harm than good. The
Earth has a delicate balance of regulating the amount intake of greenhouse gases, by not taking
action, there will be long lasting effects of global warming on the Earth.
With all the addition of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the weather patterns are
slowly changing and causing tragic effects to multiple parts of the country. There have been
colder temperatures in the UK due to the rise of the average temperature on Earth (Singh &
Singh, 2014). Many individuals may have a preconceived notion about how the increasing
temperatures are affecting the world, leading them to believe, if the average temperature of Earth
rises then the temperature they are experiencing also rises. In places in the UK, or locations near
the Arctic or Antartica, the melting of the ice may cause those locations to experience lower



average temperatures because the coldness of the melting of the ice is being released into the air
(Singh & Singh, 2014). The rising temperatures are due to the inaction of humans and companies
which are causing many people to change how they live day to day. People nearby the Solomon
Islands have to evacuate where they have lived their entire lives due to more higher elevation,
because the water levels are increasing at a rate that was unprecedented (Ma, 2014). Humans
lives are already at risk, tiny populations of culturally unique inhabitants will fall through the
cracks, because many of their people are spread out in a new place that is not their home (Ma,
2014). The long lasting effects of global warming are already being seen in many parts of the
world. Various humans who do not believe global warming is happening is due in part because
the Earth goes through its cycles and everything will go back to normal eventually, and humans
took no part in creating global warming since it is a natural occurrence. The melting and growing
of arctic ice seems to be a consequence of Earths natural cycles that happens. The arctic ice has
reached its all time low in 2014, conveying how much of an impact global warming has caused
to the decrease of ice (Singh & Singh, 2014). With the average temperature increasing, not much
of the ice can regrow to its previous state. Many people say the changes in the weather patterns
occur every now and then, but those people do not say that the changes have happened with such
an alarming rate (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, 2014). The
increase in average temperature does not seem to be showing down. Individuals do not want to
face the fact of the increasing temperatures cause global warming which changes the weather
patterns on the Earth. Changes need to be made to stop the consequences of global warming on
the planet, causing long lasting effects on organisms.



Many problems in the world may not have a solution, but global warming may be stopped
in its tracks before it is too late. Not much action is being taken by individuals to make a change
to stop global warming; many individuals do not believe or know what is happening on the
Earth. Various individuals believe global warming is not occurring because there has not been
enough data collected to say for certain that the increase of carbon dioxide is the main culprit of
the increased average temperature on Earth; more scientific research and continuing to test the
hypothesis is how more skeptical people may believe into global warming (Vasey, 2014).
Educating people is a start to make them aware of the changes occurring to the planet they live
on. Action needs to be taken to start to make a change on Earth, to keep it a habitable place for
generations to come. Furthermore, many companies are still using fossil fuels as their main score
of energy. Fossil fuels release a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which causes the
greenhouse effect, storing heat in the atmosphere increasing the impact of global warming. There
are many alternate ways to produce energy, but there can be downsides to some of the ways to
produce energy, including cost, impact to environment, and effects on humans. Finding a new
energy source which does not produce much carbon dioxide with little cost may be hard, but
technology is evolving and new approaches can be found to stop global warming in it is tracks.
By stopping the addition of carbon dioxide being emitted into the atmosphere, the weather
patterns should go back to normal and stabilize. Many people in the world are already
experiencing changes in their lives due to the effects of global warming. Making people
conscientious of the fact global warming is happening might encourage them to stop the effects
of global warming and take a stand. People can work together on both sides to create a balanced



solution which helps the lives of humans being and the Earth. If action is taken, Earth will
respond by normalizing again.
The action which is not taken by humans and companies cause changes on Earth which
produces long lasting effects of global warming. Many weather patterns are in delicate balance,
but with the increase in temperature, many places are now experiencing different weather
patterns. With the rising temperatures on Earth, weather patterns will continue to change. No
action being taken by humans will continue to cause the effects of global warming to increase.
Global warming cannot be stopped unless there is outside intervention from individuals and
companies. Companies need to find ways to stop the burning of fossil fuels to try to diminish the
amount of carbon dioxide being emitted into the air. If companies continue to burn fossil fuels
without finding alternate energy sources, global warming will continue to cause the average
temperature of Earth to rise. Humans and companies need to take a stand against global warming
to make a change before it is too late. The little changes can make a huge impact in the long run.



Biomass Power Plants Produce Just as Much Pollution as Coal-Fired Power Plants. (2015). In S.
Engdahl (Ed.), Opposing Viewpoints. Energy Alternatives. Farmington Hills, MI:
Greenhaven Press.
Ma, A. (2014). Washed away: the threat of global warming. Harvard International Re
view, 36(1), 7+.
Natural Resources Defense Council. (2013). Nuclear Power Is Not a Sound Strategy to Fight
Global Warming. In L. M. Zott & H. Schier (Eds.), Opposing Viewpoints. Nuclear
Power. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from Nuclear Facts, 2007)
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. (2014). Carbon Emissions Have No
Significant Impact on Climate Change. In L. M. Zott (Ed.), Opposing Viewpoints.
The Environment. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from 2013, 2)
Singh, B. R., & Singh, O. (2014). The Melting of Glaciers Cannot Be Reversed with Global
Warming. In R. Espejo (Ed.), At Issue. Can Glacier and Ice Melt Be Reversed? De
troit: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from Chapter 2: A Study About Realities of
Climate Change: Glacier Melting and Growing Crises, Vol. 42, 2013, inTech Pub
lisher: Rijeka, Croatia)
Vasey, G. M. (2013). Global-Warming Science Is Merely a Working Hypothesis. In D. A.
Miller (Ed.), Current Controversies. Global Warming. Detroit: Greenhaven
Press. (Reprinted from Man Made Global WarmingIs the Science Really
Proven?,, 2011)

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