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Comprehension Strategy: Prediction

The teacher will review with the students that predictions are
guesses readers make about what will happen next in a book
by using clues from the text. Before reading the book the
teacher will ask the students to write down their predictions
about what will happen in the book based off of the book
cover and summary. The students will write their predictions
on sticky notes and will share their thoughts with their table
groups. The students will stick their sticky notes on a Holes
Predictions anchor chart for the entire class to see. The
anchor chart will be divided into three sections, predictions,
came true, and did not come true. As the teacher and the
students read through the book they will move their sticky
notes from the predictions section to either the came true or
did not come true sections of the anchor chart. Independently,
the students will keep a prediction chart in their reading
journals. They will make predictions after reading every five
chapters of the book, detailing what they think will happen next.
The students must list their prediction and include clues from
the text that lead them to believe their predictions. The
students will also refer back to their past predictions as they
read to determine if their personal predictions came true.



Directions: Make your predictions. List the clues that helped you.
After you finish reading, go back and write what really happened.

What I predict
will happen

Clues that I
What really
used to predict happened

Wendy Arentz 2014

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