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Stephanie Arciga
Professor Santosh
English 113B
April 9, 2016
Technology effecting our public and private spheres
In todays society stress is a common and influential factor in the way we live our lives. It
seems that no matter what we do we cannot avoid stress. Most often, we take previous stress
from one work spaces to another. Stress can be developed from our first space where we spend
most of our time for example, at home or in our second spaces where we also obtain
responsibilities for example, at work or school. Often we struggle to find a gap in between that
will help us transition from one task to another, which is what allows us to be in a third space. In
a third space we can relax, reflect and reset, which is what makes this space different from the
others. There are passive and active ways to relax, reflect, and reset. An active form of getting
away from the first and second spaces would be through a physical space. A more distant way to
transition from one space to another would be by a digital space. Technology is effecting the way
society interacts therefore, a digital space can be less effective as a third space than a physical
A physical space can provide food, drinks, to both old and new friends, to exercise, and even a
new welcoming stress free environment. By spending time in a physical third space we can
experience a worm and pleasing feeling away from home that a digital space does not provide.
Through parks, libraries, and shopping malls we can experience the physical and active
interaction that will help us get away from stress. In Entertainments events in shopping malls


Kokho and Birch explain, that people have a choice to observe every situation or to more
physically interact to ones surroundings. In specific in shopping malls people can choose to sit
back and watch others be engaged and forget about their stress. On the other hand, people can
also choose to be the one being observed and take action for example, we can choose to walk
around see new things or sit and relax both being beneficial, but different stress free approaches.
We have the ability to choose to be active or passive within a physical space, this power and
choices we can make through a physical space we do not have from a digital space. When we are
in shopping malls we can forget all about bad grades, family issues, or work concerns.
Furthermore, many of the times people choose to be less active in physical spaces is because of
new technology and different spaces.

From my observations it is not only teens in shopping malls, libraries, and parks that are not
enjoying the environment they are in because of technology. People of all ages are too interested
on their devices to enjoy and become active in a physical space. From our youngest siblings to


our oldest family member everyone is on their devices instead of talking and actively enjoy
being in a different space affecting family time. Technology is also effecting our physical spaces
by having new ideas that can be overwhelming.
Although, digital spaces can also relieve some stress. Many people enjoy social networks like
Instagram, Snapchat, and even Facebook as of form of getting away from the real world. More
specifically with Face book people can post how theyre feeling, what they are doing or simply
whats on their mind. In addition, through a digital third space people can find out news, gossip
or even long lost family and friends. Face book and other social media sources can be pleasing
and useful, as well as relaxing which is why they are considered a third space. Digital spaces are
not just defective. Although, too much digital space effects individuals to be less active, and can
develop further stress that the other spaces already provide for us. In Technology by Ann F Vann
Sant, the author himself says we must remember that although technology has brought an
amazing array of helpful devices, using these devices can lead to exasperating experiences for all
of us. Which explains that these devices are great and we can use them for helpful purposes but
they can cause conflict as well.
Some of the conflicts from digital spaces are over use of Facebook, cyberbullies, and disturbing
information can increase previous stress from a first or second space. Also, for my own
experience I got to experience Face book change my moms life style. She started off as a form
of getting away until she got addicted. Technology also affected my mothers Mexican traditions.
After a while, she began to be careless about her mother duties. My moms Face book addiction
affected my whole family as well. She no longer wanted to cook, wash or clean. Her addiction
affected her relationship as a wife, mother, sister, and aunt. We helped her realize how too much


technology was not good for her any more, and like 90% of the people I interviewed she realized
an active space was a better and healthier third space than a passive space.
Some might argue, that like face book the mall also has disadvantages. Yes, the mall can be too
loud, too crowded, or too expensive. The difference with mall issues is that unlike Facebook,
these issues can be controlled by society and ourselves. We can choose to make the best out of
the mall, even if it means just looking around. We can avoid noise, and shop wisely. On the other
hand, with Facebook issues we do not have much control over it. With Facebook people in
charge of Facebook, as well as the government are in charge of our use, and keep changing the
media as technology improves.

Digital third spaces can also be threatening because there may be false profiles, or criminals can
know where we are and how to get hold of us. In addition to the stress from previous spaces,
with technology anyone can track our location and provide disturbing messages and information
we cant avoid. Many of the digital benefits can be a disadvantage as well. Just like by a physical
third space we can choose to be active or passive, through a digital space we can choose to just
watch what others post or post things ourselves. Overall actively being in a digital space is less
effective than passively interacting in the mall.


In conclusion, we all have our own way of reflecting, relaxing, and resetting it is all a matter of
finding which one best works for us. Getting away from our first or second spaces can be
frustrating, but lets not create more stress for ourselves. We may choose to actively engage in a
physical third space as a form of getting away, or passively interact with a digital third space.
Before we choose how we want to transition from one place to another we need to keep in mind
which third space is healthier and more convenient. Now that technology is improving day by
day things are more complex so lets not complicate our life styles and choose the active space
where we can actively interacted with our surroundings and genuinely forget previous stress. The
choices we make privately effect how we perform publicly, and we cannot act to the best of our
ability with more technical issues. Clearly active physical spaces are more effective on relieving
stress and being a third space.


Works Cited Page

Sit, Jason Kokho, and Dawn Birch. "Entertainment Events in Shopping Mallsprofiling Passive and
Active Participation Behaviors." Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 13.6 (2014): 383-392.

Van Sant, Ann F. "Technology." Pediatric Physical Therapy: The Official Publication of the Section on
Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association, 26.4 (2014): 375.

"We Develop Web-based Learning and Training Solutions with a Focus on Human
Rights, Social Change, and Education." Third Space Creative. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr.

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