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Annotated Bibliography

ADRAGNA, ANTHONY. "Pricks and Needles: What Living With Type 1 Diabetes Is Like." The
Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 12 June 2012. Web. 09 May 2016.
The story of Anthony Adragna and his experience of being diagnosed with Type 1
diabetes, learning how to deal with it and how it changed his outlook on life. Adragna
talks about his struggles through the experience and the help that his friends and family
gave him to get him to where he is today.
Parker-Pope, Tara. "A Day in the Life of Type 1 Diabetes." Well A Day in the Life of Type 1
Diabetes Comments. NY Times, 13 Nov. 2008. Web. 09 May 2016.
This video follows around a young girl to see how her everyday life with Type 1 diabetes
is. The video shows many things from her eating habits to when and where she has to
take her medication. The video shows the normal things she does in life to show that
while she has diabetes she is normal like everyone else.
"Taking On Type 1." EndocrineWeb. 17 Mar. 2014. Web. 11 May 2016.
The article talks about Jay Cutler and his success with diabetes. They talk about how he
balances and manages his diabetes and his professional football career. The article also
talks about how he has used his situation to influence and become a role model for kids
with diabetes.
"Type 1 Diabetes Constantly Affects Daily Life." Newsmax. Newsmax Health, 16 Nov. 2015.
Web. 11 May 2016.
The article highlights the general overview of the everyday life of a Type 1 diabetic. The
article talks about some of the struggles, how it can make you feel, and even some of
the empowering parts to having diabetes.The article gives a look on the daily routine of a
diabetic and some of the things they have to do everyday.
Jen. "Getting the Diagnosis: Jen's Story | T1 Everyday Magic." T1 Everyday Magic. Disney, 04
May 2014. Web. 11 May 2016.
Jen is the mom of a little boy that started showing strange signs in the middle of the
summer. She lays out the story of how her little boy was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.
She also talks about some of the fears and challenges that she had as a mother that has
to deal with her kid having it.

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