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Sect:srl_l- The nam of thls uni.neorporated associatlon ts tle Cacapon

llighlands Property owners' Assceiat!.onn and the aeubers ahaLl be those pereons
or*ning lots end requlred to pay the anrnral randatcry asEessuente 1n the Cacapoa
!{ighlands Subdivlslon in t{organ County, $est Vtrgi.iia.
$ef-tton L ?*re naf'ling add,ress of the Associ.arion sha!-j. be at a locatioa
deterslued by the Bcard of Trrrsta*e.


?he purposee

for rshleh the assoclatlon is forued are:

a). ?o adeinisger the firnds eol"lccted f,rou the rEesbers of the

Aseoetation for the naintenanrc&, !.uprcv*rentso or repar"rs
of exlsting privet* roadsr csrrsoxr rends a:rd right-ofrsay
lcl the cacapcn lrtghrands sr.rbdivrsrsn" or other-porpo"*""
ln he eornrsn good as deteroined ly itre Board sf
b'). ?s eLecc s Scsrd of Trr,rctees,te be the governlng body of
the cacapo:r ntghrands AssoclEtlon subjlct to rf," apirovaS.
ihe Assoclation



- To enforce the rules and reg*latioae as set forth in

the attached Byraws and in the covenaats, ga$ditlons


$ecti-on 4' The ?ruegeee of the Aseoci.ation tc be ereeted

as provl.ded by the Byr'al's shalL haTe the autborlty to callEct, deuand, and, suefor
anrual- sssess!0ent shieh eash lat olrrrer ls requlred f,o pay und,erthe i".,a"tory
the Eerus of
Srtlcle 3' Paragraph I' of che {oltenants, Csndltlons and Restrictlsns,
to the subdivieion as ttre saue is recorded in the gffiee of the tourt'of
Cou*t1r, I{est VLrglnia, Seed Book 111, *age ZZI.

secf,i"ea-L The quallficatlons fsr the nepbers of ehe AssociatLon, the praperry,
voting and ottrer righte and_ privlleges of the ueubers
shal-L be as fron the tlne
set fortb in the 3y-Lawc of the Assiciatisn.













seetl*&1. ?he aenob*rshtp ar -" :::::"loo

orrners ownlng LoEe

consisr or those praperry

1n the Cacagon Eighlnds Subdivlslon
fn t{organ Gounty, I$esi

SectLon 2* Each rnesber ehall be lloble to such assesasent as the preleetlve

Ccvenants, $onditions and Bestrietlorrg uey grovl"de, and there shall be rp
trausfer of ueabershtp in the Assoel.ation untll such dues are pald tn full to the


Sectlon 3. In ell electlons, the oltner or orrnra of eaeh lEt En strlch tlre
ssseseEents have been gald to date shal1 have one {1) vote. A uaJorlty of votes
by thoee {n attendance or by proxy shell be requlel.te to detelaine a questlon.
SeeEi-aa3- Vottng ln the Associatl.on uay be i* persaa or by
provid.ed sucb
prsxy ls exessted by ttre lot o*ner(e) and filed sith tlrc Broxy,
trustejs ln vrltlng
before ttre aeetl;lg aL stlleh the prorry lg to be :roted.

Spetlon 5. In the eveat of the Eale or trsnsfer of, a lot, the eeller shalt
provlde the buyer rrith a copy of thls docr.raent, a cspy of the covenants,
Corrditloas a:rd Restrlctlons, aad shall be responslble for duee assessed prior to
the sale or transfer of the property ead shaLl provlde the Trusreee rslth the
na*e, address, &$d phone nunber of the nerc o$ner.

Sectlon 6. On transfer er sale of a lot, ttre seller'e nenbershlp Ln the

Assoeletion sha11 eease.
Secciosr 1. Ttre Boerd of Truetees of the AssoelatLon sha1l coasLst af ftve (5)
&egul'ar uecbers, Flus uP tc tlEo {2} Alcernate non-votl-ng nenbers. lllre flve {5i
Regular menbers shall eleet frora their nrsber one (U person as chair and ane (1)
as co-ehair; one (U tres.surar r*ro ehel,l adoinister all ftmds for the

Assocl*tlol; o$ {U $ecretary uho shall gdmlnlster el1 notlfleatLon and

recording for the Asssclatlon and one (1) person reho shall be s Trnstee-at-Large.
Any tnfulfilled tern aay be fl11ed through a speclal electlon at any r"gular
EeetLng of the Boerd ef frustes fras the entl,re Board {Regular and elternatel.
$ectlo:r 2. l'he Truetees shall be nembers of the AseocLetion and ghaLl attend the
annual oeeting sf the Association, uhlch shall be ireld in l{ay of eaeh year.
$ectlsn 3- lhe erlglnal trustees rere appointed by Tugcarora Land Cs. fron among
the persoas then owning lots in the Cacapoa lllgfuLands Subdlvislon, t19o (2) to
serve e tet:l of three {3) years: one (1) to aerne a tern of tlco (2i years; ana
tito (2) ts sente a terll sf ona t1) year; thereafter the rneuieis of the
Associstian shelL elect ?rustees as rleceas.lry lo f111 the vacancy or vacancles
on the Board ae they accur. Each elected Truetee shall. serve a te1p of three (3)
years, axcept alternste trustees sho rd1l ser\re I tera of one (1) year.

RSV 5-6-95



3- The Chalr of t}re Board of Trugtees she!1 preslde at all neetlngs of

the ne*ers snd st a1l meetlngs of the Trustees, and ehall irrplement anrd dlreqt
the execution of tbe policles and functlsns of the Associatlon. IIpon request sf
two (2) Trustees and the Ghair, a spectal ueetlng of the Trusrles or of the
Assoei.ation nay be held.

$eetlaa ?. TIte Trustoes shd.:- Eest no aore than 90 days nor less than 60 days
pricr eo the annual oeetlng end rrot less ths* tso addltlonal tlmes per year as

by the Gtralr.

Seetlon 3. lhe Baard of Trustees sha1l estebllsh regulatlons neeessar]r for t1 e

Paynsat of the day to day expenses snd she1l be responslble f,or the iiltiatton
and naLntenanee of a fund for petty cash and tie autborlzatlsn to pay such
ordiaary and recurring lteas of expense as Eay be necessary.

seetioF 4. The Trusteas shaLl have custody of all nonlss of the Aesoc1atLoa.
The Trgstees sha1l deposlt the same Ln a bank aesount r.lnder the nane of the
Asggelatlon snd keep a firll and ecxpleta account of aL1 the transastions by and
on behalf ef the Assoel'etlon. All checks and drafts *n the Asscclstisn's fimds
ghaLl be signed by tlre ?reaslrrer and one (1) other Trustee, except rbere
otlergLse speclall'y grovided by the Board ef Trusteee. ?tre ?rustees sha1l
exhlbir a stataent of the &ccount anrruatrly to the menbers ac the smrual meetlng.

sectLon 1- ?!re nrembers ahall recelve from the secretarSr at least ftftEen
days notic* of, the *nnual oeetlng of tbe Assoelation, ryhieh shall be hel"d aI!{15}
grouads af the facapon Hlghlands Subdivlsion cr ac asotbgr Location acceptable
1o 3
cf the Trustes, at a tLne to be deslgnated by the Trustees. At
tha- ffrrrual re-eting, o$e of Eore ?rgstaes, sufflclent"to ft11 the Board,s
nenbership cf flve {5} persons, shal"I be aomLnared and eleeted ly *"j"rlty
the meonbers Presenc to se!:ve teres of three {3} years. Tno (2} atlernacl
shsll also be nomlnsted and e3ected fcr B terEif or* (1) year. Fach ellgtbLe
necber say \rote Ln pe.raon or by proxy.
$eetLsn a- The Secretgry shall, at least flfteen {15} days prlor to eaeh neetlng
of the Trustees,provlde each Trustee a rcrttten $otlee
tfr* *.ti.rg tinrlling
the tfune *nd plaee sei for sald ueetlng.
See.flon 3-, llothing herelnbefore set forttr *ith refersace te Trustee eeetlngs and
notl"ee's cf aeetlngs, sha11 preclude the holding of a neeclng pursuant to 1galver
a*d by agreelieat of all the neubers of Lhe soafg qf Trustees as :}re case may


RSlr 5-5-95



l,- SagB&lFnts to theee by-lawr rsy bs at aa]r mrrl nartlng provl.ded

thst tbc propored ane&sat betng of,fered h tn *ritt,g .rrd aotl.c-e of rlald
propos:d cnfu.nt be nalled to all smberr of tlre Assoclatlon, togatler ylrh a
eopy of 8as 8t laast flfteen {15} drys prlor to the gnnual neeuing-at nbtEh sgtd
amndrEnt ehaLl coue before tha naabersbtp for vote.
Sectloa 2- ?o be adopfed, any osafuats t9 the ly-larr slst recelve a naJortty
of ttre rrcte of the nenber* rapresentd et ttre Asrual lleetlng eittrer !.n persoa or

by proxy.


Bgv 5-5-9

This CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWL by authority of &e lteclamtion of Covenants, Corditions

and Reshictions of the originat Declaranq ihe Tuscarora Land Company, has bansferred to Cacapon
Highlands Properly Owners Association, all rightq responsibilities and duties of the Declaration of
Covennntq Conditions and Resirk*ions.


ASSOCIATION, being &e aew Declaraat herern, has caused this decla*ation to be siped by its
Chairpenon and $ecretary, as dtested by;

Witness the following sipaturr{s) and seal(s) this day of 17th of June 2015.






Notary Publis in and fsrthe county md

Board Chairperson ad TERRYLINN, Board
Secretaty fs tfie Cecepon Highlends Properfy Orrners A*rocietion, has this day ackncwledged this
declaratioa to be the Act of said association.


oflans lsswlArroil
6 I'AY 1995

c,acaFou EIcELAtcDS PaopEarr

ttre annual reetlng of properQr o?ners of Cacapon Htghlands yae cal1ed to the
order by Soard Chair Gretchen llynan at 2:0O p.E. on 6 l{ay 1995 ln the Thoraau
Rooa st Coolfont, Berkeley Sprlngs, Ifest Vlrglnla.

Ttre ninutes



of tbe l"ast annsal neettng rsere read and approved by the



Shirle.y'De?aolis preeented the flnanciel report through L llay 1995. She reported
that $6,199.10 hgd been collected ln dues to &te ir*, o.ify 2 propertles nor
traving pald their arurual fees yet. A total of $315 of the ggfS-orn d hrd b"*o
paid- by
-ttre D5rers for the danage to the front gate. Enpenses for the year
totaled $4'017,91-.
The currerL bglanee ln the ctrectlng aeeount ls approxlaaiely
t6,228.29 and ln resenre as a Gerrl{1"1!* of Deposlt is g6,455.g3'as of 6 !{"i
L995, Shlrley then presented the 1995-96 budget proposed by rhe Soard. It was
nrrted ttrat although g;1psy noth ras *ot neeiss"ry ttrt" year, lf needed
:rext year the cost sill be $S/acxe, or approx{nately $i,+o0. The budget for
1995-95 Tas approved by the nembers present.


8ud llynan, Securlty, reported there had been no naJor problens ttrls year other
than recelvlng uany couplal.nts about the front gat;betry left open. "rt"rr rr""
mrctr discussi-oa about wtro llas responsibl* and hor to prevent thie. It sas
declded that a notl'ee to lock the gate sould be plaeed on the bulletin boerd and
on Ehe gate. Bud lndicated he raaled to ut*p d.osn and. phyllls Menlubo
volunteered to take over eecuttey. Ttre security report rras approved by ttre
menbers prssent.

Davld KLaas preseated the road asintenance report lndlcating that 2 dltches hed
been iastalLed to control runoff fron drlveraya onto the naln road. It 11as noted
that the front gate had been bent and that although tlrere rrre eeveral posslble
culprits, no one had stepped fonrard to'elaln respinslblllty. David thankea Too
?horpeon for naklng and helplng lnstalL tbe nes road slgrrs and Tou patton 1gho
donated lhe plexi-glsss for the bulletin board" It yas suggested tbat Bernle Hook
be asked to pl-ace Dore gravel around the gate and at tl" tultetln board. Bud
llynan lndicated that the sand barrels needJd m be fill-ed and that sand could be
obtained at the gl-ass plant. rhe road report epproved by the mepbers


Gretchen ltynan presented the glate of candldates for Board posltlons ntrlcb
lncluded Davld Klass and Phy11ls Xan{nbo ae regulars. Sandra lJllson and Ted
DePaells agreed to aecept nodrratloss fron ttre floor as alternate board nenbers.
Ton Thoupsbn ard l(aren Day each recel.ved ons vote by proxy. there belng no
further, Gretehen called the vote arrd the sl.ate of candldates was
e}ected by the merrbers present.

Shlrley Depaolle lndlcated she rrlehed to ternlnate her positlqn as Property

l{anager and Barry Stahl volunteered to aecept the posltion.
cqNfTrltuTl oN/Byrar{s N{ENDt{Er{rs

Blalne Young presented the nodl.flcatlons to the Constltutlon arrd Bylar*e. Four
votes agaLnst and seven for the proposed changes vere recelved by proxy. Ttre
changes rrere approvd by the manbers present.
ofitm. Brrsffsss
Tlrere $as caneerB expreesed about placlng a Eap on the bullettn board rhtch
shosed etrere houses sere loeeted- a|3[Errgh lt rras Essnc to help locate lots ln
case of flre or for sa.Le, the coacern was that 1t would aLso ald potentlal
burglars ln locatlng vscsnt cabins. It vas declded to put up a uap no

houses shorlrr,

Elalne Young raised ttre guestion aborrt uhetber the nerrsletter should be lLrlted
to 2/year. Ttre oaJorlty of people presnt lndlcated they wanted the neryslerter
to reaain 3/yeat.
Elalne Young announsed tshat Al Stahl was selllng hls lot D5 for $37,500 and that
Lnterested parties could eontast hlu at (go4) 263-6071 or Long & Foster.

lhe neetlng was adJourrred at 3:30 p.n.




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