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Lesson Plan Template

Art Education Lesson Plan Template: ART 133

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 (please circle)
Print First and Last Names:
_Sheree Banez____________________
_Leander Loh_____________________
_Annie Trice______________________
_Kelly White______________________
Lesson Title*: Creatures from Outer Space

_Mary Rogozyan________________

Big Idea*: Fantasy

Grade Level*:

21st Century Art Education Approach(es): Choice-Based

Lesson Overview

(~3 complete sentences)*:

Students will research conditions and properties for a chosen planet, and sculpt a creature with appropriate
traits to survive on that planet. In addition, they will present their findings and creatures to classmates.

Key Concepts


What you want the students to

Essential Questions


1. What is fantasy?

1. Fantasy can connect to several content


2. In what way(s) does fantasy communicate ideas?

2. Fantasy requires imaginative thought.

3. How does fantasy reflect culture?

3. Fantasy has no boundaries.

4. In what way(s) does fantasy relate to reality?

Lesson Objectives of three distinct content areas: (Excellent resource at

for_printing=1&detoured=1): What you want the students to do. *
1. Content area 1 Visual Art

: The students will (TSW) be able to . . . use tools to create a 3-D model that has form,

Lesson Plan Template

texture, and/or movement.
2. Content area 2 Literacy

: The students will (TSW) be able to . . . define vocabulary related to background

3. Content area 3 Science_____: The students will (TSW) be able to . . . research and explain the conditions of their
chosen planet.
Common Core State Standards


Please list grade-specific

Identify & define vocabulary that connect the art form with
the other two identified content areas*:

1. Speaking and Listening Standards (Grade 5): Engage

effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one,
in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5
topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their
own clearly.

1. Inferior planets planets that lie within Earths orbit

around the Sun (Mercury, Venus)

2. Reading Standards for Informational Text (Grade 5):

Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more
individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific,
or technical text based on specific information in the text.

3. Ice giant planet composed mostly of elements heavier

than hydrogen and helium (Uranus & Neptune)

3. Writing Standards (Grade 5): Draw evidence from

literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection,
and research.

National Core Art Standards: Visual Arts (grades 1-6 only)

Please list number and description of Anchor Standard.


1. Creating: Anchor Standard 2 VA:Cr2.2.4a

(Demonstrate quality craftsmanship through care for

2. Superior planets planets that lie outside Earths orbit

around the Sun (all others)

4. Terrestrial living predominantly or entirely on land

5. Aquatic living predominantly or entirely on water

Lesson Activities & Procedures (please be very specific)*:

1. Anticipatory Set Group will greet students from various
points around the room, dressed in costumes to represent

Lesson Plan Template

and use of materials, tools, and equipment.)

creatures from outer space. (5 mins)

2. Presenting: Anchor Standard 5 VA:Pr5.1.5a (Develop

a logical argument for safe and effective use of
materials and techniques for preparing and presenting

2. Review Agenda, Big Idea, Key Concepts & Essential

Questions Each topic will be shown via PPT slide, so
students can visually follow along. Kelly (5 mins)

3. Responding: Anchor Standard 7 VA:Re.7.1.5a

(Compare ones own interpretation of a work of art with
the interpretation of others.)
4. Connecting: Anchor Standard 10 VA:Cn10.1.5a (Apply
formal and conceptual vocabularies of art and design to
view surroundings in new ways through artmaking.)
California Visual and Performing Arts Standards (grades 1-6
only) (3-5): Please check all that apply and add number and
description of applicable content standard.
1.0 Artistic Perception: 1.3 (Use knowledge of all the
elements of art to describe similarities and differences
in works of art and in the environment.)
2.0 Creative Expression: 2.7 (Communicate values,
opinions, or personal insights through an original work
of art.)
___3.0 Historical & Cultural Context:
4.0 Aesthetic Valuing: 4.4 (Assess their own works of
art, using specific criteria, and describe what changes
they would make for improvement.)

3. Formative Assessment Class will be divided into four

groups, with each group reviewing/discussing one section of
the assigned reading. Groups should report out to the class
their thoughts/takeaways from the article. Annie will
facilitate (10 mins)
4. VTS Introduce fantasy concept and the crossover
between science and art. Leander will facilitate (10-15
5. Studio Instructions Provide the following instructions
orally as well as visually on PPT slide; also include how
students can apply knowledge to make choices regarding
size, shape, color, texture, and other characteristics:
review planet background cards to make connections to
sculpt models of creatures that live on a particular planet
other than Earth;
include at least two variations of color, pattern, or texture
in his/her design (see instructor demo);
present final pieces to peers;

Lesson Plan Template

___5.0 Connections, Relationships, Applications:

complete Critique Card for at least three other students.

List all materials needed in the columns below.

Mary to present (5-10 mins)



Clay tools


6. Demonstration Students will come to the back of the

class to learn techniques for various textures and patterns. In
addition, sample creatures will be shared with the class.
Sheree to demo & present examples (10 mins)

Tacky glue

Food coloring

Pipe cleaners, sculpting wire

feathers, etc.)



Glitter / glitter glue

7. Studio Time Group will distribute pre-sorted materials

to each table during demonstration; studio time also includes
clean-up (50 mins)
8. Class Presentations After a short gallery walk, three
volunteers will present their creations and explain their artmaking choices. Kelly will facilitate (5-10 mins)
10. Closure Students must complete Critique Card for at
least three other students and submit as ticket out prior to
exiting class. Annie to facilitate (5 mins)

Anticipatory Set (beginning)*:

Closure (ending) *:

Instructor(s) dress like creatures from outer space

and/or design classroom areas (section off tables) to
resemble various planets.

Students must complete Critique Card for at least

three other students, and submit to instructor prior to
leaving class.

Formative Assessment strategy (of assigned, peer-reviewed


Summative Assessment strategy (artmaking experience):

Divide the class into four groups corresponding with the

article sections. Each group must analyze and report

Students will be expected to present their final pieces

to their classmates, explaining their artmaking
decisions and how their creatures would survive on

Lesson Plan Template

back to the class the main concept(s) from their

their chosen planet. Classmates may make

constructive suggestions as applicable.

Please respond to the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.

1. What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon?
Students must be at least vaguely familiar with the planets, climatic conditions, and animal traits, as well as how to
manipulate soft clay (Play-doh, etc.).
2. How will you engage students in creating, evaluating, analyzing, and/or applying (see Blooms new taxonomy, n.d.) in
this lesson?
We will discuss the importance of designing creatures that must survive within or adapt to each planets conditions.
3. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
The lesson forces students to think of changes in physical conditions and the needs of self and of others experiencing those
4. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?
We will interact one-on-one with students during studio time to ensure they understand and are working toward the challenge.
Additionally, we will provide background information for each planet, as students will not have had time to research prior to
the studio.
5. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for differently-abled students?
Those who cannot use hands can verbally describe their creature. Perhaps another student can help bring their ideas to life for
6. What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson?
Students will be asked to introduce and describe their creatures, explaining how they would survive on their given planet.
Lesson Resources/References (use APA; please identify, with an asterisk, article or chapter due for HW):
*Frazier, R., & Caemmerer, A. (2014). Science + art = Enhanced learning experiences for students. Science Scope, 37(5), 38-

Lesson Plan Template


Standards references & VTS artwork

* Include this information during the peer Presented Lesson Plan.
Some helpful links to new terms:

Anticipatory set:

Formative and Summative Assessment:

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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