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Saint Michael College

Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

Senior High School Department

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance of Senior

High School Students

A Written Research
Presented To
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in Practical Research-1

Francis Petros
Rafael Niksa Puerto
Angelene delos Arcos
Elaisa Larot
Diana Elizabeth Plaza
Dianne Rubi
Jhedalyn Iligan

Jan, 2020
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

Chapter 1
Sleep is a vital component in our day to day function and performance.

This relevant biological activity gives individuals the energy needed to perform

even the simplest of tasks such as walking, concentrating and conversing. It is

indeed as significant to the foods we enjoy and the water we used to quench our

thirst. During sleep, our body heals itself and restores its chemical balance. Our

brain forges new connections and helps in memory retention. However, in today's

generation, sleep is an underrated aspect that most of us overlook and take

advantage with. That is where sleep-deprivation enters and unfolds. Sleep

deprivation is a general term used to describe a state caused by inadequate

quantity or quality of sleep, including voluntary or involuntary sleeplessness.

Some groups of people, especially students, may consider sleep as a waste of

time and purposely deprive themselves of sleep to pursue things such as

entertainment and educational goals. Sleep loss alters normal functioning of

attention and disrupts the ability to focus on environmental sensory input. The

intentional sleep deprivation is most likely to be seen in teenagers and young

adults. Reasons on sleep deprivation on students circulate upon various roots

and circumstances. Thus, the researchers seek to address the effects of sleep

deprivation in the Academic Performance of Senior High School students in

Saint Michael College.

According to Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Baker (2016), teenagers

who don't get the kind of sleep they need in order to be able to self-regulate can
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

actually exhibit many of the same symptoms of the kids with ADHD. Time after

time, students push academic requirements to the end of their schedule because

of certain extracurricular activities and works Persky (2018). Most students

probably know that depriving themselves from sleep is bad, but nonetheless

they’re willing to sacrifice sleep and as a consequence, health, telling themselves

it’s just for a short time and they can soon start sleeping 12-hours a day once the

semester draws to a close, stated by Segaren (2018). They are now submerged

with enormous and tedious academic works and tasks. Academically-inclined

ones tend to have inept knowledge of how risky it is to sacrifice their sleep as

long as they finish their assignments even if they don't sleep. According to

Persky (2018), Academics, health and safety are fundamental parts of teenagers'

life. Some schools are putting all of these vital components at risk due to their

academic demands on students. That is why sleep is often not prioritized in

today's society and often needs to be sacrificed by high school students.

The inclination of students to various hive activities whether in school and

the routines they practice in their respective homes is one of the reasons that

inspired the researchers to choose this topic field as an extension or further study

of the other research compositions that speak about sleep deprivation. It is also

mainly because this issue hasn't been often addressed in Saint Michael College

as a research study as far as we know especially in Senior High School

Department which did start recently about 3 years ago here in this institution.

Moreover, the researchers wanted to conduct this kind of topic to be able to

assess how sleep deprivation affects the academic performance of the students

and its causes. The dependence of students for leisure and fun in mobile phones
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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

and other gadgets highly contribute to why they lack sleep at some point. Their

desire for happiness and pleasure in the internet has unfortunately buried the fact

of how badly their unhealthy sleeping periods can affect their mental and

cognitive capacity. Henceforth, this has also encouraged the researchers to

determine if the widely used technological advancements have taken a toll in the

sleeping routine of the students in Saint Michael College. Generally, the use of

Modern Technology has been the greatest trend of this generation. The

emergence of these high-tech machines and equipments has helped humans to

communicate, interact and socialize easily and is considered the most

convenient and remarkable human-made craft. However it somehow overwhelms

users to the extent that they are being engulfed with its adverse purpose and

eventually get into addiction. The millennials are indeed the most enthusiastical

and the most inclined upon this occurrence. This has also contributed to why the

researchers wanted to know whether this happening had helped them in some

point or has contributed detrimental repercussions upon their sleeping periods

because of overusing and spending much hours using all these gadgets. They

are indeed hyped up with all these things simply used for online gamings and

other relish. Although, the coming up of all these technological advancements

which are supposed to alleviate certain circumstance like to ease human

interaction, it instead attributed a lot to sleep deprivation among humans

especially on students.

Thus, this study aims to determine and identify how sleep deprivation

affects the academic performance of the Senior High School students in Saint

Michael College and its root causes. The researchers wanted to take a deeper
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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

look either how good or detrimental the repercussions of having an unhealthy

sleeping routine is, to the students. In addition, the results of this study will serve

as an awareness to all students out there who don't get enough sleep or those

who have bad sleeping habits. Finally, this research will also contribute to the

content of previous studies that talk about sleep deprivation and can also be

used for further study.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The main objective of the study is to assess the different impacts of sleep-

deprivation upon the academic performance of Senior High School students of

Saint Michael College. Thus, the research itself may need a stable groundwork to

be able to access and be immersed in a more in-depth information. The theories

and other study that will be mentioned and utilized will provide a contextual basis

that will help this study to generate a different outcome or results.

According to the Repair and Restoration Theory of Sleep (Oswald, 1996),

sleeping is essential for revitalizing and restoring the physiological processes that

keep the body and mind healthy and properly functioning. This theory suggests

that NREM sleep is important for restoring physiological functions, while REM

sleep is essential in restoring mental functions (Cherry, 2020).

Support for this theory is provided by (Ming, Koransky, Wagner, 2011) in

their study about Sleep Insufficiency, Sleep Health Problems and Performance in

High School Students that shows periods of REM sleep increase following

periods of sleep deprivation and strenuous physical activity. During sleep, the

body also increases its rate of cell division and protein synthesis, further
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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

suggesting that repair and restoration occur during sleeping periods (Cherry,


According to the Information Consolidation Theory Of Sleep which is

based on cognitive research suggests that people sleep in order to process

information that has been acquired during the day. In addition to processing

information from the day prior, this theory also argues that sleep allows the brain

to prepare for the day to come. Some 2012 research also suggests that sleep

helps cement the things we have learned during the day into long-term memory.

Support for this idea stems from a number of sleep deprivation studies

demonstrating that a lack of sleep has a serious impact on the ability to recall

and remember information which is part of Humans’ Cognitive Functions.

(Cherry, 2020)

Thus, according to a study by (P. Alhola, 2007) Cognitive performances

measured in Sleep Deprivation studies have included several domains. The most

thoroughly evaluated performances include different attentional functions,

working memory, and long-term memory. Visuomotor and verbal functions as

well as decision-making have also been assessed. Sleep deprivation effects on

cognitive performance depend on the type of task or the modality it occupies (eg,

verbal, visual, or auditory). In addition, task demands and time on task may play

a role.

Moreover, (P. Alhola, 2007) also stated that some hypotheses are

proposed to explain why cognitive performance is vulnerable to prolonged

wakefulness. The theories can be divided roughly in two main approaches, in

Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

which Sleep Deprivation is assumed to have (1) general effects on alertness and

attention, or (2) selective effects on certain brain structures and functions.

The general explanation relies on the two-process model of sleep

regulation. Cognitive impairments would be mediated through decreased

alertness and attention through lapses, slowed responses, and wake-state

instability. Attentional lapses, brief moments of inattentiveness, have been

considered the main reason for the decrease in cognitive performance during

sleep deprivation (on lapse hypothesis, eg, Williams et al 1959, Dorrian et al

2005; Kjellberg 1977). The lapses are caused by microsleeps characterized by

very short periods of sleep-like electro-encephalography (EEG) activity (Priest et

al 2001). According to these hypotheses, performance during Sleep Deprivation

would most likely deteriorate in long, simple, and monotonous tasks requiring

reaction speed or vigilance. In addition to the lapses and response slowing,

considerable fluctuations in alertness and effort have been observed during

Sleep Deprivation. According to the wake-state instability hypothesis, those

fluctuations lead to variation in performance (Doran et al 2001).

Perhaps the most famous theory in this category is the prefrontal

vulnerability hypothesis, first proposed by Horne (1993). It suggests that Sleep

Deprivation especially impairs cognitive performances that depend on the

prefrontal cortex. These include higher functions, such as language, executive

functions, divergent thinking, and creativity. In order to show the Sleep

Deprivation effect, the tests should be complex, new, and interesting. A good

performance would require cognitive flexibility and spontaneity. This theory also

assumes that the deterioration of subjects’ performance in simple and long tasks
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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

is merely due to boredom (Harrison and Horne 1998; Harrison and Horne 1999;

Harrison and Horne 2000). The specific brain areas that are vulnerable to sleep

loss have been explored using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

and positron emission tomography (PET). Those studies, however, have mainly

measured working memory or other attentional functions with the type of tasks

that are not traditionally emphasized in the prefrontal vulnerability hypothesis

(Chee et al 2006).

All of the information and data collected from the various theories

browsed, delineate how sleep deprivation on students can really affect them in so

many aspects of their day to day function like physically, emotionally, mentally

and academically.
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

 The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

in the Senior High School students

in terms of:

a) Academic standing/ Grades

b) Study The Effects Sleep Deprivation in

Habits/Concentration/Memory Senior High School Students of Saint

c) Mood During Class Hours Michael College.

 The causes that drive them to be


 The students’ coping mechanisms

to not be sleep-deprived and have

healthy sleeping habits.

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

The outline of this study is exemplified in Figure 1 as a schematic

diagram. Hence, it serves as a brief overview which appears to be likely as an

infographic that serves as the main blueprint of the research. The first rectangle

at the left side of the diagram contains the desired results and outcome that the

researchers must obtain and must complete such as first, the effects of sleep

deprivation in Senior High School students in terms of Academic Performance,

Study Habits, and Mood during Class Hours. Second, the roots and causes of

them being sleep-deprived. This course of action plays a vital role in determining

various reasons of the said phenomenon whether it would be enormous

academic works or the usage of gadgets. Thus, they can be able to generate

appropriate solutions to eradicate this dilemma. Following that, would be the

researchers’ eagerness to be aware of the students’ coping mechanisms to not

be sleep-deprived and to have healthy sleeping habits which is as well relevant

to why the researchers conducted this study.

On the other hand, in the second rectangle beside right of the other box

states the overall development of the research about the effects of sleep

deprivation in Senior High School students of Saint Michael College. The

researchers are then encouraged to generate a substantial outcome and result

that will certainly empower the institution and its faculty to address this kind of

issue which is very rampant among students nowadays. The researchers also

believed that through this course of action, and if the study is disseminated

among the entire premise, the students will be aware of the repercussions of

having insufficient sleep and perhaps be uplifted to evade practicing unhealthy

sleeping habits.
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

Problem of the Study

This study aims to determine and assess the effects of sleep deprivation

among the Senior High School students of Saint Michael College in their

Cognition and Academic Performance, at the end of the school year.

Thus, at the end of this course of action, the researchers must be able to

generate results that will answer these following questions.

1. What are the effects of sleep deprivation in the Senior High School

students in terms of

1.1 Academic standing/Grades

1.2 Study Habits/Concentration/Memory

1.3 Mood during Class hours

2. What are the causes that drive them to be sleep-deprived?

3. What are the students coping mechanisms to not be sleep deprived and to

have healthy sleeping habits?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is intended to determine and identify the effects of sleep

deprivation among the Senior High School Students of Saint Michael College

only. Thus, the researchers are as well restricted to be very detailed in gathering

data from various sources making sure to never go out of the context of the

study. Having said so, it is their job to be done, to limit their study upon the

Senior High School Department only of the institution mainly involving the

students. The researchers are not able to transcend beyond what subject matter

is being implicated upon this study. Through keen gathering of data and
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

meticulously identifying appropriate subject matters that need to be in research

study, the researchers will be able to determine the primary scope of their study.

In addition, the researchers are not allowed to go explore comprehensively

among various individuals, which means, never will be in the Elementary, Junior

High School and College, just and only in the Senior High School students.

Nevertheless, this study will not only benefit the chosen subject matters but

also the whole school and its existing members. Hence, it is still the researchers’

duty to accumulate inclusive information to be utilized despite of the established

limitations and to ensure that those data will fit upon the varying conditions and

will never transcend among the chosen subjects.

Importance of the Study

Generally, this study seeks to address the effects or impacts of sleep-

deprivation in the Academic Performance of Senior High School students in Saint

Michael College. Moreover, this study also aims to contribute knowledge and

further information and to raise awareness about sleep deprivation and its

possibility to somehow inhibit one’s full potential or capacity. This study is

beneficial or useful to the following.

Saint Michael College Administration- this study would be of big help for

the administrators of the institution to be fully aware that sleep deprivation

primarily takes place at school and to assess whether the implication of their

standard teaching method among teachers would bear great results to high

students scholastic performance. Hence, the outcome of this study will empower
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

them to generate and establish applicable teaching system that will omit

students’ battle against sleep deprivation.

Teachers of Saint Michael College- this study will awaken some of

teachers’ vision among the students’ situation nowadays. Having said so, if some

them being able to be aware that sleep deprivation had somehow taken a toll in

students’ academic performance, perhaps they will change their teaching method

such as giving enormous school works, projects or activities that are very tedious

and long coverage to study in examinations or assessments exchange to a short

itemed tests.

Students of Saint Michael College- this study will also enlighten the

students and will widen their perspective of how sleep deprivation affects their

Academic Performance. As a result, there would be a possibility that they will

terminate procrastination which often leads them to stay late at night just to finish

academic works. This will also empower them to develop and generate healthy

sleeping habits that would be of great help as well, in maintaining their full

potential and skills especially at school, constantly.

Parents of the Students- this study will provide parents greater knowledge

of how risky it is for their children to have insufficient sleep due to some reasons.

This will also increase their awareness on how sleep should be a no. 1 priority to

their children. Hence, these will somehow uplift them to always guide their

children in their school journey, give them advice about techniques to apply at

school, help them with their school works and to erase the thought of putting
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

much pressure and burden to maintain high grades at school and instead

motivate and empower them in a more practical and intimate way.

Definition of Terms

In this part of the chapter, the researchers will be clearly defining certain and

relevant terminologies utilized in the study. Only the main words or phrases that

are often used in the study will be given description. The definition of terms is

mainly based in its standardized definitions.

Sleep deprivation- also known as insufficient sleep or sleeplessness, is the

condition of not having enough sleep. It can be either chronic or acute and may

vary widely in severity. A chronic sleep-restricted state adversely affects the brain

and cognitive function.

Cognition- is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and

understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. It encompasses

many aspects of intellectual functions and processes such as attention, the

formation of knowledge, memory and working memory, judgment and evaluation,

reasoning and "computation", problem solving and decision making,

comprehension and production of language.

Academic performance- or "academic achievement" is the extent to which a

student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational

goals. Completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school

diplomas and bachelor's degrees represent academic achievement. Academic

achievement is commonly measured through examinations or continuous

Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

assessments but there is no general agreement on how it is best evaluated or

which aspects are most important.

Senior High School- is the next level if you graduated from Junior high

school and it takes 3 years in average. In senior high school you determine the

subject that you will learn for within 3 years such as natural science that provide

biology, physics, chemistry and math.

Saint Michael College, Cantilan, Surigao del Sur- is one of the 14 schools

of the Diocese of Tandag, and is one of the administered institutions of the

Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres in the Philippines. Its existence is in response to

the growing needs for learning of its clientele.

Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

Chapter 2
In this chapter, the researchers will present the topics that are related to the

effects of sleep deprivation on the academic performance of students based on

various indicators such as sleeping habits, quality of sleep, sleeping problems

and lack of sleep. The research findings by other researchers are also presented

and discussed to provide a necessary background of this study. It also presents

foreign literature studies from different authors that are relevant to the

researchers’ study.

Related Studies

According to the study of Westchester (2008), Insufficient sleep among

adolescents may not only contribute to lower grades and a lack of motivation, but

may also increase the odds of serious levels of emotional and behavioural

disturbances, including ADHD. This means that the effects of sleep deprivation

on cognitive performance has also been documented previously with a

correlation between sleep quality and grade point average on students.

Moreover, sleep deprivation has been shown to have a detrimental effect on

certain aspects of working memory, such as filtering efficiency, however, this has

been evidenced to be due to deficits in reaction time rather than processing


While a study by Titan (2014) states that, too little sleep causes the loss of

concentration, and can lead to memory impairment and compromised physical

performance. Chronic sleep deprivation can also cause mood swings and

hallucinations, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and

Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

Stroke. The amount of sleep a person needs depends on the brain’s nucleus,

which determines the amount of sleep necessary for our body to function

properly, said Bahram Alavynejad, Ph.D., sleep physician at the Voltmer Sleep

Center at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach.

A study by Garey (2010) on The Effects of Sleep Deprivation On Students, he

stated that the radical changes that occur in adolescence, including tremendous

hormonal shifts and significant brain development, affect teenage behavior. But

the physical, mental and behavioral consequences of chronic sleep deprivation

are profound, too. With studies showing that 60 to 70% of American teens live

with a borderline to severe sleep debt, we need to know how going without their

recommended (optimal) nine hours a night affects them.

In addition, the study of Persky (2018) further explains that when students do

not get the optimal 8 to 10 hours of sleep that they need, they lose their ability to

succeed academically . Students have trouble retaining information, coping with

stress, and staying focused. “These effects can have a serious impact on test

scores and on the grades students receive on class projects and papers”.

Starting the school day later in the morning allows students to get more sleep.

“Compared to other strategies for boosting economic performance, delaying the

start of the school day is easy and efficient”.

Persky (2018) also explains that High school students are under much more

pressure than previous generations of students, and don’t have enough time for

both their schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and sleep. High schools make

students wake up before sunrise, which undeniably inhibits one’s chances for
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

success. When teenagers are sleep deprived, they have trouble comprehending

information, focusing. and staying alert. Sleep deprivation leads to multiple

physical and mental medical issues. Risk for suicide and depression increase, as

well as the risk for diabetes and high blood pressure. “One of the metaphors I

use is that it’s like having astigmatism. You don’t realize how bad your vision is

until you get glasses or in this case, good sleep.” That haze, he says, can

negatively affect teenager’s mood, ability to think, to react, to regulate their

emotions, to learn and to get along with adults.

Related Literature

In 2006 the National Sleep Foundation surveyed more than 1,600

adolescents and found that many exhibited depressive symptoms on a frequent if

not daily basis. Less sleep correlated with higher levels of depression and in turn,

those kids with more depression had problems falling or staying asleep. It’s a

vicious cycle — lack of sleep affects mood, and depression can lead to lack of

sleep. And multiple studies, including Dr. Meldrum’s, have found that severe

sleep debt is linked to suicidal ideation.

. Early school start times create excessive burdens on the fragile body of a

teenager. “Sleep deprivation increases the risk for diabetes, obesity, and high

blood pressure.” Tired students may reach for foods high in sugar or caffeine,

hoping they will get a temporary boost to endure long hours full of homework and

studying, rather than sleep. Mentally, students may experience clinical

depression or anxiety, irritability, or lack of motivation from sleep deprivation.

Teens who don’t get enough sleep are more at risk for drug and alcohol use,
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

depression, and suicide. Addiction rates increase in those who are sleep

deprived, which can ruin lives and families; all due to the poor decision by school

boards to start the school day too early. High schools in particular should start

classes later in the morning to accommodate the biological changes that occur

during the teenage years.

Adolescents undergo a sleep phase delay, also known as a change in their

circadian rhythm. Teenagers’ bodies secrete melatonin, a hormone that regulates

sleep, around 10-11 p.m., rather than at 8-9 p.m. before puberty, so teenagers

feel the urge to stay up later at night. Nevertheless, 8-10 hours of sleep is still

needed. Adolescents therefore feel the need to wake up later in the morning.

Several studies show that teens cannot get out of this melatonin-induced sleep

until 8:00 a.m., making later school start times desirable. School systems may

argue that starting the school day earlier is beneficial, as earlier start times place

less of a burden on working parents, and allow more time for after school

activities and jobs. Additionally, it may be financially advantageous for schools to

start earlier as it would allow for a more efficient bussing schedule for the entire

district. However, the negative health consequences of sleep deprivation greatly

outweigh these benefits.


The related studies and literatures mentioned have shown that the majority of

people are not getting the amount of sleep that they need in order to receive

optimal functioning. Previous research has also shown us that this deprivation of

sleep has a profound impact on the brain. This impact 24 on the brain has
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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

caused severe problems in terms of cognitive functioning, memory, attention,

alertness, and mood. Although they are sleep deprived for very different

reasons, the effects have been shown to be profound on their brain functioning

and learning.

In the following chapters, the current study being performed will be discussed

in terms of research methodologies, results, and a final discussion.

Chapter 3
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

In this chapter, the researchers will write down the methods and the

processes that will be utilized in order to attain the result of the study. Hence, the

primary objective of this research is to determine the Effects of Sleep Deprivation

in Senior High School Students of Saint Michael College. The researchers will

also further discuss the basis and the methods that will be used in formulating

the questions during the interview.

Design of the Study

The researchers used a phenomenological approach to inquiry and in-depth

face-to-face interviews to gather data for this study. Thus, the researchers’

primary goal was to obtain perceptions about the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in

the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in Saint Michael

College. Phenomenology is a method that allows the researcher to gather

information about the details of the phenomenon studied. Moreover, the tradition

of phenomenological research is to describe how participants experience the

phenomenon being examined by the researchers. The transcendental

phenomenological method emphasizes the understanding and the discovery of

the meanings of participants’ experiences. Hence, there are two methods that

can be followed when trying to understand participants’ lived experiences: a.)

descriptive method and b.) interpretive method. The descriptive

phenomenological method allows the researchers to reach out to participants

and interact with them, while interpretive phenomenology, on the other hand,

proposes that the researchers try to understand how the participants live their

daily lives.
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

For the purpose of this study, the researchers used the transcendental

phenomenological method accompanied by the 2 encompassing sub-methods to

conduct the data analysis and interpretation. This method was appropriate

because it allowed for the uninterrupted explanation of the phenomena as

experienced by the participants. In addition, the researchers also observed

bracketing, a term used in phenomenology to explain the action of suspending

judgment, which allowed them a greater amount of impartiality about the

phenomenon being studied. They bracketed their own experiences as Senior

High School Students by removing their biases and preconceived assumptions in

order to be more understanding of the participants’ interpretation. Hence, they

designed their research questions based on results from a detailed review of the


. Respondents

This study is only focused in the Effects of Sleep-Deprivation in the Senior

High School Students of Saint Michael College. Hence, the researchers utilized a

purposive sampling for it is the most logical choice for qualitative studies.

Purposive sampling is a powerful source for gaining insight and in-depth

understanding of a phenomenon, as opposed to studies that rely on theories and

experiments. This will allow the researchers to identify all participants in a study

who meet the criteria and choose only those participants that will be part of the

study. Moreover, this is appropriate when all participants that are being studied

are individuals experiencing the same phenomenon. Hence, this method allows

selected participants to accentuate the research questions and provide rich

information and insight into the phenomenon studied.

Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

The first inclusion criterion for this study was that the students had to be

Senior High School Students of Saint Michael College. Another inclusion was

that students had to be documented as full-time and currently in the first quarter

or beyond. Lastly, students could be male or female, studying in any strand or

program. The number of respondents is shown in Figure 1 of this chapter.

Figure 1
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

Distribution of the Respondents in the Study

Grade Levels in
the Senior High Senior High School Strands/Tracks Number of
School Department Students Sample
Science and Technology, Engineering and 37 2
Mathematics (STEM)
Accountancy, Business and Management 13 2
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) 48 2
General Academic Strand (GAS) 44 1
Technical Vocation and Livelihood (TVL) 2 1
Grade 11 Information, Communications and 4 1
Technology (ICT)
Science and Technology, Engineering and 33 2
Mathematics (STEM)
Accountancy, Business and Management 12 2
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) 39 2

General Academic Strand (GAS) 36 1

Grade 12
Technical Vocation and Livelihood (TVL) 6 1
Information, Communications and 5 1
Technology (ICT)

Instrument of the Study

The researchers utilized the interview questions developed for this study as

the instrument to collect the data to specifically elicit information from the

participants’ direct experience with the phenomenon. The research questions

were used as the basis for developing the interview questions. To encourage the
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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

participants to discuss their experiences fully, to choose which aspects of the

experience were significant and to explore the depth of the meaning of the

experience, the researchers asked them open-ended questions. Thus, in

qualitative research, the aim is to explain the experience in depth, in a way that

illuminates the meaning of the participants’ experiences.

Interviews were a suitable tool to gather data in this study because the

researchers’ aim was to allow the participants to delineate and define their lived

experiences as Senior High School Students that are somehow dealing with

Sleep Deprivation. Moreover, interviews provided them with the opportunity to

discover and unfold an understanding of the lived experiences of the participants.

The questions on the interview were designed by the researchers to be probe to

prompt specific aspects of Sleep Deprivation among Senior High School

Students. This will allow the interviewers to fill the gap where the participants

appear to have given limited responses.

Data Collection

This part will explain how did the researchers develop their plan in gathering

data and information in their study about the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the

Senior High School Students of Saint Michael College. The following steps are:
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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

First, the researchers decided to conduct their interviews during vacant class

hours of the students like Recess and in the afternoon (after classes end) to

avoid unnecessary interruptions during class hours. Hence, they did not make or

develop any letter to send among teachers to excuse students for the said


Second, the researchers also agreed to first inform the respondents about the

study by providing them necessary information and details with regards to the

research, also highlighting that the interviews would be audio-taped to guarantee

the reliability of data collection and asked them directly if they were willing and

eager to engage in the interview which served as the consent process. In

addition, the researchers also ensured that the participants will experience no

harm during the course of action

Third, after identifying the respondents that agreed to join in the interview, the

researchers gathered all of them and started to ask them the interview questions.

Those questions were specifically designed to capture the participants’ lived

experiences. Moreover, the questions were open-ended and asked about factors

within everything that impacted the sleeping patterns of the students.

Fourth, during the interview process, the researchers also made sure that the

whole duration will be captured in audio tape to ensure accurate and complete

data. The researchers also took notes during the interviews to document all non-

verbal cues.

Fifth, the researchers decided that at the end of the interviews, all participants

will be debriefed. Meaning, they were allowed to divulge any questions, opinions,
Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

uncertainties or distress. They were also re-informed about their right to

withdraw, about confidentiality issues and thanked them for their time. Thus, the

debriefing period was used to detect the participants experience about the

interview process.

Lastly, the researchers compared the transcripts to the audio recordings after

listening to them and compiled a summary of the interview. The transcripts were

electronically stored in Microsoft Word to help in easy retrieval and back-up.

Interview Questions:

1. What are the reasons that made you experience not getting at least 8

hours of sleep?

2. What are the effects of having insufficient sleep in your mood?

Saint Michael College
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Senior High School Department

3. What are the effects of having insufficient sleep in your study habits?

4. What are the effects of having insufficient sleep in your scores during tests

and assessments?

5. What are your coping mechanisms to get enough sleep and avoid being

sleep deprived?

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