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Abarientos, Kimberly V.
Corpuz, Ken Ryan
Donayre, Franceska L.
Isagra, Raychelle Ann L.
Reyes, Shiendy Mae L.
Zabala, Paul Cedrick J.



Sleeping is our body’s way of coping and supplementing all the energies that we loss in
a day. It a sign that our bodies already reached the full capability to create movements. Just
like food conservation, giving our body a chance to relax through nap time allows our body
to prepare for an upcoming day. According to Kids Health (n.d.), sleeping is like giving the
body a time for minivacation and also gives our brains a chance to sort things out. Having
enough sleep helped us to be energetic and productive in our everyday routine. Also,
sleeping can avoid us from experiencing depression because when our body relaxes, our
minds will have peace.

In today’s situation where online classes are being implemented due to the pandemic
for almost one year and a half, most of the students are prone on experiencing lack of sleep.
One of the many reasons are having a countless number of requirements that are needed to
be submitted on time. Sleep deprivation can affect the student’s performance academically
because without enough sleep our brain cannot function properly and it affects a student’s
attentiveness, creativeness, constructing an essay, energy, familiarization and memorization.
It may also affect the student’s emotionally, mentally and even physically.

Sleep deprivation can drain our body and it does not stop; our body clock cycle will
change which may lead us to have not enough sleep at all. The different types of systems in
our body are human’s source of life. Having not enough sleep can affect our health by
experiencing change of appetite, dehydration and many more that will lead to serious
illnesses such as anemia, leukemia or even much worst.

“According to most sleep experts, most adolescents need about 9 hours of sleep per
night. Today, nearly two thirds of adolescents get under 8 hours of sleep, and two fifths get
under 6 hours of sleep per night”. (Start School Later, n.d.)

Right amount of sleep plays a crucial role in enhancing the cognitive skills of an
individual most especially memory retention (Maheshwari and Shaukat, 2019). In contrast,
having a poor night time sleep gives day time sleepiness that affects both physical and
cognitive health of an individual which further reflects to his/her academic performance.
According to the results of a study entitled Impact of Poor Sleep Quality on the Academic
Performance of Medical Students IN 2019, students who have lower average GPA were
subjected to a very bad sleep quality, which had a sleep latency or 16-30 minutes, sleep
duration of less than 5 to 7 hours a day, sleep efficiency of percentage that ranges from 75-
74 and almost everyday daytime dysfunction. From the same study, the declining pattern of
the GPA scores are associated with the evidences of sleeping deprivation among students.

Suni (2021) stated that, poor sleep harms students’ academic achievement in various
ways just like decreasing students’ attention and focus. Also, this blocks their ability to
quickly process information which causes a longer span of time for individuals to react on a
certain situation. According to Bayes, D. M., & Bullock, B. (2019), individuals who
experienced sleep deprivation are most likely to experience heightened risk of aggressive
behavior. This is due to the negative effect of sleep loss to the prefrontal cortex which
contributes to loss of control over emotions that includes the loss of proper regulation of the
aggressive impulses.

In addition, lack of sleep affects an individual’s ability to create good decisions due to
the hindrance in the development the part of the brain that is responsible for decision
making which then increases the student’s capability to create unfavorable choices that may
lead to problems in the school environment (Suni, 2021). According to Safti et. al. (2020),
sleep deprived individuals becomes more impulsive and more prone to risk-taking during the
process of decision making.


Bayes, D. M., & Bullock, B. (2019). Sleep Problems in School Aged Children: A Common
Process across Internalising and Externalising Behaviours?. Clocks & sleep, 2(1), 7–

Kids Health. (n.d.). Why Do I Need To Sleep?.

Maheshwari, G. & Shaukat, F. (2019). Impact of Poor Sleep Quality on the Academic
Performance of Medical Students. Cureus 11(4): e4357. doi:10.7759/cureus.4357
Salfi, F. et. Al. (2020). Effects of Total and Partial Sleep Deprivation on Reflection Impulsivity and
Taking in Deliberative Decision-Making. Nat Sci Sleep 12: 309-324.

Start School Later. (n.d.). Why We Must - and Can - Restore Safe & Healthy School Hours.

Suni, E. (2021). Improve Your Child’s School Performance with A Good Night’s Sleep. Sleep

Background of the Study

Getting enough sleep is essential for helping a person maintain optimal health and well-
being. Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person's overall health and well-
being. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for
another day. Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease,
and increased illness duration.

Generally, good sleep quality is defined by, you fall asleep soon after getting into bed, within
30 minutes or less. You typically sleep straight through the night, waking up no more than
once per night. You're able to sleep the recommended amount of hours for your age group.
The right amount of sleep proves somewhat individual as some people will feel great on
seven hours and others may need a little longer. However, in most studies and for most
experts, over nine hours is considered an excessive or long amount of sleep for students.

Statement Of The Problem

This study aimed at The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance of Grade
11 Students of Don Jose Integrated High School.

Specifically, it intended to answer the following question:

1. What is the reason of your Sleep Deprivation?

2. How sleep deprivation affect your studies?
3. Does duration of sleep affect students overall academic performance?
4. How do you deal with this situation?
Significant Of The Study

This study may be of help to those who would want to gather data and/or references for
future use of the following sectors:

Student- This study helps students to understand how important sleep is. Students need
to sleep 6-8 hours for good mentally and physical health.

Family- family members, especially parents may use this study to help and guide their
children to understand how important sleep is.

Community - The benefit that the community can get here that will know sleep is a very
important part of our body. Because if you don't have sleep you might have an accident
or have a problem because of a lack of sleep.

Teacher - This study will be very beneficial to the teacher's to educate more sleep
deprivation to the grade 11 students, especially to the students that lack knowledge
about sleep deprivation.

Other researcher - This study may serve more references for those who haven't yet
know how important sleeping is. And it can be also used as relevant studies by other
featured researchers

Scope and Delimitation

The study entitled " Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance of
Grade 11 Students."The primary subjects of this research study will consist of the Grade11
students enrolled in academic year 2020-2021 .
The respondents will be 188 Grade 11 Students who enrolled in Don Jose Integrated
High School.The scopes of this study will be the Impact of sleep Deprivation on the Academic
Performance of Grade 11 Students in Don Jose Integrated High School.

Definition Of Terms

Impulsive - mean that they do things suddenly without thinking about them carefully first.
Sleep Deprivation - is a general term to describe a state caused by inadequate quantity or
quality of sleep.
Hindrance - the state of being interfered with,held back,or slowed down.
Dysfunction - abnormal or unhealthy interpersonal behavior.
Cognitive - relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity.
Attentiveness - mindful and being observant.
Conservation - the preservation of a physical quantity during transformations or reactions.
Efficiency - able to do tasks successfully, without wasting time or energy.



     This chapter presents related literature and studies about impact of sleep deprivation on
the academic performance of the students done by the researchers. This will serve as guide
for the researchers in developing the study.

Related Literature

  According to Cirelli (2020), sleep insufficiency exists when sleep is insufficient to support
adequate alertness, performance, and health, either because of reduced total sleep time
(decreased quantity) or fragmentation of sleep by brief arousals (decreased quality).Acute
sleep deprivation refers to no sleep or a reduction in the usual total sleep time, usually
lasting one or two days. Chronic sleep insufficiency (also called sleep restriction) exists when
an individual routinely sleeps less than the amount required for optimal functioning.
   The latest work by Chiang (2014), states that sleep loss was negatively correlated with
academic performance. Moreover, sleep loss resulted in daytime sleepiness, which was also
correlated with poor academic performance. Curcio, Ferrara, and Gennaro
(2006) reviewed approximately 103 studies related to sleep loss, learning capacity, and
academic performance; samples included students of different education levels, from
elementary school to university. Most (31 out of 37) studies involved elementary or high
school students. The researchers concluded that sleep loss was negatively correlated with
academic performance. They found that sleep-deprived students performed poorly on
learning capacity skills such as attention, memory, and problem-solving tasks, and that the
lack of sleep therefore affected their academic performance. 

   According to Segaren (2018), the most students probably know that depriving themselves
from sleep is bad, but nonetheless they’re willing to sacrifice sleep and as a consequence,
health, telling themselves it’s just for a short time and they can soon start sleeping 12-hours
a day once the semester draws to a close. But research shows that sleep is extremely
important, not just during finals week but throughout the entire semester. Students are
known for slapdash sleeping habits, but these patterns could be detrimentally impacting
your performance, and it’s time to nip them in the bud. But besides pulling all-nighters,
many students generally don’t know what it means to have a good sleeping routine. Due to
class schedules that differ on a daily basis, part-time jobs, extra-curricular and social
activities, students adapt to irregular sleep cycles that can seriously impact their academic
performance as well as mental and physical health.
  As stated by Ming, Koransky and Wagner (2011), concerns about the effects of sleep
deprivation led to studies regarding its impact on school performance. It was observed that
poor sleep quality, reduced total sleep time and excessive daytime sleepiness negatively
affected academic performance, behavior, and social competence in adolescents. However,
it is not known whether multiple unfavorable sleep problems are more likely to be
associated with poor school performance. In addition, it is equally unclear whether early
school start times directly contribute to sleep insufficiency.

   According to Hershner (2020), sleep consistency measures how likely a student is to be

awake or asleep at the same time each day. Students with greater sleep consistency have
better academic performance. A morning circadian preference and earlier classes are
associated with higher grades. Later high school start times may increase sleep duration, but
do not consistently increase GPA, but improve mood and well-being. If a student is
struggling academically, screening for a sleep disorder is vital. Devices are under
development which may allow students to better monitor their sleep habits, sleep
consistency, chronotype and sleep behaviors. For the proactive student, these devices may
enhance sleep behaviors and academic performance. Schools need to develop sleep friendly
policies and interventions to promote healthy sleep for their students.

   This chapter presents the methods to be used in this study, this include, research design,
population and sampling of the Study as well as research instrumentation and validation,
and data gathering procedures.

    This study determined the impact of sleep deprivation on the academic performance of
the Grade 11 students in Don Jose Integrated High School. The descriptive survey method
was used in this study.
    Descriptive research is a purposive process of data gathering, analyzing, classifying and
tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and cause-
effect relationships and then adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or
without aid of statistical treatment.


    This study was conducted with samples selected from grade 11 students of Don Jose
Integrated High School, SY 2020-2021, which is compose of 3 per strand. There are 3
representatives from ABM strand, 3 representatives from GAS strand, 3 representatives
from EIM strand, 3 representatives from CSS strand and 3 representatives from BPP strand,
therefore we have 15 participants. 


    In this study, the researcher made a survey questionnaire to specifically elicit information
regarding impact of sleep insufficiency on the academic performance of the students in Don
Jose Integrated High School. Open-ended options were provided to accommodate to free
formatted views related to the topics or issues. In this way, the instrument is authorized to
obtain valid responses of the students. Prior to use, the questions was reviewed by the
content specialist, and research adviser. In the validation process of this study, copies of the
research question was given to some students that are affected by sleep insufficiency.


The researcher had a exerting a lot of time, effort and cooperation in developing their
questionnaire as to serve to their respondents who will cover up the study. The said
respondents are the selected grade 11 students from Don Jose Integrated High School. The
students were first asked to read and sign a consent form agreeing to participate in the
study. The consent forms, after being signed, were then placed into a manila envelope so
the names of each student would remain confidential and not be matched with their
completed survey. The students were then given the survey, asked to read the directions
and answer the questions as completely and honestly as they could. 

The survey was created using suitable questions modified from the related research and
individual questions formed by the researchers. Participants were given time to respond by
answering the questionnaire and the researcher will be collected of at the same time. The
data gathered from the respondents were tallied and computed for interpretation according
to the frequency of items checked by the researcher.  Along with primary data, the
researcher also used the secondary data like researching for same article that will support
the information that they have been collected or gathered from their respondents.

    The current study had to deal with some ethical issues. As previously stated, all
participants signed a consent letter confirming their written approval of their participation in
the study. Respondents were also asked to read and sign a consent form at the same time.
The aim of these forms was to inform participants that their participation in the study was
entirely voluntary and that they were free to leave at any time and for any reason. In
addition, participants were fully informed about the study's objectives, and they were told
that their responses would be kept confidential and used only for academic purposes and for
the purposes of the relevant research. Apart from the above, participants were not
physically or psychologically harmed or abused during the study. The researchers, on the
other hand, attempted to establish and preserve a pleasant environment.

    The questionnaire was designed to gather the needed for this study. As a result, coding
the data from the questionnaires was unnecessary. The information gathered from the
questionnaire was organized into themes. The themes that emerged from the data
corresponded to the research questions that were posed. The findings were presented as an
analysis. The data analysis focused on answering each of the research questions by focusing
on the data collected from method of data collection.

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