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Background of the Study

It is apparent that a good night's sleep makes one’s feeling way better. Not only

does sleep give the body a time to relax and recharge, but it may also be crucial for the

mind's capability to analyze and take into account any past lessons or memory. Amid

sleep, whereas the body rests, the brain is busy processing data and forming memories.

If the person is sleep-deprived, they are at risk of developing their ability to learn and

retain new information may be decreased (Dewald et al., 2010).

Insufficient sleep, poor sleep quality, and sleepiness are common problems in

adolescents being related to learning, memory, and school performance. As the term

suggests, sleep deprivation happens when someone is deprived or lack of sleep. In

other words, they don’t get sufficient sleep for them to feel alert and for their bodies and

minds to function optimally. Sleep is an imperative need for the people to live a healthy

lifestyle in which they can function well and think properly (Persky, 2018).

According to Gilbert and Weaver (2010), proper sleep is necessary for keeping

these cognitive functions at an optimal level. Unfortunately, not everyone receives an

adequate amount of sleep in order to function properly throughout the day. Sleep

deprivation is an important hidden factor in lowering the achievement of students. This

may link to the contributing factors of sleep deprivation such as the excessive use of

gadgets, caffeine intakes, school works, and so forth. Thus, the researchers gathered

data about the impact of sleep deprivation on the school performance of the students.

This study provides insight if of the relative impact of sleep deprivation in

accordance with the school performance of senior high school students of Alabel

National High School. This study sought an intervention plan for the said problem. It

also aimed to reveal the contributing factors they should prevent. This study also helped

the researchers to realize that there were factors that can affect the school

performances of their future students. Lack of sleep may be the reason for their future

students to lose interest in class discussions and activities. Therefore, identifying the

variables that lead to poor sleep quality and finding action to improve the situation can

make a difference in the school performance of the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to assess the impact of sleep deprivation on the school

performance of the students.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the contributing factors of sleep deprivation among the Senior High

School students of Alabel National High School?

2. What are the impact of sleep deprivation on the school performance of the


3. What are their proposed intervention to primarily address sleep deprivation?

Significance of the Study

The researchers foresee that the findings of this study can serve as an eye-

opener and a hope to help the following:

The students. It might help them understand thoroughly the importance of

sleeping in relation to their school performance.

The parents. They will be aware that sleep deprivation can affect the school

performance of their son/s and/or daughter/s. Through this, they can help the students

to remind the significance of proper sleep.

The teachers. For them to be conscious of the hidden curriculum such as the

impact of sleep deprivation in the school performance of the students and they might act

for the improvement of the situation.

The school administrator. For them to make exertions and apply the

intervention plan in the said problem.

The future researchers. The study will help to the advancement of their

knowledge towards people especially to the people involved in this study. This study

can be used as a reference to the other researchers. Thus, it will not just serve as

reading material but it may possibly be a channel in awakening the persons involved.

The community. This study will help the community to be aware of this implicit

factor in the school performance of the students. This instance plays an important role

that will make citizens effective in terms of addressing the needs and problems of the


Scope and Delimitation

This study is delimited as to the following scopes: primarily, regarding the

conduct of the study, this research paper was conducted in the senior high school

department of Alabel National High School located at Lalisan Street, Poblacion Alabel

Sarangani Province. Moreover, as to the respective respondents of this research, this

study obtained 10 participants from grade 11 to grade 12 students of which are

considered to be sleep-deprived and who were officially enrolled at Alabel National High

School in the school year 2019-2020. Lastly, it is only focused on the impact of sleep

deprivation in the school performance of the students, its contributing factors and its

intervention plan.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms were defined

conceptually and operationally:

School Performance – is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution

has achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

In the present study, it refers to the school grades and conduct of the senior high school

students of Alabel National High school.

Contributory Factors – something that is partly responsible for development or


In the present study, it refers to the influences related to sleep deprivation of the senior

high school students of Alabel National High School.

Intervention Plan – The systematic process of assessment and planning

employed to remediate or prevent a social, educational, or developmental problem.

In the present study, it is the proposed intervention to primarily address sleep


Sleep – the natural state of rest during which your eyes are closed and you

become unconscious.

In the present study, it provides insight on how necessary for the students to have a

good night sleep in relation to their school performance.

Sleep deprivation – occurs when someone is deprived or lacks sleep.

In the present study, sleep deprivation happens when the student is deprived or lack of


Students – is the persons who are studying at a school.

In the present study, they are someone who is officially enrolled as Senior High School

at Alabel National High School in the school year 2019 - 2020.

Conceptual Paradigm

Sleep Deprivation

Impact to the School

Contributory Factors

Intervention Plan

Figure 1. The conceptual paradigm of the study.

The conceptual framework of this study is an analytical tool with several

variations and contexts. The framework shows (4) sets of variables that assess the

impact of sleep deprivation on the school performance of the students. The sleep

deprivation serves as a casual variable that influences its impact on the students’ school

performance. This also shows the contributing factor that causes sleep deprivation to

the students and a proposed intervention plan from the participants to primarily address

sleep deprivation.



This chapter presents a review of related literature that supports the needed

information. This is composed of several ideas and insights from different authors who

have undergone research that arises related to the study.

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is essential that it offers people the energy they need to conduct even the

easiest duties like walking, concentration, and conversation. Sleep serves to re-

energize the cells of the body, clear the brain waste, and promote memory, learning

appetite and mood. Unfortunately, sleep in society is not a priority, and high school

learners often have to sacrifice it that is why they are not getting the best quantity of

sleep. Several studies have suggested that for memory consolidation and learning,

sleep is essential. The result of sleep deprivation is sleepiness and psychomotor

deficiency (Sharif et al., 2012).

Sleep is a prerequisite for individuals to live a healthy lifestyle in which they can

work well and believe well. The amount of sleep that a person need varies from one

person to another, but on average most adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep

each night to feel alert and well-rested. Teens need an average of about nine hours of

sleep per night. Sleep deprivation occurs when someone is deprived or lacks sleep.

That is to say, they don't get enough sleep to feel alert and to operate excellently for

their bodies and minds. This generally happens because people do not know that their

body has greater sleep requirements and choose to stay awake to socialize or enjoy

hobbies, thereby limiting sleep time (Smith, 2018).

Sonumol et al., (2017) defines sleep deprivation as inadequate sleep assistance

for appropriate daytime alertness, sleep deprivation inversely proportional to sleep

hours, and may have significant adverse impact on overall health and quality of life.

According to Killgore (2010), in contemporary times, sleep deprivation is common, but

its wide-ranging influence on psychological feature performance is solely starting to be

understood from a scientific perspective. While there is broad consensus that short

sleep ends up in general retardation of response speed and increased inconsistency in

performance, particularly for straightforward measures of alertness, attention, and

attentiveness. (Altun et al., 2012).

Contributory Factors of Sleep Deprivation

There are various factors that may cause an individual to get insufficient sleep

and lead to sleep deprivation, including environmental, physical, biological, habitual,

medical, social disruptions and psychological causes. In many cases, the cause is

several different factors play a role in the presentation of the condition (Smith, 2018).

Lifestyle is one of the major cause of sleep deprivation. Night hangouts or night

events can also influence one's capacity to get a normal pattern of sleep. The prevalent

causes of sleep deprivation are bad diet and excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption

during bedtime. Caffeine taken at night can increase sleep latency, reduce sleepiness,

and improve the ability to sustain wakefulness. In this study, the effects of caffeine

lasted 5.5 to 7.5 hours, suggesting that caffeine consumed even in the afternoon could

impair the ability to fall asleep. The net effect is that caffeine increases vigilance,

alertness, and decreases sleepiness. (Chervin, 2014).

Technology and the use of social media before going to sleep are also one of the

major causes of daytime sleepiness because of insufficient sleep. Based on the study

conducted by Mirghani et al. (2015), “Generation Y’ers” or the millennials are heavy

users of technology prior to bed. Computer use in the hour before bed is associated

with less restful sleep. Frequent use of cell phones around bedtime is associated with

difficulties falling asleep, repeated awakenings, or waking up too early. Most young

adults leave their phone on during sleep, most of them play video games before bed,

and this can increase the delay in their sleep.

There are also excessive demands placed on teenagers, which prevent them

from receiving the required amount of sleep that they desperately need. Often, high

school students stay until early morning to study. Time after time, students push school

requirements to the end of their schedule because of extracurricular activities such as

work, music rehearsals, sports practices, or school clubs. As a result, teenagers are not

getting enough sleep, which is one of the most basic elements to allow one to optimally

function during the day (Persky, 2018).

Impact of Sleep Deprivation to the School Performance

Commensurate with the study of Persky (2018) sleep allows one to be alert,

insightful, and sharp. Sleep allows students to properly solve problems. When students

do not get the optimal 8 to 10 hours of sleep that they need, they lose their ability to

succeed academically. Students have trouble retaining information, coping with stress,

and staying focused. These effects can have a serious impact on test scores and on the

grades students receive on class projects and papers. Starting the school day later in

the morning allows students to get more sleep.

Insufficient sleep, poor sleep quality, and sleepiness are dominant problems in

adolescent learning, memory, and school performance. (Dewald et al, 2010). Lower

academic achievement is a result of sleep deprivation. Poor sleepers are more probable

than other learners to fail a grade, even if they do comparable quantities of homework.

Sleep-deprived students tend to be more restless, irritable, and impulsive than other

students. They also may be more depressed and have lower self-esteem than their

classmates who sleep more. Deprivation of sleep reduces motivation, concentration,

attention, and reasoning coherence. It reduces memory, self-control, thought velocity,

and improves error frequency (Christi et al, 2010).

In conformity to the study of Alzakri (2012) recent reviews have indicated an

important relationship between sleep patterns with learning abilities and consequent

school performance. Students are a distinctive group of young adults whose school

obligations and lifestyle may influence their sleeping practices and lead to deprivation of

sleep. Continuous educational demand on this group of learners may lead in uneven

wake or sleep patterns and bad quality of sleep, which may negatively influence the

efficiency of the students. This study of Sharif et al. (2012) showed that the subjective

feeling of obtaining sufficient sleep were the independent predictors of excellent school

performance. The impacts of sleep deprivation on many higher-level cognitive

capabilities, including perception, memory, and executive functions, are less agreed.

Many convergent and rule-based reasoning, decision making and planning tasks are

relatively unaffected by sleep loss, more creative, divergent and innovative aspects of

cognition do appear to be degraded by lack of sleep. (Killgore, 2010).

Intervention Plan

Sleep deprivation had a negative effect on the students’ school performance and

the cognitive functions like memory, attention, concentration etc. So, health education

programs regarding duration and quality of the sleep should be emphasized in schools

to increase the awareness of the importance of a healthy sleep. Despite from that

students and teachers do not typically understand that academic achievement may be

affected by sleep habits. In general, the connection between wake or sleep habits and

students' school performance is not discussed sufficiently (Alzakri, 2012).

Evans’ (2011) study shows that one’s health and happiness depends on getting

the proper amount of sleep. Each person should create a knowledge base regarding

the extent to which sleep contributes to the health and well-being of populations.

(Gaultney, 2010). Correlations and step by step multiple regression revealed preference

in the evening and both led to low self-reflection by identifying oneself as a bad sleeper.

Such results are important to sleep education refinement. Sleep education material

needs to consider what students already know about sleep so education is important,

reliable and not redundant. Sleep education also needs to address lower self-reflection

for implementing sleep recommendations. (Digdon, 2010)

It is the responsibility of the educators and school authorities to identify the

variables that lead to poor sleep quality and take an active role to empower and educate

students about good sleep habits to improve their performance (Sumi et al., 2017).

Simple implementation of strategies to optimize sleep quality and keep an adaptive daily

body clock can assist enhance daytime alertness, mood, and school performance

(Wrighta et al, 2013).

School authorities should talk to parents about the significance of sleep, including

a consistent bedtime, even weekends. If the teachers notice indications that the student

may be deprived of sleep, they should contact the parents of the student. Parents can

then remain in touch with the sleep requirements of their children by watching them

wake up in the morning with ease. It is worth the effort to identify and treat sleep

disorders among the students in hopes of improving their overall health as well as their

academic success (Gaultney, 2010).

Students should go to bed soon enough to get a complete night's sleep. Every

night, students require about seven to eight hours of sleep. They can prevent sleep

issues by eliminating sleep disturbing circumstances such as noise, stress, light,

absence of daylight exposure and some medications and by ensuring those students to

avoid big meals, school practices, TV watching, computer use and intake of caffeine in

the hour before bedtime. They can enforce consistent bedtime at weekends (Bergin,

2010). If they have difficulty sleeping, they should get out of bed and relax until they feel

sleepy. They should not study, read, watch television or talk in bed on the phone. “The

students should get away from their laptop, switch off your television and cell phone,

and relax for 15 to 30 minutes in silence. (Westchester III, 2017).



The section presents the method and procedure used in the conduct of the study.

This includes research design, research locale, respondents and sampling techniques,

research instrument and data gathering procedure employed in this study.

Research Design

This study utilized qualitative case study research design. This approach intends

to give better understanding among readers in the perspective of the topic through In-

depth Interview (IDI). Qualitative researchers stress the socially constructed nature of

reality, the intimate relationship between the researcher and what is studied, and the

situational constraints that shape inquiry. They seek answers to questions that stress

how social experience is created and given meaning (Denzin & Lincoln, 2019). The

researchers used In-depth Interview or one-on-one interview with the participants. IDI

allow detailed exploration of a single respondent’s reactions without contamination.

They are particularly valuable when researchers want individual reactions placed in the

context of the individual’s experiences (Azzara, 2010).

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Alabel National High school located at Lalisan

Street, Poblacion Alabel Sarangani Province. It is one of the biggest secondary school

in Alabel in terms of population. The school introduces different programs like

strengthened Technical – Vocational Education Program (STVED) for those who want

to specialize in dressmaking, baking, cosmetology, welding, humanities and social

sciences. Open High School to cater the potential dropouts in the community; and

Special Program in Journalism (SPJ) for those who want to polish their communication

skills in the field of journalism.

Respondent and Sampling Techniques

The participants of this study were ten (10) senior high school students (five

students from grade 11 and five students from grade 12) of Alabel National High School

who were enrolled in the school year 2019-2020. Research used purposive sampling

because the participants were selected base on their grade level and basically they

were a sleep deprived students.

Data Collection Tools

The main tool used in collecting data for this study was the Key Informant

Interview or (KII) it utilized in collecting data from the research participants. KII is a

loosely structured conversation with individuals who are competent and knowledgeable

on particular issues or problems. In Doing the KII, the researchers observed the

following procedure: introduction, asking of general or key questions, asking judgement

or probing questions, and giving the closing questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather the data needed for this study, the researchers sent a letter of

permission to the principal of Alabel National High School. The researchers provided a

copy of the letter approval of the school principal to the senior high school coordinator,

the class adviser and the students. Immediately after the request granted, they went to

every classroom of the senior high school students and surveyed who are the sleep-

deprived students.

The researchers explained what is their study all about and the purpose of the

data gathering. The explanations were made clear to all who were surveyed. They let

the students evaluate themselves if they are a sleep-deprived person. After that, the

researchers called those students who considered their selves a sleep deprived person

and ask a few more questions to qualify them as a participants of the study. The

researchers acquired five participants of Grade 11 students and also five participants of

Grade 12 students and ask for their phone numbers and address. The researchers then

were scheduled for the conduct of the interview.

They personally conduct and facilitate the KII sessions, went to the participant’s

house individually and ask questions personally together with a documenter who did the

video recording. The researchers established rapport with the informant. This is

important to gain the trust and confidence of the informant and to assure candid and in-

depth conversation. The questions that were asked to the informants were sequenced

by first asking key and factual questions and followed by judgement and probing


Data Analysis

The narrative and thematic analysis was done on the In-depth Interview

generated data. The researchers read and reread the field notes and transcriptions of

the recorded conversations. Coding of themes, patterns, and categories was done to

identify commonalities or interconnectedness of ideas from the various research


Research Sources of Data
Gathering Data Analysis
Questions Data

Narrative and
Research Thematic
Participants Analysis

What are the

impact of sleep Narrative and
deprivation to the Research Thematic
academic Participants Analysis
performance of the

Narrative and
Research KII Thematic
Participants Analysis

Figure 2. Research Map Design

The above research design map explained where the study is going through. It

sought to discover to discover the effects of sleep deprivation in the school

performance of the senior high school students.

What are the
contributing factors
of sleep deprivation
among the Senior
High School
students of Alabel
National High

What are their

intervention to
primarily address
sleep deprivation?



This chapter presents the findings and analysis of the Key Informant Interview

(KII) generated data. The study utilized a qualitative method of research wherein

participants who took the interview have been selected base on their grade level which

is the senior high school students of Alabel National High School and they were sleep-

deprived students. It is divided into three parts: (1) the contributing factors of sleep

deprivation; (2) the impact of sleep deprivation on the school performance of the

students; and (3) the proposed intervention plan.

Matrix A: Factors of Sleep Deprivation

Themes Sub-Themes
A.1. Online Connectivity A.1.1. Social Media Advent
A.1.2. E-technology
A.2. Academic Demands A.2.1. Assignments
A.2.2. Other school Requirements

A. of Sleep Deprivation

A.1. Online Connectivity

This theme has been divided into several sub-themes, a.1.1) social media

advent, and a.1.2) E-technology.

Participant 1 stated:

“Kasi nga we are living in an era na high technology so most of

the youth nowadays ay gumagamit ng internet or cellphones.

There’s a lot of application such as twitter, facebook, instagram na

maaring pagpuyatan ng mga kabataan” (Appendix A, Line 9, Page


(So actually, there's a lot of factors why most of the youth are

sleep deprived, especially me because we are living in an era of

high technology. Most of the youth nowadays are using the

internet and cellphones. There's a lot of application that can cause

sleep deprivation among the youth such as twitter, Facebook, and


Participant 2 stated:

“…minsan nag se-surf pa po ako sa internet, nagfe-facebook,

nagyu-youtube.” (Appendix B, Line 12, Page 40)

(…sometimes I surf on the internet, I usually use facebook and


Participant 3 stated:

“facebook, wattpad, … Tapos mga group chats…” (Appendix C,

Line 9, Page 42)

(facebooks, wattpad, ... Then group chats…)

Participant 4 stated:

“…sa kompyuteran naga dula ko’g computer, naga dula’g Dota,

ana ba maka addict lagi.” (Appendix D, Line 9, Page 44)

(…at the internet caffe playing computer games like Dota, it’s very


Participant 5 stated:

“… hindi ako nakakatulog ng maaga kasi po nag fe-facebook po

talaga ako.” (Appendix E, Line 7, Page 47)

(…I can’t sleep early because I’m still browsing facebook.)

Participant 7 stated:

“Kasagarang hinongdan sa akong pag pulaw is, Dota dyud...”

(Appendix G, Line 11, Page 51)

(The usual reason why I’m sleep deprive is because of playing


Participant 9 stated:

“Ang kasagarang hinungdan nganung kulang ko sa tulog is

cellphone, kanang mag mag YouTube permente, mag fb.”

(Appendix I, Line 11, Page 56)

(The most common reason why I lack sleep is because of

cellphone; I frequently watch videos on YouTube and I also look

through Facebook.)

Participant 10 stated:

“… cgeg Facebook,YouTube ana.” (Appendix J, Line 11, Page 58)

(... I always use Facebook and YouTube applications.)

Social media advent and e-technology are the most common contributing factors

of sleep deprivation among the Senior High School students of Alabel National High

School. According to Mirghani et al. (2015) "Generation Y'ers" or the millennials (they

are adults aged 19–29 years old) are heavy users of technology prior to bed: 67% use

cell phones, 43% music devices, 60% computers, and 18% video games. The majority

(51%) report rarely getting a good night's sleep and often wake unrefreshed. Computer

use in the hour before bed is associated with less restful sleep.

A.2. Academic Demands

This theme has been divided into several sub-themes, a.2.1) assignments, and

a.2.2) other school requirements. The finding shows the contributing factors that may

lead to sleep deprivation and lowering of academic performance of the students.

As emphasized by Participant 2:

“…may ginagawa pa po akong mga homeworks or may mga

proyekto pa pong kailangan na i-present kan pagkabukas po nito.”

(Appendix B, Line 9, Page 40)

(I still do homework or I have other projects that are needed to be

presented for the next day.)

Participant 3 stated:

“Tapos pag nag sta-study ako, sinasadya ko talagang mag hindi

matutulog ng maaga, umiinom ako ng kape.” (Appendix C, Line

11, Page 42)

(After I started studying, I consciously don't want to go to bed

early, so I drink some coffee.)

Participant 8 stated:

“Paghimo nakog project.” (Appendix H, Line 15, Page 53)

(If I’m doing projects.)

Participant 10 stated:

“Buhat mga project.” (Appendix J, Line 13, Page 58)

(Doing projects)

Adolescents need more sleep than adults, but obligations to study and school

schedules can make it hard to get the quantity of sleep needed, sometimes leading to

deprivation (Smith 2018). Lower academic achievement is another result of sleep

deprivation. Poor sleepers are more probable than other learners to fail a grade, even if

they do comparable quantities of homework. (Christi et al, 2010).

Matrix B: Impact of Sleep Deprivation

Themes Sub-Themes

B.1. Physical Ramifications B.1.1. Sleepiness

B.1.2. Loss of Focus

B.2. Educational Consequences B.2.1. Poor Academic Performance

B.2.2 Tardiness and Absenteeism

B. Impact of Sleep Deprivation

B.1. Physical Ramifications

This theme has been divided into several sub-themes, b.1.1) sleepiness, and

b.1.2) loss of focus.

Participant 1 stated:

“Grabi iba talaga ang epekto! Andun ako sa school pero I am out

of mind. …hindi ako nakaka-catch up kahit na pinipilit kong

making sa teacher. Yung mga lessons na dini discuss hindi

nagsisink-in kasi nga kulang sa tulog.” (Appendix A, Line 15, Page


(It's has a very different effect! I'm in school but I am out of mind, I

can't catch up even when I'm trying to listen to the teacher. I can’t

comprehened the lessons that were discussed because I’m lack of


Participant 2 stated:

“Ang epekto ng kakulangan ko sapagtulog ay hindi ako nakaka-

focus kung ano yung sinasabi ng guro namin, minsan nakakatulog

ako, nakakaidlip, may mga mamiss ako na mga lessons.”

(Appendix B, Line 20, Page 41)

(The effect of being sleep deprived on me is that I cannot focused

on what our teacher says, sometimes I'm sleepy, sometimes I

dozed off and so, I miss those lessons.)

Participant 3 stated:

“Syempre kulang ka sa tulog minsan, lalo na kapag hindi

interesting yung teacher, minsan nakakatulog ka sa klase tapos

hindi mo maintindihan yung mga topics nyo. Hindi ka

makakasabay sa kanila.” (Appendix C, Line 20, Page 43)

(Ofcourse when you are lack of sleep, especially when the teacher

is not interesting, sometimes you fall asleep in class. You can’t

understand the lessons so you can't keep up with them.)

Participant 4 stated:

“Ilabi na ug kanang lecture unya permente lang istorya, dukaon

dyud ko ana sa amoang klase.” (Appendix D, Line 13, Page 45)

(Especially in lecture and then the teacher is just talking, I feel

sleepy in our class.)

Participant 6 stated:

“Magduka sa klase. Kanang katulugon ka sa klase ba.” (Appendix

F, Line 19, Page 49)

(I feel sleepy so I dozed off in class.)

Participant 7 stated:

“Pag mo adto ka sa eskwelahan unya bilar ka, dili ka kataro’g

paminaw sa maestra nga leksyon. Katulugon man gud ka, sige

rakag panghuy-ab.” (Appendix G, Line 21, Page 52)

(If you will go to school then you’re sleep deprived, you can’t listen

to your teacher well. When you are sleepy, you tend to yawn.)

Participant 8 stated:

“Dili ko ka focus sa akong pag-eskwela, sa among room

makatulog dyud ko, dili nako malikayan nga makatulog ko.”

(Appendix H, Line 23, Page 54)

(I can’t focus on my studies. There will be a tendency that I fell

asleep in our room, I can’t avoit to sleep there.)

Participant 10 stated:

“Pag abot nako sa skwelahan katulogon pako, dili ko ka

concentrate ug paminaw sa amoang instructor.” (Appendix J, Line

23, Page 59)

(When I arrived to school I’m still sleepy, I can't concentrate in

listening to our instructor.)

Insufficient sleep, poor sleep quality, and sleepiness are dominant problems in

adolescent learning, memory, and school performance. (Meije et al, 2010).

Commensurate with the study of Persky (2018) When students do not get the optimal 8

to 10 hours of sleep that they need, they lose their ability to succeed academically.

Students have trouble retaining information, coping with stress, and staying focused.

B.2. Educational Consequences

This theme has been divided into several sub-themes, b.2.1) poor academic

performance, and b.2.2) tardiness and absenteeism.

Participant 1 stated:

“… sa subjects natin merong mga role playings, mga oral

recitations so hindi ka makakasabay kasi nga kulang ka sa tulog

malamya yung katawan mo. Mahina yung memory mo.”

(Appendix A, Line 17, Page 38)

(…in our subjects there are role playings, oral recitations so you

can't keep up because you’re sleep deprived and your body is

feeble. Your memory is weak.)

Participant 3 stated:

“So mostly nale-late ako. I miss first period …” (Appendix C, Line

15, Page 42)

(So mostly, I’m late. I miss the first subject period in class...)

Participant 4 stated:

“Dako kaayu syag epekto sa akoang grado ma’am... Gagamay

pod akoang makuha nga mga scores sa amoang quiz kay tungod

wala koy study-study kay bilar permente.” (Appendix D, Line 22,

Page 45)

(It has a huge impact on my grade even until this day. I always got

low scores when it comes to our quizzes and it's because I was

not used to studying caused by the lack of sleep.)

Participant 7 stated:

“Maka-absent ka ug buntag unya usahay man gud kay dili ko

makaeskwela…” (Appendix G, Line 23, Page 52)

(I miss the morning classes and sometimes I am absent…)

Participant 9 stated:

“Perminte nako ma late, tapos mababa na akoang grado, dili nako

maka focus sa subject, gamay na akoang mga quizzes.”

(Appendix I, Line 25, Page 57)

(I’m always late, then I got low grades. I can’t focus on our lessons

and I always got low scores in our quizzes.)

Adolescents with poor sleep quality and/or evening chronotype were also more

likely to report worse grades. This pattern is associated with increased risks for

excessive sleepiness, difficulty with mood regulation, impaired academic performance,

learning difficulties, school tardiness and absenteeism. (Carskadon et al, 2014).

Matrix C: Intervention Plan

Themes Sub-Themes
C.1. Time Optimization C.1.1. Sleep Early
C.1.2. Avoid Nightlife Activities
C.1.3. Minimize Using Cellphone

C. Intervention Plan

C.1. Time Optimization

This theme has been divided into several sub-themes, c.1.1) sleep early, c.1.2)

avoid nightlife activities, and c.1.3) minimize using cellphone.

Participant 1 stated:

“I think the only thing that I should do is that matulog talaga ng

maaga… Time management lang talaga kung hindi naman talaga

importante di ‘wag magpuyat.” (Apendix A, Line 27, Page 39)

(I think the only thing that I should do is to go to bed early… You

should have time management, if it is not important, don’t stay up

late at night.)

Participant 2 stated:

“Dapat matulog po tayo ng maaga, kasi tayo pong mga kabataan

kailangan matulog ng 8pm...” (Apendix B, Line 30, Page 41)

(We should go to bed early, because young people need to sleep

by 8pm…)

Participant 5 stated:

“…para maiwasan ang matagal na pagtulog is i-off talaga yung

cellphone kasi nakaka-temp syang magfacebook, mag-instagram,

or magtwitter.” (Apendix E, Line 23, Page 48)

(…to avoid sleeping late, you should turn off your cellphone

because you will be tempted to browse Facebook, Instagramn or


Participant 8 stated:

“Walaon na nako akong pagkuan pagpulaw, dili nako sigeg laag,

magsayo nakog tulog.” (Apendix H, Line 23, Page 55)

(I will get rid of being sleep deprived; I will avoid loitering these

days and will now sleep early.)

Participant 9 stated:

“Iwasan na nako ang mag cellphone, dapat naa nakoy ginatawag

na time manangement kung kanus-a lang ko mag cellphone o dili

mag cellphone” (Apendix I, Line 34, Page 57)

(I will now avoid using cellphone, I must ensure that I will have that

so-called “time management” whether I will use a cellphone or


Westchester III (2017) says that every night, adolescents require about eight to

ten hours of sleep. They can prevent sleep issues by eliminating sleep-disturbing

circumstances such, watching TV, computer use and cellphone use especially before

bedtime (Bergin & Bergin, 2010), night hangouts or night events can also influence

one's capacity to get a normal pattern of sleep according to Altun (2012).



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in Chapter IV. The segments of this

chapter are presented according to three (3) categories namely: (1) the contributing

factors of sleep deprivation among the senior high school students, (2) the impact of

sleep deprivation, and (3) the proposed intervention plan.

Summary of the Findings

1. Online Connectivity

Primarily, online connectivity is one of the factors affecting sleep deprivation of

the selected senior high school students of Alabel National High School who were

considered to be sleep-deprived people. It was classified into two (2) social media

advent and e-technology.

2. Academic Demands

Based on the interview, it was emphasized that assignments and other school

requirements have a factor related to the sleep deprivation of the senior high school

students of Alabel National High School. The students have obligations to study and the

school agendas can make it hard for them to get the quantity of sleep they needed,

leading to derivation.

3. Physical Ramifications

The result of gathered data shows that sleepiness and loss of focus are some of

the major impacts of sleep deprivation. Senior high school students of Alabel National

High School tend to sleep while the class is going on and cannot concentrate on any of

their discussions.

4. Educational Consequences

Most of the participants have poor academic performance caused by sleep

deprivation. Sleep-deprived students tend to continually be late at school. Sometimes,

they also tend to make more absences than regular students.

5. Time Optimization

Taking into consideration, the results gathered based on the conducted interview,

the students ruminate that they should sleep early, avoid nightlife activities, and

minimize using of cellphones as an intervention plan in the said problem. They can

prevent sleep issues by eliminating sleep-disturbing circumstances such as use

cellphones and intake of caffeine in the hour before bedtime. The students can enforce

consistent bedtime at weekends.


The following conclusions were drawn by the researcher according to the

findings represented based on the gathered data.

1. There are three (2) major factors that cause sleep deprivation among the selected

senior high school students of Alabel National High School (ANHS) namely: online

connectivity and academic demands.

2. The selected senior high school students of Alabel National High School (ANHS)

suffered consequences physically such as sleepiness and loss of focus because of

sleep deprivation. Not to mention the fact that there were also educational

consequences suffered by the students particularly poor school performance, tardiness,

and truancy in class.

3. The proposed intervention plan of the participants to primarily address sleep

deprivation is to optimize the usage of time by sleeping early, avoiding nightlife activities

and lessening the usage of cellphone.


According to the findings of the study, the following recommendations are

presented for suggestions, improvements and further research proposals:

To the Students

There is a need for the students to be conscious in their wake and sleep habit.

They should understand thoroughly the importance of sleeping in the relation of their

school performance.

To the Parents

There is a need that parents should be aware that sleep deprivation can affect

the school performance of their son/s and/or daughter/s. They should consistently watch

their children’s activities. Through this, the students will be guided and be reminded

about the significance of sleep and the adverse effect of sleep deprivation.

To the Teachers

There is a need that teachers should be sensible of the circumstances such as

the adverse effect of sleep deprivation happens in their students. Through this, they can

address such problems and never neglect sleep deprivation.

To the School Administrators

There is a need for the school administrators to make exertions and apply the

intervention plan in the said problem.

To the Other Researchers

There is a need in using other variables that are not included in this study. There

is also a need to evaluate more in identifying the impacts of sleep deprivation in the

school performances of the students for further data gathering.


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Transcription: Participant I (Grade 12)

Interviewer 1: Good Morning sir! By the way, my name is Denisse Marie Jimenez.
Interviewer 2: And I am Genevive Dela Cruz.
Interviewer 1: And we’re from Villamor College of Business and Arts. (Sound of
motorcycles passing by) So ang aming interview ngayon is all about sa aming research
which is entitled, “The Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance of
Senior High School Students at Alabel National High School”.
Interviewer 2: By the way, ano po ba ang pangalan n’yo sir?
Interviewee: Ahhm Oscar Samontisa po.
Interviewer 2: Nasa iang baiting kana po at anong school, ay saan kana nag-aaral?
Interviewee: Ahm grade 12 - Sirius of Alabel National High School.
Interviewer 1: So okay sir, ang una naming katanungan is, ano ba’ng kalimitang dahilan
kung bakit kulang ka sa tulog?
Interviewee: Uhuhh.. So a.. actually there’s a lot of factors kung bakit kulang sa tulog
yung mga kabataan, especially ako. Kasi nga I’m, we are living in an era na ano high
technology so most of the youth nowadays are gumagamit ng ano… ng internet,
cellphones. There’s a lot of application such as twitter, facebook, instagram na uhhmm
maaring pagpuyatan ng mga… mga ano mga kabataan and aside from that ahhmm..
(Sound of motorcycles passing by) yung mga kabataan ngayon ay mga gala like ahm
sa mga barkada nag-iinuman, then pag broken hearted ganon. So that are the factors
na nakakaapekto po talaga ng pagtulog.
Interviewer 2: Okay so, anong oras kana nakakatulog sir?
Interviewee: Aahhhmm… most of the time nakakatulog ako mga ano… Ahm 12, 12 ano
12, 12 midnight andon na ako sa kwarto but then dahil nga sa kaka-facebook, kaka-
facebook, instagram, and twitter, mga ano, mga 2am ako nakakatulog, oo 2am.
Interviewer 1: Aahhh… Okay sir so anong oras kana rin gumigising?
Interviewee: Ahm… Nagigising ako mga ano, mga 4am although ano, so very ano, very
short time of a, short time lang po talaga ang pag tulog ko. Kasi nga paggising ko mga
(Sound of motorcycles passing by) 4am ano ahh nag sco-scroll ako sa facebook then
sleep nanaman then gising ng mga 6.

Interviewer 2: Hhhmmm.. So ano yung epekto ng kakulangan mo sa tulog sa pag-aaral
Interviewee: Ahm ano… napakalaking epekto talaga kasi nga ahm, I am not used to to
ano, to surf internet before then, I have 8 hours sleep then, (Sound of car passing by)
ano fresh yung mind ko pagdating sa school way back then pero ngayun ahm dahil nga
kaka-facebook, kakapuyat minsan gumagala ako together with friends ahm or inuman
ganun late na nakakatulog. (Sound of motorcycles passing by) Grabi iba talaga ang
epekto! Ahm andun ako sa school pero yung mind, I am out of mind, yun jet lag ako
masyado so hindi ako nakaka-catch up kahit na pinipilit kong making sa teacher. Yung
mga lessons na dini discuss hindi nagsisink-in kasi nga ahm kulang sa tulog.
Interviewer 1: Meron pa ba itong ibang epekto sayo sir maliban sa sinabi mo?
Interviewee: Yes ofcourse yung sa health natin, sa health, mental heath, ahm physically
kasi nga ahm sa subjects natin merong mga role playings, mga (Sound of motorcycles
passing by) oral recitations, mga ganun so hindi ka makakasabay kasi nga ahm kulang
ka sa tulog ano malamya yung katawan mo so ayun mahina yung ano, mahina yung
memory mo.
Interviewer 2: Meron din ba itong epekto sa grado mo?
Interviewee: Definitely meron po talaga kasi nga ahm before consistent (Sound of
motorcycles passing by) honor student naman ako. Ahm way back ano grade 11 ako
ahm with high honor, with the average of 95%. So ano simula nung na addict ako kaka-
facebook and aside from that gala with friends sa inuman, (Sound of motorcycles
passing by) then umuuwi mga ano na, mga ano, mga 2, 2am. Then grabi, grabi yung
ahh baba ng grade ko, mga almost ano hindi… to the point na malapit akong ano,
malapit akong ano malapit akong nalaglag sa honor kasi nga pagnakaabot ka ng 90%
automatically honor student kana. Then that time I got the average of 89… 89 point
something so lucky parin kasi na round off so ayun 90. Ninety lang compared sa,
compare sa grado ko nung grade 11 ako, napakalaking ano talaga…
Interviewer 1: Ano pala yung grado mo nung grade 11 ka pa sir?
Interviewee: Grade 11 ako?
Interviewer 1: Opo.
Interviewee: Last semester I got ahh, I got the average of ninety… 95% which belongs
to the high honor. So ngayon, ayon nga kulang sa tulog so I only got 90% lang. Ahm
kahit belong sa honor, but unfortunately I feel ano nadi-disappoint parin ako kasi nga
diba? Malayo, malayo na talaga.
Interviewer 2: Hhhmmm… so sa palagay mo sir ano baa ng dapat mong gawin upang
maiwasan mo ang mga epekto na dulot ng kakulangan mo sa tulog? (Sound of tricycle
passing by)

Interviewee: Hhhmmm… (nod)
Interviewer 2: Mga masasamang epekto.
Interviewee: Masasamang epekto, I think the only thing that I should do is that matulog
talaga ng ano, matulog talaga ng maaga kasi nga ahm diba tayo may self evaluation
naman tayo diba? Nai-evalute ko talaga yung ahh self ko (Sound of motorcycle passing
by) ahh self realization na pagnakatulog ka ng late talaga is malaki, malaki talaga
epekto sa ano mo, sa aside sa health sa academic performance mo so ano talaga time
management lang talaga kung hindi naman talaga importante di ‘wag magpuyat, ganun.
Interviewer 1: So yun lamang po an gaming mga katanungan sir maraming salamat po
sa oras na iyong inilaan.
(Shake hands)

Transcription: Participant II (Grade 12)

(The interview was conducted in an open field so there is a chattering background noise
throughout the interview)
Interviewer 1: So magandang hapon ma’am ako pala si Denisse Marie Jimenez.
Interviewer 2: At ako naman si Genevive Dela Cruz.
Interviewer 1: So ang aming interview ngayon is all about sa aming thesis which is
entitled “The Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance of Senior High
School Students at Alabel National High School”
Interviewer 2: By the way, anong pangalan mo ma’am?
Interviewee: Ahhm Okay, so I’m Mariton Pacheco Cueme, a grade 12 student from
Interviewer 2: Taga saan po kayo?
Interviewee: Ahhh, I’m from Ahm Baluntay po, Alabel Sarangani Province.
Interviewer 1: Salamat ma’am. Ang una naming katanungan is ano ba ang mga
kalimitang dahilan kung ba…, ahm sa kakulangan mo ng tulog?
Interviewee: Ahh para sa akin ang kalimitang dahilan kung gayon ahm kulang po ako sa
tulog ay may ginagawa pa po akong mga homeworks or may mga proyekto pa pong
kailangan na i-present kan pagkabukas po nito. Ayon po.
Interviewer 1: Meron pa bang ibang mga dahilan ma’am maliban sa mga proyekto sa
Interviewee: Ahhmm… Maliban sa mga proyekto, minsan nag ahhm se-surf pa po ako
sa internet, nagfe-facebook, nagyu-youtube, so yun po.
Interviewer 2: So anong oras kana po natutulog ma’am?
Interviewee: Ahhhmm… Minsan ang pinaka maaga is 11pm at yung pinaka matagal
talaga is 2 or 3, 3am.
Interviewer 1: Anong oras ka rin gumigising ma’am?
Interviewee: Gumigising ako 5, kasi malayo sa amin so kailangan kong gumising ng
umaga para hindi ako ma late sa school.
Interviewer 1: Anong oras pala ang pasukan nyo?
Interviewee: Ang oras ng pasukan namin ahh is ahm 7:30? Pero pag Monday ahm
kailangan pumunta sa school ng 6:45 kasi may flag ceremony pa. So yun.

Interviewer 2: So ano yung epekto ng kakulangan mo sa tulog sa pag-aaral mo?
Interviewee: Ang epekto ng kakulangan ng, ng pag, ano kakulangan sa pagtulog sa
paaralan ay, sa akin ay ahhhmm… hindi ako nakaka-focus kung ano yung ahm sinasabi
ng guro namin, minsan nakakatulog ako, nakakaidlip, ayon so, may mga mamiss ako
na mga ano lesson.
Interviewer 2: Hhhmmm… So sa iyong palagay ma’am, meron din ba itong epekto sa
iyong grado?
Interviewee: Oo sa aking palagay meron talaga epekto ito dahil may mga ah discussion
na hindi ka ma ahhhmm makukuha, so ma, hindi ka makakasabay ibang kaklase mo na
natulog ng maaga at nakapag naka… naka… nakasabay sa klase, sa discussion ng
Interviewer 1: So ano pala yung general average mo last semester, ahm nung grade 11
ka ma’am last semester?
Interviewee: As far as I remember, I think 95 yun. Kasi may, with high honor man siguro
ako no’n. I’m not sure. Nakalimutan ko na, but I think so 95 yun.
Interviewer 2: So ano naman yung general average mo this 1 st semester?
Interviewee: Aahhmm this sem, this 1 st semester? Aahhmm 96 point ahh 50. Yun,
kakikita ko lang yun kanina, kasi kanina lang yun pinakita yung grade sa amin. Yun po.
Interviewer 2: So sapalagay mo ma’am, ano ba yung dapat mong gawin upang
maiwasan mo yung sinasabi mo na nakakaidlip ka sa klase…
Interviewee: Sumasakit yung ulo ko minsan.
Interviewer 2: Sumasakit yung ulo mo, dahil sa kakulangan mo sa tulog. Ano yung sa
tingin mo dapat mong gawin upang maiwasan ito?
Interviewee: Para sa akin, para maiwasan yung pag-idlip sa klase, yung ahm sasakit
yung ulo ko ay dapat matulog po tayo ng maaga, kasi tayo pong mga kabataan
kailangan matulog ng 8am ay 8pm sorry. Eight pm kasi ahm para po, para po naman ito
sa ating kalusugan, para ging, para maging malusog tayo at ma malayo po tayo sa
sakit. Ayon.
Interviewer 1: So salamat ma’am. Maraming salamat po sa oras.
Interviewee: Walang ano man po. Maraming salamat din po.
(Shake hands)
Interviewee: Ah… Singot kaayu kog kamot te.

Transcription: Participant III (Grade 12)

Interviewer 1: So maayung hapon ma’am, (a rooster making sound) ako diay si

Denisse Marie Jimenez.
Interviewer 2: Ug ako si Genevieve Dela Cruz
Interviewer 1: So mag conduct mig interview karun and it’s all about sleep “Effects of
Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students at
Alabel National High School”.
Interviewer 2: By the way, unsa imong pangalan ma’am?
Interviewee: I’m Dona Clair Oposa
Interviewer 2: Unsa naka grade karon ma’am?
Interviewee: Grade 12
Interviewer 1: So ang first question namin is, ano yung mga kadahilanan na hindi ka
nakakatulog ng maaga?
Interviewee: Ahmmm, study, facebook, wattpad, (clap) yun! Tapos mga group chats,
yung minsan pag may celebration sa bahay.
Interviewer 2: So anong oras ka na nakakatulog ma’am? (Sound of a motorcycle
passing by)
Interviewee: So… Minsan pag nagbabasa ako ng wattpad, I sleep around 3 or 2 ng
madaling araw tapos … Kasi pag nagbabasa ka hindi mo na namamalayan ang oras
eh. Tapos pag nag sta-study ako, parang sinasadya ko talagang mag hindi matutulog
ng maaga, umiinom ako ng kape.
Interviewer 1: So mga anong oras ka rin gumigising?
Interviewee: Six or seven. Six!
Interviewer 1: Anong oras pala pasokan nyo?
Interviewee: Seven … ang flag ceremony tapos 7:20 ang pasokan. So mostly nale-late
ako. (Sound of a rooster) I miss first period because diba mag pe-prepare kapa for
school, tapos yun! (Sound of a rooster)

Interviewer 2: So ano yung mga epekto ng kakulangan mo sa tulog sa pag-aaral mo
Interviewee: Diba minsan nale-late ako, (Sound of a rooster) so I miss some ahh
discussions in the first period. So minsan hindi ko, hindi ko maintindihan yung mga,
mga, (Sound of a rooster) yung, hindi ako nakaksabay sa klase nila kasi parang na be-
behind ako kasi hindi ko alam yun! Ano yun?! Bakit ganito, ganyan?! Tapos … yun!
Interviewer 2: Ano pa yung ibang epekto ng kakulangan mo sa tulog, sa pag-aaral mo?
Interviewee: (Sound of a rooster) Syempre kulang ka sa tulog minsan, lalo na kapag
hindi interesting yung teacher, minsan nakakatulog ka sa klase tapos hindi mo
maintindihan yung mga topics nyo. Hindi mo, hindi mo ma … Hindi ka makakasabay
(smiling) sss.. sa kanila.
Interviewer 1: So meron din ba itong epekto sa iyong grado?
Interviewee: Hindi naman masyado kase nag se-self study naman ako (Sound of
motorcycle passing by) ‘pag hindi ko … hindi ko alam yung klase or nagpapaturo ako sa
may alam, o nagtatanong ako sa teacher ko kung ano yun? Hindi ko naman hinahayaan
na bumaba yung grado ko dahil lang sa wala … wala kang tulog.
Interviewer 1: (Sound of pig) So ano yung general average mo yung … no’ng grade 11
ka pa? Last sem.
Interviewer 2: Last Semester.
Interviewee: (Sound of a rooster) 91
Interviewer 1: (Sond of messenger popping up) Ngayon … ano?
Interviewee: Hindi ko pa, hindi ko maalala. (Smiling)
Interviewer 2: First semester.
Interviewee: First semester? 90.
Interviewer 1: So … yun lang ma’am at maraming salamat sa oras na iyung inilaan.
(Shake hands)

Transcription: Participant IV (Grade 11)

Interviewer 1: Maayong hapon sir. Ako diay si Denisse Marie Jimenez

Interviewer 2: Ug ako si Genevive Dela Cruz sir. So by the way sir, unsa ang imohang
Interviewee: Ako diay si Elbert Mahinay ma’am, taga Alabel Sarangani Province ug
naka puyo sa 110 Maribulan.
Interviewer 2: So asa ka ga eskwela sir?
Interviewee: Sa Alabel National High School ma’am.
Interviewer 2: So unsa naka grade level karon?
Interviewee: Actually karon ma’am Grade 11 nako.
Interviewer 1: Okay sir, so amoang interview karon is all about sa amoang thesis which
is entitled “The Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance of Senior
High School Students (Sound of motorcycles passing by) at Alabel National High
School”. So ang amoang unang pangutana sa imoha sir is, unsa ba ang mga
kasagarang hinungdan sa imohang pag pulaw?
Interviewee: Kasagaran nakong hinungdan sa .akong pagpulaw ma’am ilabi na nang
nagalaag ko, ana. Unya sa kompyuteran naga dula ko’g computer, naga dula’g DOTA,
ana ba maka addict lagi. Ing-ana ma’am naga text text mi sa akoang uyab, ana lang.
Interviewer 2: Okay sir. Sa imohang pag pulaw sir, (Sound of motorcycle passing by)
mga unsa naka kasagaran oras maka tulog?
Interviewee: So sa akoang pag pulaw ma’am depende man gud na, naka depende,
naka depende man gud na sa akoa ma’am. Kanang usahay maka uli ko ana sa amoa’g
mga alas dos. Maka uli ko ana sa amoa alas dos, mga ana, mga alas dos kay usahay
gikan kog kompyuteran ana. (Sound of motorcycles passing by) Pag uli sa balay dili
pako dayun matulog ana ma’am, naga text-text pami ana, ana naga text text pami,
tawag tawag. Unya maka mata ko ana ma’am, ah maka tulog ko ana mga alas dos na
sa kadlawon, unya maka mata ko ana alas kwatro kay ako pamay naga lung-ag kay
akoang mga manghud, ako may kinamagulangan sa amoa gud. (Sound of motorcycle
passing by) So ako ang naga mata ug ing-ana, naga lung-ag.
Interviewer 2: (Sound of car passing by) So unsa ang mga kasagarang epekto sa
imohang pagpulaw sir? Sa imohang pag-eskwela?

Interviewee: Ang epekto gyud niya sa akoa ma’am pareha anang, pareha anang
makahina gyud sya sa klasyem.. sa klase ma’am. Ilabi na ug kanang lecture unya
permente lang istorya, ana, dukaon dyud ko ana sa amoang klase ma’am. Ana lang.
Interviewer 1: Naa pa bay ubang epekto ana sir sa imong pag-eskwela?
Interviewee: Naa ma’am! Ilabi na anang… kanang pag mata nako sa buntag ma’am na
kanang usahay ma late ko ana, usahay kapuyon kog mata sa buntag kay bilar inig
kagabii ana, matugkan kag eyebags! Managhan gyud imong bugas! Ana ma’am.
Interviewer 1: Sa ano sir, ahm … Unsa diay oras ang inyuhang klase?
Interviewee: Amoang klase ma’am 7:30. 7:30 ana.
Interviewer 2: So dili pod ka ma late sir kay alas kwatro man ka ga mata.
Interviewee: Kung usahay ma’am ug kanang ganahan ko mag … mu mata ug sayo
gyud, ah dili ko malate. Pero nang permente lagi kanang sige kog bilar, ma late dyud ko
ma’am kay mag mata ko ug sayo alas kwatro, mag human ko’g lung-ag ana magbalik
pa man kog tulog kay halang kaayu sa mata lami kaayu ikatulog ba! Ana.
Interviewer 2: Uhhhhmm.
Interviewer 1: So, sa imong paminaw sir maka-apekto pod ba na sa imohang grado?
Interviewee: Oh! Dako kaayu syag epekto sa akoang grado ma’am. (Sound of
motorcycle passing by) Ilabi na karon kay murag naga hina nako sa amoang klase ba,
ana. Gagamay pod akoang, gagamay pod akoang makuha nga mga scores sa amoang,
sa amoang quiz kay (Sound of motorcycle passing by) tungod wala koy study study kay
bilar permente, ana.
Interviewer 2: So unsa diay ang imohang general average tung grade 10 ka sir?
Interviewee: Akoang general average tung grade 10 ko ma’am mga 84 yata ma’am. 84.
Interviewer 2: Ahhh so karong grade 11 naka 1 st semester, pila imohang general
average sir?
Interviewee: Akoang general average karon kay nakita man tu nako mga, nigamay sya
ug ano, 79 nalang ma’am.
Interviewer 2: Aaahhhhh!
Interviewer 1: Dako dyud diay kaayo’g pagbaba sir nuh?
Interviewee: Oo dako kaayu syag pagbaba ma’am.
Interviewer 2: Dako dyud diay kaayo’g pagbaba sir. So sa imohang paminaw sir, unsa
man ang imohang dapat buhaton para maiwasan nimo ning mga (Cellphone vibration)
pagpulaw nimo na maka-apekto gyud sa imohang pag-eskwela.

Interviewee: Isa nang akong himuon ma’am is magdahan-dahan ko sa akoang
pagpulaw. So okay lang magpulaw ko pero dili permentehon kay (Sound of motorcycles
passing by) ilabi na karon nga hapit na ang hapit nako mag grade 12 ana, so
kinahanglan jud nako nga magfocus ko sa akong pag-eskwela! So, so kung mag, kung
mag bilar man lang galling, muuli unya magtinarong na ug eskwela ana ba. Unya…
kanang, kanang sa… unsay tawag ani? Kanang sa … sa akoang pagka late permente
isa pod na sya sa makapababa sa akoang grado.
Interviewer 1: Oohm..
Interviewee: So kaya, magdahan-dahan na dyud ko sa akoang pagpulaw karon, ana,
focus (nod)
Interviewer 2: (Sound of motorcycles passing by) Uhhmmm.. so … mao lang toh..
Interviewer 1: So mao lang tu sir, daghan kaayung salamat sa imong oras, sa imong
gihatag sa amoa karon.
Interviewer 2: Salamat kaayu sir ha sir.
Interviewee: Sige sige ma’am. Walay problema ma’am.
Interviewer 2: Thank you.
Interviewee: Sige sige. (Shake hands)

Transcription: Participant V (Grade 11)

Interviewer 1: Magandang hapon ma’am, ako nga po pala si Denisse Marie Jimenez
Interviewer 2: At ako si Genevive Dela Cruz. By the way po, ano po ba ang pangalan
Interviewee: I’m Jennie Hinobiagon.
Interviewer 1: Nasa ilang baiting kana po, at sa’n ka po nag-aaral?
Interviewee: Grade 11 po sa Alabel National High School.
Interviewer 1: So ma’am ang aming interview ngayon is all about “The Effects of Sleep
Deprivation in the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students at Allabel
National High School”. Ang aming unang katanungan po is… Ano ba ang kalimitang
dahilan kung bakit hindi ka nakakatulog ng maaga?
Interviewee: Ahh Okay. Siguro po para sa akin, kung bakit hindi ako nakakatulog ng
maaga kasi po nag fe-facebook po talaga ako.
Interviewer 2: Hhhmmmm.. So anong oras kana po nakakatulog?
Interviewee: Mga 2am po.
Interviewer 1: Anong oras kana rin nakakagising?
Interviewee: Mga 6 po. Kaya nga palaging nagagalit si mama kasi palagi nalang akong
late sa school.
Interviewer 2: So anong oras pala ang pasukan nyo?
Interviewee: Ahhmm 7:30 po.
Interviewer 2: Ano yung epekto ng kakulangan mo sa tulog sap ag-aaral mo?
Interviewee: Napa… Napalaki … Napakalaki pong epekto kasi po, pagnagde-discuss
yung mga, yung teacher hindi po nagsi-sink in lahat kasi parang lutang ka at, at
ahhmmm… palagi kang inaantok, ganyan at na nakakatulog din … sa school.
Interviewer 1: Meron pa ba tong ibang epekto maliban sa sinabi mo?
Interviewee: Siguro po para sa akin is sa grade, kasi po aahhhmm… kasi nga hindi
nagsi-sink in sayo may mga lesson ka na… na hindi mo naka catch up. Then pag quiz,
minsan mababa yung grade mo or mababa yung nakukuha mong score.
Interviewer 1: So ano nga pala yung general average mo last school year, nung grade
10 ka.

Interviewee: Ahh no’ng grade 10 po ako is ang average ko 89.
Interviewer 2: So ano naman yung general average mo this last semester.
Interviewee: Ahh ngayon po is 92.
Interviewer 2: Ah 92 so parang lumaki naman yung grado nya nuh? Last semester.
(Pause) Sa palagay mo po ano ba’ng dapat mong gawin upang maiwasan mo ang
masamang epekto nang pag kulang mo sa tulog, sap ag-aaral mo?
Interviewee: Siguro po para maiwasan ang matagal na pagtulog is i-off talaga yung
cellphone kasi nakaka-temp syang magfacebook, mag-instagram, or magtwitter.
Interviewer 2: So yun lang po. Maraming salamat po.
Interviewer 1: Maraming salamat po sa oras.
(Shake hands)

Transcription: Participant VI (Grade 12)

Interviewer 1: So maayung hapon ma’am ako diay si Denisse Marie Jimenez

Interviewer 2: Ug ako si Genevive Dela Cruz
Interviewer 1: Ang among interview karon is about sa amoang thesis which is ang title
kay “Effects of Sleep Deprivation in Academic Performance of Senior High School
Students at Alabel National High School”.
Interviewer 2: By the way, unsa ang imohang pangalan ma’am?
Interviewee: I’m Jessable Langa
Interviewer 2: As aka ga eskwela?
Interviewee: Sa Alabel National High School.
Interviewer 2: Unsa naka grade karon?
Interviewee: Karon grade 12.
Interviewer 2: Sa imohang…
Interviewer 1: Ang una namong pangutana ma’am is unsa ba ang mga kasagarang
hinungdan sa imong pag pulaw?
Interviewee: Aahhmm. Usahay pag makatulog ko inig pagka hapon, dili nako katulog
pagkagabii. Then, usahay pod gapangape, ug usahay mag sigeg tan-awg TV dugay
dyud ko makatulog ana.
Interviewer 2: So sa imong pag pulaaw ma’am, mga unsa naka oras kasagaran
Interviewee: Kadalasan 12? Twelve or one, ana.
Interviewer 2: Uhhmmmm…
Interviewer 1: Mga unsa pod ka oras nagamata ma’am?
Interviewee: Four.
Interviewer 2: So sa… Unsa ang mga kasagarang epekto sa imohang pagpulaw
ma’am? Sa imohang pag eskwela?
Interviewee: Magduka sa klase. Kanang katulugon ka sa klase ba.
Interviewer 1: Unsa diay oras ang inyuhang klase ma’am?

Interviewee: Ano, morning hantod hapon. Kasagaran katulugon ko pagkahapon na, ala-
una hantod alas kwatro katulugon kaayu ko ana.
Interviewer 2: So pag grade 11 nimo ma’am, last semester pila imohang general
Interviewee: So sa grade 11 akoang ano average is 93.
Interviewer 2: Okay so, karun na grade 12 naka 1 st semester, pila imohang general
Interviewee: 93
Interviewer 1: So paminaw nimo ma’am nakaapekto ba ang imohang pagpulaw sa
imohang grado?
Interviewee: Sa paminaw nako,.. wala man kay… kanang ano lang s’ya effect lang na
kanang katulugon nako sa klase. Pero wala nako na, wala naapektohan akong pag-
eskwela or studies nako.
Interviewer 2: Ah okay. So salamat kaayu ma’am. Mao lang to ang amoang mga
Interviewee: Salamat.
Interviewer 2: So salamat kaayu sa imohang oras.
Interviewer 1: Salamat ma’am.
(Shake Hands)

Transcription: Participant VII (Grade 12)

Interviewer 1: So maayung hapon sir. Ako diay (sound of motorcycle passing by) si
Denisse Marie Jimenez
Interviewer 2: Ug ako si Genevive Dela Cruz
Interviewer 1: Ang amoang interview karon is all about sa amoang thesis which is
entitled “The Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance of Senior High
School Students at Alabel National High School.”
Interviewer 2: So by the way sir, unsa ang imohang pangalan?
Interviewee: Ako diay si Daryll Dela Cruz, nagpuyo ko sa Alabel, Maribulan.
Interviewer 2: So asa ka ga-eskwela sir?
Interviewee: Sa Alabel National High School.
Interviewer: Unsa naka grade level karon?
Interviewee: Grade 12
Interviewer 1: So ang una namong pangutana sir is, unsa ba ang mga kasagarang
hinungdan sa imohang pagpulaw?
Interviewee: Hhhmm kasagarang hinongdan sa akong pag pulaw is, Dota dyud
,computer ana dota… kay makadlawnan nako permig uli mga alas dos ana
Interviewer 1: Naa pa bay ubang kasagarang hinungdan sa imuhang pag pulaw sir
maliban sa imuhang pag dota?
Interviewee: Koan kanang mag koan mag text text ana, kana lang… maglaag.
Interviewer 2: Ah so kung alas dos naka mag uli sir unsa napud ka oras maka tulog
Interviewee: Mga depende ug… ug pag-uli nako sa balay nga dili mangasaba si mama
mga makatulog rako ko dayun, pero usahay man gud mo uli ko kasab-an ko ni mama
maong makatulog ko mga hapit napud alas tres, ana.
Interviewer 2: Hmmm, so unsa na pud ka oras ga mata sir?
Interviewee: Alas… alas-says (6am) kay mag eskwela man.
Interviewer 1: Unsa diay oras inyuhang klase sir?
Interviewee: Seven, 7:30.

Interviewer 1: Sa imong paminaw sir kanang imuhang pag pulaw maka apekto pud na
sa imong pag-eskwela?
Interviewee: Oo, maka apekto dyud sya, kay… pag mo adto ka sa eskwelahan unya
bilar ka, dili ka kataro’g paminaw sa maestra nga leksyon, dili ka kataro’g paminaw.
Katulugon man gud ka, sige rakag panghuy-ab, ing-ana.
Interviewer 1: Unsa pay mga kasagarang epekto sa imong pagpulaw sir, sa imong pag-
Interviewee: Kuan nang mao to, katulgon ka, dili ka kataro’g paminaw, mga ing-ana
raman kasagaran hinuon. Usahay kay kuan ahm… Maka-absent ka (sound of tricycle
passing by) maka-absent ka ug buntag. Kay usahay man gud kay dili ko makaeskwela’g
buntag kay maudtuha’g mata. Mata ug mga alas… alas nwebe na, ana, alas otso pag
walay walay mupukaw, ana.
Interviewer 2: (Sound of motorcycle passing by) Ahh so, unsa diay imohang… ay sa
imohang ano sir sa general average nimo tung grade 11 ka, last semester, pila imohang
general average?
Interviewee: Pag grade 11 nako general average nako is… 86.
Interviewer 2: Eighty-six so karong grade 12 naka sir 1 st semester?
Interviewee: Kuan kanang, karong 1 st semester ang akoang general average is… mga
81 na lang 82 ana. Kay nag kuan, straight straight ko ug bilar gud unya dili kaayu ko’g
bilar gud unya dili kaayu ko maka sabay sa klase ba.
Interviewer 1: Dako jud diay kaayu’g pagbaba sir, so…
Interviewer 2: Sa imohang paminaw sir, unsa man imohang dapat buhaton para maka-
cope up ka sa imohang, sa imohang mga na miss tungod sa imohang pag pulaw?
Interviewee: Kailangan na nako mag iwas nga mag bilar, kanang mu sulod na sa oras
sa klase, kung unsa dyud ang oras. Maninaw, mag focus gyu’g eskwela, ana.
Magfocus, kinahanglan gyud mag focus kay ug mu eskwela ka nga wala sa focus, wala
dyud, wala dyud kay matun-an.
Interviewer 1: Mao sir. So maayung salamat sa… daghang salamat sa imohang oras,
sa imong gilaan sir.
Interviewer 2: Thank you!
Interviewer 1: Mao ra to among pangutana.
(Shake hands)

Transcription: Participant VIII (Grade 11)

Interviewer 1: So maayung buntag sir.

Interviewee: Maayung buntag pod.
Interviewer 1: Ako diay si Denisse Marie Jimenez.
Interviewer 2: Ug ako si Genevive Dela Cruz.
Interviewer 1: So gikan mi sa Villamor College of Business and Arts ug ang amoang
research, amoang interview karon is all about sa amoang research which “The Effects
of Sleep Deprivation in Academic Performance of Senior High School Students at
Alabel National High School”.
Interviewer 2: By the way, unsa ang imohang pangalan sir?
Interviewee: Ako diay si Ramel Montero, grade 11 student.
Interviewer 2: Mmmm… Asa ka ga eskwela?
Interviewee: Sa Alabel National High School.
Interviewer 2: Okay
Interviewer 1: So ang una namong pangutana sir is unsa baa ng mga kasagarang
hinungdan nganung… ahm sa imong kakulangon sa tulog?
Interviewee: Usahay kanang saba kaayu among silingan, ang token saba kaayu.
Usahay sige kog lag maka uli nako alas-dos, ala-una.
Interviewer 2: Hhmmmm…
Interviewer 1: Naa pa bay ubang kasagarang hinungdan sa imohang pagpulaw sir?
Interviewee: Paghimo nakog project.
Interviewer 1: Hhhmmmm… (Nod)
Interviewer 2: Okay, so sa imohang pagpulaw sir mga unsa naka oras kasagaran
Interviewee: Mga kuan, mga als-dos, ala-una.
Interviewer 2: Aahhh okay.
Interviewer 1: Aahhh okay, so unsa pod ka oras ga mata?

Interviewee: Alas-kwatro or alas-kwatro, alas-singko kay mag, ako pamay mag luto
mag-asikaso sa akong mga manghud, magputos pakog baon. Paghuman nakog putos
ug baon ihatod pa nako sila sa eskwelahan… nila.
Interviewer 2: Aahhh so unsa ang mga kasagarang epekto sa imohang pagpulaw sa
imohang pag-eskwela sir?
Interviewee: Usahay sa… dili ko ka focus sa akong pag-eskwela, sa among room
makatulog dyud ko, dili nako malikayan nga makatulog ko.
Interviewer 2: Hhmmmm… So maka focus pod ka sa imohang klase sir?
Interviewee: Dili, dili kaayu ko maka-focus.
Interviewer 2: Aahhh okay.
Interviewer 1: Ang mga kuha pod nimo sa imong quiz sir, kumusta?
Interviewee: Dili kaayu okay tungod kay wala pod kaayu ko ga-study, sige rag laag.
Interviewer 2: Aahhh okay, unsa ang imohang general average tung grade 10 ka sir?
Interviewee: Mga 83.
Interviewer 2: Aahhh 88, so karon na grade 11 ka 1 st semester.
Interviewee: Mga 79
Interviewer 2: Aahhh so nagbaba dyud diay?
Interviewee: Nagbaba, katung grade 10 ko naa paman si mama, unya dili pa kaayu ko,
wala kaayu ko ga pulaw kay makasab-an man ko niya mulaag.
Interviewer 2: Hhhmmm..
Interviewee: Maka-focus pa ko sa akong pag-eskwela.
Interviewer 2: Aahhh okay so dili pod ka ma late sa imohang klase sir?
Interviewee: Dili kay naa man siya, na namay mag-andam.
Interviewer 1: Sauna?
Interviewee: Oo sauna. (Nod)
Interviewer 1: Pero karon?
Inteviewer 2: Karon na grade 11 ka?
Interviewee: Dili na kaayu… Ma late, ahh permente nakoma late.
Interviewer 2: Sayo man ka ga mata sir, ma late diay ka?
Interviewee: Ihatod paman nako ang mga manghud nako kay sila man akong unahon.

Interviewer 2: Ahhh okay.
Interviewer 1: Aahhh.. uhhmmm…
Interviewer 2: So… so sa paminaw nimo sir unsa man ang dapat nimong buhaton para
maiwasan nimo ning mga negative effect nga hinungdan nga sa imong kuan sa
kakulangon nimo sa tulog sa imohang pag-eskwela?
Interviewee: Walaon na nako akong pagkuan pagpulaw, dili nako sigeg laag, magsayo
nakog tulog.
Interviewer 2: Aahhhh… Mmmm… So…
Interviewer 1: Mao ratu sir.
Interviewer 2: Mao ratu.
Interviewer 1: Daghan kaayung salamat.
Interviewer 2: Salamat kaayu ha sa imohang oras.
Interviewee: Salamat pod kaayu. (Shake hands)
Interviewee: Kubalon kaayu’g kamot. Hehe (Smiling)

Transcription: Participant IX (Grade 11)

Interviewer 1: Maayung hapon ma’am ako diay si Denisse Marie Jimenez

Interviewer 2: Ug ako si Genevive Dela Cruz
Interviewer 1: So gikan mi sa Villamor College of Business and Arts ang among
interview karon is all about sa amoang research which is entitled “The Effects of Sleep
Deprivation in Academic Performance of Senior High School Students at Alabel
National High School”.
Interviewer 2: So by the way, unsa ang imohang pangalan ma’am?
Interviewee: Aahhhmmm ako diay si Retchel Jane Latasa.
Interviewer 2: As aka ga eskwela? (Chattering)
Interviewee: Sa Alabel National High School.
Interviewer 2: Unsa naka grade karon ma’am?
Interviewee: Karon grade 11.
Interviewer 1: Okay so (Sound of a child) ang amoang unang pangutana ma’am is unsa
baa ng mga kasagarang hinungdan nganung kulang ka sa tulog? (Sound of a rooster)
Interviewee: Ang kasagaran, ang kasagarang hinungdan nganung kulang ko sa tulog is
ahhh cellphone, kanang mag mag youtube permente, mag fb, mao na.
Interviewer 1: Naa pa bay uban ma’am nga hinungdan nganung dugay ka katulog o
kulang imong tulog?
Interviewee: Mabilar ko, mabilar ko kay gusto nako ahhh masundan (Sound of a
chattering child) ang K-Drama, kanang gusto nako ma tuloy-tuloy akoang pagtan-aw sa
K-Drama ba. (Sound of an adult talking and beep of a phone)
Interviewer 2: (Sound of a child crying) Ahhhh… Okay so sa imohang pagpulaw ma’am
ug sa imohang kakulangon sa tulog unsa pod ka oras kasagaran makatulog?
Interviewee: (Sound of a chattering child) Mga alas-dos sa kadlawon
Interviewer 2: Hmmm
Interviewer 1: Unsa pud ka oras maka mata ana maam ?
Interviewee: Mga six a.m
Interviewer 1: So unsa diay oras inyung klase?

Interviewee: (Sound of a child crying) 7:30
Interviewer 2: So dili baka ma late maam?
Interviewee: Ma late
Interviewer 2: So ku lang ang pag mata nimu ug 6 to 7:30 for preparation para mka adto
ka sa school ug sayo.
Interviewer 2: Unsa ang mga kasagarang epekto sa imuhang pag pulaw maam sa
imuhang pag skwela?
Interviewee: Perminte nako ma late, tapos mababa na akoang grado, dili nako maka
focus sa subject, gamay na akoang mga quizzes.
Interviewer 2: Ahh, okay
Interviewer 2: Unsa imuhang general average last year maam tong ay oh last school
year tong grade 10 ka ?
Interviewee: 88
Interviewer 2: 88
Interviewer 1: So karun na grade 11 naka maam first semester pila imuhang grade?
Interviewee: 85 nalang
Interviewer 2: ahh… so nag baba imuhang grade maam no.
Interviewer 1: So sa paminaw nimu maam unsa imong dapat himoon para kanang ma
cope up nimo or para dili na mag baba imuhang grade tungod sa imuha ka kulangaon
sa tulog
Interviewee: Ah iwasan na nako ang mag cellphone, dapat naa nakoy ginatawag na
time manangement kung kanus-a lang ko mag cellphone o dili mag cellphone
Interviewer 1:Okay so mao lang to ang amoang mga pangutana maam, daghan
kaayong salamat
Interviewer 2: Daghan kaayong salamat sa imuhang oras

Transcription: Participant X (Grade 11)

Interviewer 1: Good morning maam. Ako diay si Denissse Marie Jeminez

Interviewer 2: Ug ako si Genevive Dela cruz
Interviewer 1: Gikan mi sa Villamor College of Bussiness and Arts U gang amoang
interview sa imuha karun is all about sa amoang thesis which intitled “The effects of
sleep deprivation in the academic perpormance of the senior highschool students at
Alabel National Highschool”
Interviewer 2: By the way unsa imuhang pangalan maam?
Interviewee: So ako diay si Lenny L. Cubarol
Interviewer 2: Unsa naka grade level karun maam?
Interviewee: grade 11
Interviewer 2: Okay, as aka gas kwela?
Interviewee: Sa Alabel National Highschool
Interviewer 1: Am okay maam, ang una namong pangutana is unsa ba ang mga
kasagarang hinungdan nganong am sa imuhang kakulangon sa tulog?
Interviewee: Am kulang ay ano kaning gabuhat kog assignment,cgeg facebook,youtube
Interviewer 1: Naa pabay ubang hinongdan nganong dugay ka katulog?
Interviewee: Buhat mga project
Interviewer 1: ah okay
Interviewer 2: ah so sa imuhang pag pulaw maam mga unsa naka kasagaran oras
maka tulog?
Interviewee: Alas dose, ala una mga alas dos ana
Interviewer 1: ah okay, so unsa pud ka oras maka mata ana maam?
Interviewee: Mga alas singko
Interviewer 2: ah so sayo sayo dyud no
Interviewer 1: Unsa diay oras inyuhang klase maam?

Interviewee: Mag start akoang klase ano 7:30. So kailangan dyud sayo dyud ko mag
Interviewer 2: ah so unsa ang mga kasagarang epekto sa imuhang pag pulaw maam sa
imuhang pag skwela?
Interviewee: Ano pag abot nako sa skwelahan katulogon pako, dili ko ka concentrate
ug paminaw sa amoang ano instructor
Interviewer 2: Hmmm… so naka apekto bani sa imuhang grado maam sa imuhang
Interviewee: Oo
Interviewer 1: Pila diay imuhang grado last year maam
Interviewee: Dati naka grado ko ug ano 88
Interviewer 2: ah imuhang general average, pero karun pag Grade 11 nimo first
semester pila imuhang general average?
Interviewee: Nag baba sya 87, na kwaan ug is aka ano
Interviewer 2: Ah so sa paminaw nimo maam unsa man ang imuhang dapat buhaton
para masulosyonan nimo ning mga negative effects sa imuhang pagka kulang sa tulog
sa imuhang pag skwela?
Interviewee: Iwasan na nako ang mga ano kaning di nako mag pulaw,dapat mag sayu
nakog tulog ana.
Interviewer 2: So mao lang to maam, daghan kaayong salamat.
Interviewer 1: Daghan kaayong salamat sa imuhang oras. Thank you.


Research Guide Questions

1. Ano ba ang kalimitang dahilan kung bakit kulang ka sa tulog o hindi ka


(What are the factors that caused you sleep-deprived?)

2. Ano yung epekto ng kakulangan mo sa tulog sa pag-aaral mo?

(What are the effects of being sleep-deprived in your academic performance?)

3. Ano ba ang dapat mong gawin upang maiwasan mo ang mga negatibong epekto

na dulot ng kakulangan mo sa tulog?

(What should you do to avoid the negative effects of sleep deprivation?)


Approval Letter to the School Principal


Letter to the Participants


Alabel National High School Map


Researcher 1


Balimbing St., Purok 1, Poblacion, Alabel, Sarangani Province
Mobile number/s: 09307645009/09352108355


Birthplace : Lagao, General Santos City

Birthday : December 3, 1997
Age : 22
Sex : Female
Height : 5’0
Weight : 45 kgs.
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Born Again Christian
Father’s Name : Dionisio I. Jimenez, Jr.
Occupation : Driver
Mother’s Name : Rosemarie T. Jimenez
Occupation : Housewife



School : Villamor College of Business and Arts

Address : Balimping Street Pendatun, GSC
Course : Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education Maor in
Electronics Technology
Year Graduated : 2020


School : Alabel National High School

Address : Poblacion, Alabel, Sarangani Province

Year Graduated : 2014


School : Notre Dame of Dadiangas University IBED

Address : Espina Campus, General Santos City
Year Graduated : 2010


Jan 2020- Feb 2020
As Practice Teacher


November 2018 – April 2019
On the Job trainee


2018 (April – June)
As Beneficiary of SPES program
Administrative Assistant

Abby’s Bakeshop
2016 (January – March)
On the Job trainee


2016 (April – June)
As Beneficiary of SPES program
Administrative Assistant


Municipal Health Doctor
Alabel Health Office

Ms. Giselle Cahumnas

PESO Manager
Municipality of Alabel

Narcisa Bahinting, LPT

Commercial Cooking and Bread & Pastry Assessor
Master Teacher at Alabel National High School


SEMINARS AND TRAININGS Certificate of Recognition

for being Outstanding Demonstration Teacher
in Computer System Servicing
at General Santos City National Secondary School
of Arts and Trades (GSCNSSAT)
February 21, 2020

Certificate of Recognition
for being the Best in Lesson Planning
during the Practice Teaching (EDU 421)
at General Santos City National Secondary School
of Arts and Trades (GSCNSSAT)
February 21, 2020

Certificate of Completion in
200 hours of Practice Teaching
at General Santos City National Secondary School
of Arts and Trades (GSCNSSAT)
February 21, 2020

Certificate of Participation
for actively participated in Learning Action Cell
(LAC) Session with the topic: “Lesson Planning”
at General Santos City National Secondary School
of Arts and Trades (GSCNSSAT)
February 15, 2020

Certificate of Recognition for being the

1st Runner Up in “On-the-Spot Lesson Planning”
during Young Educators’ Convergence SocSarGen
August 26, 2019

Certificate of Completion in
540 hours of On the Job Training
At LEB Appliance Service Center
April 10, 2019

Certificate of participation in
Lesson Demo, Principle of teaching
At Halina Restaurant, General Santos City
November 3, 2018

Certificate of participation in
Personality and Career Development Seminar
September 30, 2018

Certificate of participation in
Field Study 3, Teaching in the Learning Environment
At Labangal National High School, General Santos
September 25-28, 2018

Certificate of participation in
Philosophy Seminar, You Only Live Once:
Making the Most out of your life
September 24, 2018


Researcher 2


110 Maribula Alabel Sarangani Province
Mobile number: 09097424138


Birthplace : Maribulan Alabel, Sarangani, Province

Birthday : July 18,1998
Age : 21
Sex : Female
Height : 5’3
Weight : 42
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Adelino D. Dela cruz
Occupation : Company worker
Mother’s Name : Imelda T. Dela Cruz
Occupation : Company worker



School : Villamor College of Business and Arts

Address : Balimping Street Pendatun, GSC
Course : Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education Maor in
Electronics Technology
Year Graduated : 2020


School : Alabel National High School

Address : Poblacion, Alabel, Sarangani Province

Year Graduated : 2014


School : Alabel Central Elementary School

Address : Poblacion, Alabel, Sarangani Province
Year Graduated : 2010

LEB Appliance Service Center
November 2018 – April 2019
On the Job trainee

Summer job @ Municipal MLGOO Office

2018 (April – June)
Administrative Assistant

OJT @ Abby’s Bakeshop

2016 (January – March)
Food Handler


Ms. Giselle Cahumnas

PESO Manager
Municipality of Alabel

Narcisa Bahinting, LPT

Commercial Cooking and Bread & Pastry Assessor
Master Teacher at Alabel National High School

Commercial Cooking NCII
Bread and Pastry NCII


Certificate of Completion in
540 hours of On the Job Training

At LEB Appliance Service Center
April 10, 2019

Certificate of participation in
Lesson Demo, Principle of teaching
At Halina Restaurant, General Santos City
November 3, 2018

Certificate of participation in
Personality and Career Development Seminar
September 30, 2018

Certificate of participation in
Field Study 3, Teaching in the Learning Environment
At Labangal National High School, General Santos
September 25-28, 2018

Certificate of participation in
Philosophy Seminar, You Only Live Once: Making
Most out of your life
September 24, 2018


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