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Poema de la concurso de lectura 2016


-A Blooming Tree

by Xi Murong

How to let you meet me

At my beautiful moment
For this, I have prayed to Buddha
for five hundred years
To be bestowed a relationship with you on the earth

So Buddha make me a tree

Growing by the road you are born to take

Blooming courteously and flourishing under sunlight
Each blossom on expectation of my previous life

When you approach

please listen
The trembling leafs are the passion of my waiting
But when at last you walk past unseeing
When lies stationed on the ground behind you
Oh my friend ,is not petals

But my withered heart

2. --


By Chouyu Zheng

I walk past the south of the Yangtze River;

The facial appearance waiting in the season

like lotus blooms and fades.

East wind comes not, willow catkin of March flies


Your heart is like little lonely city,

Exactly like streets of blue stone towards the



No footsteps sounding, spring curtain of March

doesn't put up.
Your heart is like little window tightly shut.

The clip-clop of my horse's hoofs is beautiful

I am not one returned, but a passing traveler.



En Granada
En mi patria
con frecuencia oigo
el llamado de la mente
desde Nicaragua
la patria de Daro,
hondo en mi corazn
desde esta costa del Pacfico
hasta la costa este de Taiwn,
desde este lado del siglo
hasta la costa del tiempo transcurrido,
desde esta costa de mundo real
a esa buscada en el sueo.
Sigo el llamado de la mente
y llego a Nicaragua final
Veo a la gente de Daro
que exhibe sus sonrisas pardas
sobre la frtil tierra soleada.
En Granada, la antigua ciudad,
la belleza y el dolor corren
lejos, lejos de la otra costa del siglo,
amistad y sueo a travs de la poesa
convergen desde los pases de todo el mundo.

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