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T1000 (arunas ) sur systeme kapanade

Basically if you all would like to have working ou device, no theory would do it
- you need to start with Tesla coil assembly right on your table, then find a
way to move it from closed circuit into open (capacitive) circuit. Only after
this step ionization can be applied as blackhole for surrounding air/earth
neutral particles and then after you make it flow into your Tesla coil, take
charge out into capacitors! This is first OU condition. The second condition is
to have 1/4 wave resonator from 2 coils what got single wire out each and are
wound like 2 capacitor plates with second coil having length of 4x on first coil
for 1/4 wave resonator.

Bruce sur le TPU de steven mark

First let me
research and

say that I deleted my old posts, because I did want more time to
to be able to take the concept in my thoughts and make it clearly
I mis worded some thoughts, etc. because of a lack of electronics
But as I once stated, some with no electronics background can
At least on this thread. I also would like to say that this is MY
To be proven true or false.

I desire to run some things by you and to see what you think. I have continued
researching and have attempted to get inside of SM's head to try to solve this
I see there are 5 major parts to understanding the TPU.
1. The controller
2. The collector (three of them)
3. Control wire #1 (one wrapped around each collector)
4. Control wire #2 (one wrapped around all three collectors and core)
I have come to the conclusion based on SM statements and continued research,
that the TPU "function" is similar to a vacuum tube rectifier. He said that is
what gave him the initial idea and I think that the function can be explained
that way. He was (is) a tube guy. Most of the electronic guys today are not
and are not interested in studying the tube clues, and thus missed the
function. Now, follow my line of thinking for a moment.
What does the collector collect?
Electrons - Negative charged
How does the collector collect electrons?
I believe through two ways.
1) Cold cathode - I believe SM ran a "small" amount of AC voltage in the TPU
collectors (I am not sure how this would be done) to initiate or act as a
"catalyst" for the accumulating of the electrons. Two of the engineering
reports verify that there was a small amount of AC current in the TPU. Also
several of SM's clues. (Yes, the TPU puts out DC voltage)
2) Sound Frequency AMPLIFIED with either a tube circuit (for experimenting) or
MOSFET. I have clarified my understanding of this process much. High Frequency
has the ability to go through solid objects. The interaction of those
frequencies do not "meet" at the end, as I first thought, but ?meet? all along
the entire diameter of the collector. This in turn causes an accumulation of
electrons on the surface of the collector wires. These are charged negative,
and sit their like small little magnets.
I was thinking a lot today about my theory, and still think it is correct, but I
am starting to think a little bit different about the "how". I am starting to

think that perhaps the Frequencies are input into the control wires wrapped
perpendicular around the collector. The collector would act as the "positive
plate" picking up the electrons. The collector would be 'heated' by AC to
prepare it for the electrons and to act as catalyst.
There are a few reasons I am starting to think this way.
SM said, quoting Tesla and giving us clues, "This kick came out of the wires
"His goals were to get the time in which the discharge (our case sound
frequency) is STOPPED to be much quicker. As Tesla did this he found that the
perpendicular radiations, the ones from the wires, caused electrical effects to
appear in wires and other copper/metal materials (the collectors?) near the
STOPPED current/discharge (The control wires). These electrical effects could
be made to create electrons on other wires (on the collector?) and copper around
his STOPPED current/discharge wire "(the control wire wrapped around the
"The CONTROL frequencies are important in order to make power from the
Perhaps he calls them control wires because the Frequencies are input into them
and each segment ends (Stopped). In my coil anyway. I will experiment both
What does the control wire #1 control?
The electrons within the collector
Just maybe the Control frequency is input into the three segment of the control
wires, and not into the collectors, or perhaps both.
How does the control wire accomplish this?
The control wire acts as a control grid in a tube (Cathode).
It has negative
charged electrons on its surface and like charges repel. Because this control
wire is wrapped tightly (no gaps) perpendicular to the collector wires, the
electrons deposited in the collector can not escape and are "trapped, caged,
etc." SM said the "kicks" (access electrons) escape perpendicular of the wire.
Control wire #1 is either not wired to anything (my first thought) or is
negative charged (ground). Control wire #2 is larger, and a continuation of
control (the trapping of electrons) and in similar manner is either not
connected to anything or wired to ground. I am not sure which.
The magnet acts as a "plate-anode" of the tube. In a tube the Hot cathode
filament heats up releasing electrons in a vacuum. The control grid is cathode
and acts to repel the electrons back towards the hot cathode. Once the positive
plates attraction overcomes the negative repulsion of the control grid, there is
an electron stream in the vacuum that travels from the hot (or cold) cathode to
the positive plate and out come the electrons.
The TPU's collector is equivalent to the hot (cold) cathode of the tube.
(Actually I have been rethinking this and perhaps the collector is equivalent to
the positive plate that catches the electrons in a tube. But the collector is
catching electrons deposited on it?s surface from the clash of the frequencies
at ?fast send off? through the three control wire segments) I will be
experimenting both ways.
Control wires #1 & #2 are equivalent to the control grid of the tube.
The magnet acts as a "positive" plate. He snaps it onto a metal piece which
then is magnetized. All of the electrons in the collector are "attracted"
magnetically and come rushing out (voltage) When the magnet is removed, they
stand still in the collector again, and no voltage. If SM wanted, he could
operate the TPU without the magnet, by just putting a dc positive charge through
the collector. The results are the same.
Now, about the collectors.
sound freq. (just one end)

There are three of them. In one, goes the amplified

I do not know if clockwise (my first guess) or

counter clockwise, (running in the same wire is small current AC). (I am also
rethinking this and perhaps no frequency goes into the collectors, just into the
control coils.)
In the second collector goes the "harmonic" of the first frequency. The
harmonic is the first frequency exactly doubled. Same direction I would guess.
(running in the same wire is small current AC).
In the third collector goes either the first frequency again, or a third
harmonic (second harmonic doubled - I believe. Need more research on this.)
I have nearly finished wrapping my first TPU. A 6" small one. I am going to
start experimenting, as soon as I get, beg or borrow equipment.
All of the above is a result of SM's clues and endless hours of researching
clues. I especially like the one where he says, "The device is based on a
simple electronic concept."
Here is to my happy experiments to come!
Thank you for your time,
Best regards,

Ferro rsonance
Inductance non linaire
saturation bobine air ???

capacit non linaire .

Cristaux et dielectriques pieso pyrielectriques
Titanate de baryium
Varicond diode varicap
La capacit augmente avec la tension
C = f de E.
permissitivit change avec le champ electrique .


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