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Jose Estrada
ERWC/ 3 Period
4 April 2016
Two New Worlds
As we read in the novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley we find their society very
odd compared to society now in 2016. Comparing closely to both societies are they completely
different or are they the same? We see major differences in Population and Social conditioning,
but what really are the major changes that split are societies apart.
In society there are known to be many trends where something is popular or commonly
used. A big difference between Huxleys society is on how people are treated. As we see in
Huxleys society, Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than, because they're so
frightfully clever. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh
no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be
able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color (27). The only thing
close to such classes like theirs is social mobility. In the Brave New World all are segregated and
unequal compared to our society. Throughout the book we also see that soma, known as the
happy pill is a drug used to keep individuals from experiencing stress or negative effects that
society cant prevent. In the Brave New World everyone uses the drug, there was a thing called
Heaven; but all the same they used to drink enormous quantities of alcohol." (49)
We read that it is not used to cause harms. If not used, people are known to be looked down
upon. On the other hand in today's society we have drugs very similar to theirs. For example,
alcohol and cigarettes are commonly used to help release stress. There are other drugs people

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used but known to be illegal. People who are prone to use these types of products are mostly
looked down upon, opposite of someone living in the Brave New World.
It is revealed to us that in Huxley's society no one is equal. In their society everyone
works for everyone else. We cant do without anyone. Even Epsilons (91). This demonstrates
the high priority put on the community and identity in the society.However in our society it is not
easily seen the same way. People are usually on their own willing to achieve their own goals.
Another example is that science is not seen as a huge help it isn't only art that's incompatible
with happiness; it's also science. Science is dangerous, we have to keep it most carefully
chained( 67). Science cannot be the only factor in progress, science often illuminates facts that
does not profit one's happiness.
We see differences and similarities in both of the new worlds. Some are very opposite. In
some ways we see that society is moving towards the Brave New World. Both societies show
examples of how people live their lives in two whole different societies. A reader can learn from
both societies and even make changes to oneself.

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