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Goal Interpretation: Diversity of The Human Experience!

I define the Diversity of the Human Experience as actively seeking out points of

view which differ from your own, especially from those who have a different background
from you. The UNST definition is as follows, Students will enhance their appreciation
for and understanding of the rich complexity of the human experience through the study
of differences in ethnic and cultural perspectives, class, race, gender, sexual orientation,
and ability. It appears to me that we have said essentially the same thing, although
UNST was more specific, and included more examples. In our FRINQ class, we were
taught that there will often be people who dont share our opinions. Instead of judging
their opinions validity, we should attempt to understand why they feel the way they do
by putting ourselves in their shoes. !

Paying greater mind to the Diversity of the Human Experience has caused me to

learn valuable life lessons both in and out of the classroom. As I have gone through the
year, I have grown more conscientious. I keep in mind that others have not had the
same life experiences I have, nor have I had theirs. It allows for a more tactful, civilized
discourse. This trait is particularly lacking in society today and is more import and than
ever before, due to the increased movement of people across the globe.

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