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Christian Castro

Shuv Raj Rana Bhat

RWS 1301
March 14, 2016
Community Problem Proposal
New health issues rise day by day and scientists most of the time find it difficult to find
the cure. The condition of excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body, also known as
obesity has become one of the greatest issues the community of El Paso encounters.
Obesity has been a major problem due to excessive eating, high levels of physical
inactivity, and others suffer from it because of genetics. Foods with high fat or sugar contribute
in obesity issues. The burning of calories highly differs between those physically active and
those physically inactive. People who have one or both parents that are obese, they are more
likely to develop hormones that are involved in fat regulation. Many cases have shown that
psychological factors also lead to frequency of eating. Emotions, for some people, are the lead
influences to eating disorders. Being stressed, sad or angry are causes of why people eat
excessively. Today, new medications are being developed to help prevent this health risk from
moving up to a higher and more dangerous stage. Programs are being created to help those
suffering from obesity by keeping them physically active, and healthier eating habit.
Obesity is an issue shouldnt be taken lightly. It is a very dangerous health issue and in
many cases, it has led to depression, seizures, high blood pressure, and even death. Taking care
of the body is very important. The change of the life style by becoming physically active or

changing eating habits may lead to a healthier life not only the person itself but to their family as

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