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COMPONENTS OF POPULATION CHANGE A. Natural components 1. births births minus deaths = natural increase 2. deaths B. Migration — people move their residence 1. internal (domestic) migration - a country, including within a state or province tion: a person moves in from another part of the same country b. out-migration: a person moves out to live in another part of the same country in-migration minus out-migration = net internal migration 2. international (foreign) migration - between countries 4, immigration - a person moves in from another country b. emigration - a person moves out to live in another country immigration minus emigration = net international migration Total population change in an area during a particular period of time = natural increase + net internal migration + net international migration ‘What are the reasons for differences in each of these components from place to place? Consider: desirability — what people want or need to do - because? feasibility — what people are able to do - because? In what ways do the components affect each other?

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