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Me dieval Clothing and Music

By: Taylor Newton

Lower Class Clothing

Peasants daily wear consisted of brown jackets,
felt hats with stirrups or straw hats, linen shirts,
leather flasks, and pewter badges.
M i d d l e Cl a s s Cl o t h i n g
●People such as Friars, Tailors, and
Shoemakers each had a distinguished
look among the middle class.

●Friars w ore cloaks w ith habits and

hoods. Along w ith a rope belt and beads
for counting prayers.

●Tailors made their ow n clothing, they

styles varied but most of their clothing
often w ere some type of fabric.

Shoemakers w ore borealis hats and

w oolen coats w ith fur-trimmed sleeves.

Upper Class Clothing

Kings and Queens had the most
distinguished look in their own community.
Only kings and queens would wear brightly
colored silks and crowns.

They wore the most expensive clothing that
they could buy that nobody else could.

Knights wore sleevless surcoats covered with
a coat of arms.
Men's and Woman's Clothing
●Clothing for men varied throughout decades of
the Middle Ages. It went from loose to tight tunics.
Undershirts, briefs with sleeveless jackets,
stockings, and cloaks were also all apart of a
man's daily wear.

●Woman had a very little variety. A very popular

choice of clothing was Kirtles. Married women
would wear tight-fitting caps with nets over their
hair, and un-married women would wear loose or
tight braided veils.
Me dieval Music
Bas i c i nf or mat i on

●Music was a big part in the everyday life of

Medieval citizens

●Music was especially popular during festivals or


● Music during special events was very uplifting to

the people listening to it.
Styles and Influences
● Medieval music was first performed in unison
● The notes were often the same length and song


In the 12 century, C. Harmony was introduced
● The Middle Ages consisted of the secular music

of the church
●Travel led a new foreign interest in beautiful

objects. (Ex: elegant manner, poetry, and music)

●Middle Age music was mostly influenced by Arab

love songs.
● Ideals of courtly love, culture change,

Troubadours, Minstrels, and the growth of

Christianity also contributed to musical influences.

● On days like weddings and Valentines day,

lovers music would be played to evoke the
romantic atmosphere. They called this music
● On Christmas, bells would be played to tell the

people the good news of Jesus' birth.

●On Mayday high pitched music was specially

prepared and played. They would have dancers

dance to this. They did this because they believed
the hibernating spirits would awaken and warn
them that spring had arrived.

●A very popular type of music was buoyant and

cheery music with crescendos.

●This and other styles of music were often made

by either recorders, horns, trumpets, whistles,
bells, or drums.

● And sometimes all in one song.

● Alchin, L.K. “The Middle Ages.” Middle-Ages.
N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jul. 2006. (No publisher was

● “Medieval Life.” World Web Design. Np., n.d.

Web. 2001.

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