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Skinner 1

Justin Skinner
Jerome McKeever
English 102H
February 29, 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Crainer, Stuart. "Business Heros Ray Kroc." Business Strategy Review 16.4
(2005): 47-48. 22 February 2016.
Crainer, a management journalist, business theorist, and adjunct
professort at IE Business School, is know for his work on the history
and state of the art of management theory. In the article, Crainer
elaborates on Raymond Krocs experience in sales and how he
convinced the McDonald brothers to license their name to him. The
article is important to my research because it explains Krocs life
before McDonalds and what he brought to the company.
Goodman, Douglas J. Consumer Culture: A Reference Handbook. ABC-CLIO,
Inc., 2004. 22 February 2016.
Goodman, a graduate of the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma,
Washington, is best known for work on the Classical Sociological
Theory. In the handbook, Goodman discussed how Kroc was able to
create standardization in food preperation, as well as, in employee
training, through Hamburger University. He also discusses how the
Western fast food symbol has contributed to various global problems.
This is important to my research because it helps further develop
Krocs persona, as well as, the problems the empire has faced.
Gross, Daniel. Forbes Greatest Business Stories of All Time. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1996. 22 February 2016.
Gross earned a Masters of Art in Ameican History at Harvard Univerity.
He is a respected journalist and author. In the book, he discusses how
Ray Kroc was able to increase his profit through buying property and
leasing it to franchisees. He also talks about other problems Kroc had
to overcome, like his marriage and opening stores in foreign countries.
This helps with my research because it shows how Kroc had to be
cunning to survive in this market.

Skinner 2

Hamilton, Neil A. American Business Leaders: From Colonial Times to the

Present. ABC-CLIO, Inc., 1999. 22 February 2016.
Hamilton is a professor of history at Spring Hill College in Mobile,
Alabama. He also serves as an adjunct professor at the University of
South Alabama. In his book, he explains Krocs motto of Q.S.C.&V.
(Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value.) Kroc was adament on fresh
food, the best employees, spotless establishments,and low prices. This
helps with my research because it demonstrates how stern and specific
Kroc was when it came to how he wanted things run.
Hacht, Anne Marie. Literary Newsmakers for Students. Vol. 3. Gale, 2009. 22
Feburary 2016.
Hacht is a published editor who works for Gale, an educational
publishing company. She has written many books that are meant to be
study guides for various topics. Within this book, she examines Krocs
and many others promotional campaigns that target children
specifically. For example, Playlands/McDonaldlands and buildings near
parks and schools. The book helped me with my research because it
shows how Kroc was able to target children, which in turn caused an
increase in sales because they made their parents go to McDonalds.
Hayes, Kecia, Shirley R Steinberg and Kenneth Tobin. Key Works in Critical
Pedagogy. SensePublishers, 2011. 22 February 2016.
All three authors are well know for their work in Critical Pedagogy,
which is a form of education in which students are taught to question
common beliefs and form their own understanding from what they
learn. In the book, they reference Kroc as being an extremely proud
American. He was very patriotic and was even able to turn McDonalds
into a symbol of America. They also dicuss Krocs sexism with the
company, as well as, sexual harrasment. Their book helped with my
research because it examines many unknown aspects of Krocs beliefs.
Kroc, Ray A. Grinding It Out: The Making Of McDonald's. Chicago:
Contemporary Books, Inc., 1977. 22 February 2016.
Written by the Ray Kroc, the ultimate reference. Within his book, he
recounts all the steps he had to take to make McDonalds what it is. It
is an amazing source of information for my paper because it is written
by the man I am researching; however, for that same reason, it may be
a little biased compared to my other sources. He had the potential to
breeze over controversial issues.

Skinner 3

Pepin, Jacques. "Ray Kroc." TIME Magazine 152.23 (1998): 176. 22 February
Pepin is an esteemed chef, author, and televsion host on PBS. Within
the article, Pepin further examines how Kroc was not only able to get
all of Americas children to love McDonalds, but also the children in
other countries. Pepin discusses how his nieces children always want
McDonalds when he visits them in France. This was a beneficial find
for my research because it shows the lasting impact Kroc was able to
achieve through McDonalds.
Smith, Andrew F. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America.
Oxford University Press, 2004. 22 February 2016.
Smith is a Food Historian who teaches at the New School University in
New York. In 2005, he was a finalist for the James Beard Award for
Reference and Scholarship for his Encyclopedia of Food and Drink. In
this book, Smith goes into detail about McDonalds success abroad, as
well as, the hostility received. This helped my research because it
helps further account what Kroc was able to achieve, even after his
Stern, Judith S. Obesity: A Reference Handbook. ABC-CLIO, Inc., 2009. 22
February 2016.
Stern is a well distinguished Professor Emerita, meaning she retired
with a high honor and was allowed to keep the title, at the University of
California. She works in the departments of nutrition and medicine. In
her book, she talks about how McDonalds is linked to the obesity
epidemic. This is useful to me because it shows one of the many issues
McDonalds has been facing lately.

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