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Angela Marie Sanchez


7 Things All Students Want to Know

1. Am I in the right room?
Students will be assured in knowing they are in the right room by having myself standing
outside of the door to my room, which will also be visibly labeled. Students will be
verified that they are in the correct room prior to entering.
2. Where am I supposed to sit?
Students will be advised on seating assignments, assigned seating will be instructed, on
the first day of class.
3. What are the rules in the classroom?
Classroom rules will be covered and implemented on the first day of class and reinforced
daily. Classroom rules will be given to each student and parent in the syllabus, be
accessible for viewing on the class website, and will be posted visibly in the classroom at
all times. Extra hard copies will be always be available upon request.
4. What will I be doing this year?
Classroom procedures will be covered and implemented on the first day of class and
reinforced daily.
5. How will I be graded?
Each student will be graded based on their mastery of the learning criteria. No grading on
a curve will be administered.
6. Who is the teacher as a person?
A small Who I Am board will be visibly posted in the classroom. A small biography
can also be accessed on the class website.
7. Will the teacher treat me like a human being?
Every student will be treated with respect, dignity and love daily. Students will be
supported, encouraged and challenged in the classroom.

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